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Kfar Deborah was a Jewish settlement during the Talmud period above Nahal Gilbon in the Golan Heights . On the site of Kfar Davora, the Syrian village of Daboria existed, which is now abandoned. Before the Six Day War , the village was inhabited by Bedouins from the Narana tribe, who made secondary use of the stones of the ancient Jewish settlement for construction purposes. The village is now located northwest of the settlement of Kedmat Zvi .



Archaeological remains were found in the village that indicate a prosperous settlement during the Mishna and Talmud periods , including remains of olive oil mills , which was probably the most important economic branch of the village and contributed to its wealth.

One of the most important findings found in the village is a unique doorframe decorated with two birds of prey holding a wreath in their beaks, and on it is the inscription:

"This is a seminary of Rabbi Eliezer Hakaper . "

The inscription refers to Rabbi Eliezer Hakafar , a fifth-generation Tana , who worked in Katzrin and its surroundings.The door frame is now in the Golan Antiquities Museum in Katsrin.

Another lintel stone was found embedded in the walls of one of the houses. It is about a meter long and is decorated with the image of an eagle holding a wreath in its beak and two fish beside it . It is possible that this door frame decorated the synagogue in the village. Not a single stone of this lintel is found in the village anymore, and the wall in which it was embedded has collapsed, as of December 2017.

Mount Adir (transliterated from Arabic : Jebel Adtir) is a mountain in the Upper Galilee that is located in the territory of the Mount Miron Reserve , near the settlements of Sasa , Matat and Horfish .

A well-preserved female with quite characteristic genitals describe yourself perfectly. The specimen is light brown in color, without any noticeable foreground. wing drawing. The head and tegulae are light brown, the ones slightly darker Scales form a faintly elongated shape on the head Shadow. The palps are light brown to dirty whitish, the standing scales of the second limb are darkened, as is the clearly visible dark double ring on the third palp segment. The front fiugel are of a mixture of light brown and darkened scales covered, the latter of which have the suggestion of an elongated axial form a wing shadow. The three eye-like points made of black Scales are particularly noticeable on the right forewing. Also Black groups of scales are visible in the wing apex. hind wings are grey, fringes dirty grey-whitish. Underside of forewing shiny bráunlieh. Legs light with ash-gray mottled to ringed tibiae and Tarsi. Front wing length 5.5 mm. The female genitalia (Fig. 7) have very long anterior apophyses, The structure of the periostium is somewhat similar to that of the ser. sali- nella and Ser. samadensis group, to whose relatives the species belong could. The foam-like sculpture on both sides of the ostium is only hinted at. Signum is quite large, its base is faintly thorny, the whole signum is curved almost like a semicircle. Material: Holotype $, Z.-Afghanistan, Koh-i-Baba, S. side, Panjo, 2650 m, 20th -22nd. 7. 1966, H.G. Amsel lied. (Karlsruhe).