
The door Zuweila, it is called that name in relation to the tribe of the Berbers in north Africa, joined the soldiers to the army to open the essence of Egypt .. And the door Zuwaylah is part three, which is still resisting the factors of time and neglect after Papi victory, conquest, and this section the most beautiful sections of the three most spectacular, with towers Mqosan at the base, and are more like to ram the door of the conquests but more rotated, and has a door Zuweila a square, the length of each side of ribs (25 meters) and a corridor door Zuweila all roofed dome, most of the decorating elements have disappeared .. When the king built a pro-Abu-Nasr Shaykh mosque in 818 AH, chose the architect of the twin towers of the mosque door Zuwaylah and established them minarets mosque .. The famous historian (Qalqashandi) a lot from the door Zuweila, and is reproduced in his book (Subh Aloash) verses of poetry written by Ali bin Mohammed indigo talk about the greatness of this section, such as saying:

, Pal, if I saw this door Zuweila

To learn as much as replaced by a structure

If the Pharaoh did not want seen

A monument not recommended by Hamana

Called the general on the door Zuweila Gate incumbent .. Where he was sitting in the entrance (Metwally) Collection of income tax to Cairo!

Why Built The idea of building portals around the cities in Egypt didnot show, only in the era of the Fatimid state, came when the essence of Sicilian driving forces Caliph Muizz from Kairouan to enter Egypt, where he founded the city of Cairo which has not known by that name only after four years of its establishment, when the advent of ma'az to the religion God to Egypt, where our little Maqrizi to Fort Cairo has launched in the first name of Mansourieh honor of those suburbs created by Al Mansour's father goats near Kairouan, and then change the name back to Cairo and then called (Cairo probation) during the reign of Caliph al-Hakim, but in Mustansir era came to be called (consoling Cairo probation) and then changed again to the Emir of Cairo during the reign of Caliph Al-Amir.

It is likely, historically, the commander is the essence of Sicily had chosen this site to military considerations, because of the cliffs that is to the east of them is considered a defensive line, Bunker, provided by nature, was not in the whole place is only a Coptic monastery old (Dir bones) and orchard stock known as Park Cavour, who ruled Egypt before the arrival of the Fatimids, and that the situation of workers poles to determine the new fort or palace, which will be the new headquarters of the Fatimid Khalifa until the incident occurred has surprised us Retold historians ..

Astrologers Moroccans stood talking amongst themselves to determine the date of commencement of work, and the bells hanging on the ropes extending from a column to another, and pending the date determined by those wise men, and even the workers begin .. But something had happened hit everyone by surprise and astonishment, as birds stop at the edge of a column, I took all the bells ringing, and then started digging shovels, and the moment may bells, the planet Mars in the ascendant, and Mars is a compelling names .. Thus began the first steps to build Cairo over time ..!

Since the foundations of the essence of the Sicilian city of Cairo, each was keen to build a fence around it punctuated by eight gates, and the essence of many reasons for this, notably that of the Fatimid state that do to the rule of Egypt was the Shiite sect, while the people of Egypt to Sunni Islam, is the view of two Abbasid and Umayyad Hence the rulers Fatimids fear since the first moments of the rule of reflux Egyptians loyalty to them and join under the banner of the Abbasid Sunni doctrine, along with the Fatimids were not safe from other Shiites who covet to have a share in the succession, led Alaqramtp, The era of the Fatimids in Egypt has become a home for the succession, and not merely the Principality House, each of these reasons, the essence of Sicily to take the new city wall shield them from the evil enemies of the Fatimids and preserves their dignity and enable them to perform their rituals according to the Shiite sect.

Bab Zuweila - Bbreign and minarets - a slogan taken to Cairo Governorate "Gate Zewailah (485 AH 1092 AD), known as the gate-Mutawalli and consists of a huge block structural view 25.72 meters and a depth of 25 meters and a height of 24 meters from the original level of the street, consists of the door towers round pins highlights the third cluster of plant outside the fence and the center of the twin towers corridor open leads to the entrance door and rise towers to two-thirds of the rise in building solid and comes in one-third the top of each chamber defense covered vault longitudinally intersects with the basement of an accidental but that the architect of inclusive pro Sheikh Think of the advantage of all basis of the twin towers of the mosque minarets in 818 AH resorted to piercing the central part of the basement of each of the two rooms and built bases on the minarets cluster flat immediately, and then rose the minarets and the unique door Zuweila several phenomena of architectural and decorative details.

