Carl Thyge Cordua (Also know as Mist, Mistew, Mamty or Mr Mamty Namty) was born October 3rd 2007 in Rønne hopital, Bornholm, Denmark. Mist was removed from his biological parents in 2009 when he was around 1 ½ years old. When Mist came to his new foster home and met his new foster parents, its like something sparked inside him. Not much is really known from Mist′s childhood as its mostly forgotten and is taboo to talk about.

Mist was around ½ years old when he started in kindergarten, In a little village called Pedersker, He was only there for about 2 ½ months before his foster dad found him crying in a corner all by himself. In which his foster dad picked him up and took him and his sister home again.

Mist then went to a new kindergarten in another small village called Tejn, which is now his childhood place. The first day at the new kindergarten he was impossible to get home as he had made new friend named Markus. Mist took another year in kindergarten before going to school as he was not ready for that yet, since he was diagnosed with ADHD and AUTISIM.

He later went to Kongeskærskolen in Allinge but he did not get any form of attention from any teachers or adults.The school was very commanding and abusive towards the students. His biologial mother and foster mother one day went with him to see why he easily got upset so often. His mother found they were violent towards him and tried to throw into the office for no apparent reason, And in 2nd grade he then switched school and went to Østermarie Heldagsskolen (special school) where he have now graduated from. He quickly lost his best and only friend Markus as the were now separated from each other. He then met another guy named Ricco, they also became quick best-friends. Ricco tho was a grade above Mist so after a year they quickly lost contact too.

But Mist met another guy named Sebastian. They go along fast despite their different races, but Sebastian was a grade below Mist so again after a year they lost contact but Mist met Ricco again and also met Lucas, a new friend. The trio were in same class from from 2020 to mid 2022 but Lucas and Ricco they were still a grade above Mist, so he lost contact and they graduated quickly after that. Yet another breakdown made Mist really depressed and sent him into a bunch of criminal acts in cases where he began stealing a lot.

During Covid-19 Mist met this girl named Livia whom he was in absolute in love with but he simply did not know how to tell her, his feelings. They talked and chatted almost every single day until he met this guy named Oliver whom he got friends with real fast. But to his surprise he got a text from Livia because she had a important thing to tell. She and Oliver had started to date, Mist was broken since Oliver knew he loved Livia. Some of the memories Mist has with Livia is he gifted a ring he had gotten from a beloved family member who had told him to gift it to someone special, and a pen with both of their name on it.

He also got drunk for the first time, a few days after his 14th birthday. Him and Oliver found an unopened bottle of Jägermeister hidden on the docks of Tejn. Mist had to walk Oliver to the bus before going home again, but Mist asked the bus driver something no one can remember but the bus driver had called the police since a drunk kid was waddling around. Mist was then picked by his foster parents and they drove home again where he had to call the authorities back and them he was fine, just tired. Mist is still unsure about how the police got in contact with his foster parents that evening, or even why the bus driver called the police on the first round. Some time after the drunken incident, Oliver and Livia broke up but Mist did not want to get in contact with either of them again.

In 8th grade Mist did not really learn anything because his school "did not have enough teachers" so they had a temporary teacher almost the whole year for almost every class. Mist is now 2 years behind on every class and subject.

Mist still has contact with his biological parents and sees them a few hours a month. His parents never got married and a few years after his birth they broke up. His mother met a new guy and they loved each other and got married in 2012. His father met this girl and they got together but never got married. Mists mother and husband got a divorce in 2024 after someone at their church had looked at her phone over her shoulder and believed she was cheating on her husband when she was not. They got divorced shortly before their 12th year anniversary. His father broke up in 2024 too and they got seperated rather quickly.

In 2022 he got his first license for a moped scooter that hes grateful to have to this day, but he got pulled over for not wearing a helmet while driving. Mist even stole whiskey and bourbon from his parents and drove under influence for the first time.

From the age of 15-16 nothing much really happened since he wanted to be the good guy again and was a little tired of being the bad guy.

Mist is now suffering from Anxiety, Depression and social anxiety. He has long gone tried to get friends but in late 2023 after his 16th birthday he decided to try yet again. He still suffers alcohol problems to this day.

Late February and early March he started to smoke and started to hang out with Oliver again and felt like being the bad guy again. While Mist is still on the search for a normal social life he is also starting to save money to go to rehab and get therapy sessions again. Since he threw his old therapist away and didn't open up enough.

May 26, 2024 Mist was at work, a customer got unhappy 2-3 times and Mist was stressed because his coworker didn't come and open up the second cash register and to understand this, Mists workplace has a bell to ring when help is needed and which Mist rang dozens of times but if no one shows and the queue starts to pile up you of course can get stressed a lot. It ended when Mists coworker showed up finally and Mist then quote said: Fuck det her lort, jeg skrider. (fuck this shit I'm leaving) and he then left on his moped scooter and drank 3 beers. He was then later stopped by the police in an unmarked cruiser where they asked him how much had been drinking, Mist said a single beer and they believed him, Mist was then charged with Drinking and driving, Driving without a helmet, Reckless driving and running from the cops.

Mist began to stress eat at a young age and that has caused him to gain a lot of weight, Mist was very overweight for years, But in August 2023 he began a diet and got some weight loss medicine, and soon he started to lose a lot of weight, Mist went from 120 Kgs (265 lb) and he is now down to 100 Kgs (220 lb).

Hes currently working a part-time job in Dagli Brugsen Tejn. Mist is even trying to learn new languages such as German and Dutch.

Mist is currently feeling that he is not his birth gender as when he looks at women and girls he gets jealous and wants to be like them too.

Mist really likes a few people whom he wants to be friends with but hes quite unsure on how to tell them tho. Some of these people hes grown attached to are Ben23Mega, Gubbl3BuppyUwU, WaluChez, Bananarchy, Oddotto, Cube.

Mist has a deeply hard time to tell new people he meet that he might be considered a child predator or a child romancer, as he often chat with people younger than him. He of course dont want a romantic thing with someone who is 3-4 years younger than him. He usually only tell this to people he deeply trusts, which is also the reason he usually is the quiet type when it comes to opening up. When Mist is drunk he can be very charming, open hearted, honest and tell his feelings to almost everyone he meets, this might seem like a good thing at first but really isn't, since most of his feelings contain love about someone else which can hurt him or others.

A quick list of Mists criminal record: Multiple counts of Drinking and driving, attempted Arson, Vandalism, Underage drinking, Trespassing, Assault and battery, Multuplie counts of Theft, Embezzlement (not yet confirmed), Piracy, Stalking, Doxxing, driving without a helmet on a motorized vehicle, Speeding, Speeding on a bicycle?, running from cops and at last we got Possession of illegal substances. Most of these crimes have not been confirmed. Mist is deeply regretting some of his crimes he has done over the span of years

If you seek more information about Mr. Mamty you can contact him at "mamty_namty" on Discord since his dms are always open for everyone (Except the police they can fuck off)

Authors: Mistew Mamty Namty and Chassandra Jeffery