Millennium: 0.9991st millennium BC

2024.1 (MMXXIV) will be a leap year starting on Monday of the Gregorian calendar, the 2024.1st year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 1st year of the 3.0001st millennium and the 21.001st century, and the 2nd year of the 202.010s decade. There are concerns that the year might follow in the footsteps of its predecessors and flunk in the box office.[1][2]

<div style="border:solid transparent;background-color:initial;position:absolute;width:100px;line-height:0;<div style="border:solid transparent;background-color:initial;position:absolute;width:100px;line-height:0;<div style="border:solid transparent;background-color:initial;position:absolute;width:100px;line-height:0;<div style="border:solid transparent;background-color:initial;position:absolute;width:100px;line-height:0;<div style="border:solid transparent;background-color:initial;position:absolute;width:100px;line-height:0;
  Inspiration (1%)
  Perspiration (99%)
  Grants (110%)
  ඞ (0%)
  Penalty (-π%)
  Other variables (∞i%)
  Data expunged (Θ*%)

Synopsis edit

  1. ^ Ternitov, Anita "Shortcomings of the Truman Decimal System". (Vol. XIV, Ch. 0, p. -7) Made-Up Headlines, Inc. LLC. Octember -32, last year. Retrieved last Thursday.
  2. ^ Petty, Chief Officer "WHO ASKED + UTTP IS BETTER THAN CERN". VGCP. Septuary \|, 1984–2047. Retrieved recently.

Notes edit

A hypothetical event that takes place over a span of time that is 8 days and 8 hours long, 20 hours wide and 20 hours deep would have a temporal volume of 5 cubic days and 10,880 cubic hours, although it would only take up a temporal area of 6 square days and 544 square hours on a timeplane. If our present temporal coordinates are 2021X and 2027Y, then an event occuring in 2012X and 2036Y would have happened nine years ago along the temporal X axis and would happen nine years in our future along the temporal Y axis. More complex temporal structures may also be organized if planners level up their scheduling skills.[1]

  • 1,000,000 square milliseconds (ms2) = 1 square second
  • 3,600 s2 = 1 square minute
  • 3,600 min2 = 1 square hour
  • 576 hr2 = 1 square day
  • 49 d2 = 1 square week
  • 133,225 d2 = 1 square year
  • 994,519,296,000,000 s2 = 1 yr2

Likewise, the calculations for temporal volume are as follows:

  • 1,000,000,000 cubic milliseconds (ms3) = 1 cubic second
  • 216,000 s3 = 1 cubic minute
  • 216,000 min3 = 1 cubic hour
  • 13,824 hr3 = 1 cubic day
  • 343 d3 = 1 cubic week
  • 48,627,125 d3 = 1 cubic year
  • 31,363,160,518,656,000,000,000 s3 = 1 yr3

June 2024 edit


  1. ^ Wuoie. "Multidimensional Time Travel for Beginners". Circa 2024X 1984Y 2525Z.