Invite to Wikipedians by mental health category



The Psychology Wiki.

Hi there, I noticed that you are in the category Depressed Wikipedians. I have also suffered from Depression (am ok at the moment luckily) and I am one of the administrators on The Psychology Wiki. As part of our project we are asking users to share their experiences of depression by writing a brief history of their experience, how they felt, their experiences of counselling and medication, as well as recovery and relapse. For example: Unhappy Larry/Experience & Mostly Zen/Experience

Understandably this is quote personal stuff, so we are allowing people to submit the experiences using an Alias User account (what Wikipedia calls sockpuppets) just for the experience writing. If you want to contribute in other ways to our Wiki you will be allowed a second account, for this purpose only.

Once the experience page is uploaded, you can ask an Administrator to protect the page for you, which will ensure that no other users can edit that page (though they can still discuss it on the talk page). We will follow standard psychology ethical guidelines of confidentiality, anonymity and withdrawal. This means that no-one will know who you are and that you can have the experience page removed at any time should you wish.

I hope you can help us with our wiki, either in this way or by contributing to our other articles. Eventually we want to have all of the discipline of Psychology on our Wiki, as well as peoples experiences of depression, and other illnesses such as Bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia etc... The idea is that by sharing experiences of distress and recovery we can help one another (and the psychologists) to understand how best to help people recover.

Here are our Depression related articles:

I hope you get well from your depression, it made my life miserable for a while but I am (mostly) better now :)

Mostly Zen

Invite to Psychologist Wikipedians


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The Psychology Wiki is a Wikia project, meaning that it is hosted by Wikia Inc., which was founded by Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley. You can think of the project as a daughter of the wikipedia site.

The Psychology Wiki's mission is to create an online resource placing the entire body of psychology knowledge in the hands of its users, be they academics, practitioners or users of psychology services. It is intended to be a meta-textbook, with full academic referencing and extensive cross linking between different subject areas.

The Psychology Wiki differs from Wikipedia psychology articles in that:

  • 1) It is intended to contain all of the discipline of psychology, like a giant meta-textbook, rather than an Encyclopedia.
  • 2) It will therefore go into much greater technical detail than one would have in an encyclopedia. It will have full academic referencing.
  • 3) It will have Personal Experiences relating to psychology issues on seperate user pages, protected by admins, allowing POV to be expressed on these pages only. The rest of the wiki is NPOV, but expression of personal experience is nessesary and desireable on our wiki.
  • 4) It will have course content pages from academic and clinical courses with links to internal wiki articles.
  • 5) It will be a place for researchers to discuss latest papers etc...
The Psychology Wiki.
  • 6) As the site will mainly be of interest to people who study or work in psychology, we expect that the majority of our contributors will be psychologists by training. Of our current contributors, approximately 80% are psychologists. This means that the community works very differently from Wikipedia, due to a much greater level of expertise.

Here are some useful pages on our site:

Please have a look at the Psychology Wiki and let us know what you think. We need your criticisms as much as your advice. Most of all though, we need your Contributions in order to make the project a success. See Our Vision for more details.

Mostly Zen

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Psychology Wiki

The Logo for the Psychology Wiki.

Hi there,

I noticed that you are interested in Psychology, and thought you might be interested in this project which I am involved in, The Psychology Wiki.

I won't say too much, as I'd like you to judge it for yourself, but you should find that it is different from Wikipedia, because approximately 90% of our contributors so far are psychologists, either professionals like yourself, academics, or students and trainees.

Its hosted by a company called Wikia, which was founded by Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley. There are Google Ads on the site, but we dont make money from the project, they're just to pay for the bandwidth, storage and technical support that Wikia give us.

Have a look and see what you think