Hello, I'll make this a terse statement, I am currently attending school, my interests are, if you can't already tell, math and music! Although I do swim for my school and the Tigershark swim team.

I'm not sure if did this right looking back upon it, I'll leave it up as it is. I'm not familiar with how my page should be set up!--MozartEinsteinPhysics! (talk) 02:42, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

As you can see, if you have ever seen this page...I am becoming more proficient, and unorganized but hey, thats how I like it to be, at Wikipeida. Now you can find some of my personal beliefs here! Yippee! Yay! Personal Knowledge about me!--MozartEinsteinPhysics! (talk) 03:52, 26 January 2009 (UTC)

This user enjoys music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
FE This user's favorite game series is
Fire Emblem.
This user enjoys music by George Frideric Handel.
This user enjoys music by Antonín Dvořák.
This user knows basic
music theory.
This user is a music composer.
This user plays the viola.
This user can read sheet music.
This user believes in logic.
This user believes in materialism, the belief that everything that exists is made of matter.
This user believes that all men are created equal.
This user believes truth is adaequatio intellectus et rei, or something like that.
This user has been tested and is a Certified Nerd.
This user would like to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to investigate it personally.
This user's favorite subject is physics.
This user is interested in mathematical physics.
This user has a keen interest in physics.
This user knows global warming is a reality we are facing.
This user supports protection of the environment.
This user prefers cold weather.


This user is a swimmer.
This user enjoys thinking in Four Dimensions.
This user enjoys n-dimensional objects.
10This user realizes that there are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who do not.
This user likes geometry.
!=This user believes that 0.99999... does NOT equal 1.
This user loves knowledge.
This user is interested in the history of Italy.
AYBThis user knows that
"all your base are belong to us."
cvg-4This user is an expert gamer.
This user supports the policies and views of Barack Hussein Obama.
lib This user is a liberal and doesn't understand why Americans have demonised the word.

PROThis user is a progressive.
This user is a left-wing capitalist & doesn't see any contradiction in it.
This user is against communism.

This user thinks we should tax pollution.
PRO This user is personally pro-life but supports a woman's right to choose.
"No smoking" sign with text This user supports the ban on smoking in public places.
This user's safety and liberty are threatened by all firearms.
This male user supports feminism.
This user supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.
This user is straight but not narrow.
This user believes that sweatshops in poor countries do more harm than good.
FamliyThis user's Grandfather patented Allegra and was part of the ACS