On Sunday, 14/09/2003 re-opening of the door Zuweila, the impact Fatimid built south of Cairo by more than 900 years after the end of a working group of the Egyptian-American restoration.

Sheikh pro built Almozntin He has pro-Sheikh in the fifteenth century AD (818 AH, the year 820 AH 1417) to build a mosque which led him to close one of the entrances historic neighboring one out and the other for the entry and the first successors Alvatmin who ruled Egypt entered the capital of his new entrance right at this gate. Has also established a pro Almozntin which now constitute the main features of the gate above the towers, which were established Alboaptinkma oversee the balcony next to the body section; for overlooking them to review the army when he came out and entered it. . Has been named section name Zuweila proportion to the tribe that inhabited the Moroccan Zuweila vicinity after the Fatimid conquest of Egypt. Also developed a pro minarets, which now constitute the most prominent features of the gate towers, which were above oversee the gates. He was named section name Zuweila proportion to the tribe that inhabited the Moroccan Zuweila vicinity after the Fatimid conquest of Egypt

Was restored gate wood, who weighs four tons and re-mobilized for the closure and opening after it was lagging 500 years ago, due to the accumulation of dust and the door Zuweila is the wooden door of wood, laminated, which is composed of "Dilftin" or "two panels", and weighs about 4 tons .. The width of the building while the gate is approximately 26 meters and a depth of 25 meters and a height of 34 meters from the current street level and 37 meters if he is re to the street to put the old

Has also been restored basin watering animals and the remains of floors and the remains of equipment comment criminals on the door after killing them. He was suspended from the months of his body on this portal Sultan Thomai with any other Mamluk sultans.

Antics launched by the General section Zewailah There is a belief among the public in the region that the spirit of incumbent, which bore the name The portal also live east of the shutter door, where he was known for appearing in several different forms, one of the tutors who had people ask for help.

They also say that the door incumbent attributed to Sheikh addressed the ways in stories such as myths, where they said it was flying from Cairo to Mecca and back without one will see. People were destination in order to get their blessings and to meet the needs where they were no petitions, complaints and Liedson leaves the wood door and Msamirh and when they want to beg the governor wrapped pieces of cloth around the nails and the most important artifacts, which still exist in Aalbwabp wooden boat colored hanging over the door Zuweila, it was believed that the boat good and the pond which stemmed from the incumbent without interruption and exceeds the pros on both reflects the portal timber large.

Out of the story

This is the story of the door Zuweila .. What about the incident hang Sultan Tumanbay and suspend his body at the door for three days? .. Tumanbay The story begins after the death of his cousin Sultan Ghori in position (Mercidabık), which disappeared where her body was found after the impact ..! Without the betrayal of Mamluk princes to their power and their leader Ghouri, he was able to defeat the Ottomans Zahvin to Egypt, and Isdhm on the progress so .. Has signed, but the defeat of Al-Ghouri, and took the remnants of his army back to Egypt, the army took the Ottoman invaders continue to encroachment in Egypt under Sultan Selim I, and entertained people in Egypt, concern, and are at a loss as to the future, and raised some Mamluk charm .. Was looted Khan el-Khalili, the killing of the traders tumors under the pretext of belonging to the Ottomans, and Cmataathm killed Ghori, who had been appointed nephew (Tumanbay) as his deputy before he was to fight the Ottomans, and after the killing, the whole warlords Cairo to choose Prince Tumanbay authority of the country .. But declined to a critical situation and lack of money and poor means of defense and differentiate the hearts of princes and soldiers, and then returned later approved urgency, and after that I swear Mamluk princes in front of him on the Koran not to betray their power new, and took prepares to face the invaders .. Was not adopted Tumanbay the Mamluks alone, but was keen to be involved children in Cairo to defend the homeland, and camp was gathered Egyptian forces in the area (Marj), a district of the Abbasid now was of the view Tumanbay to come out with their forces to fight the enemy before it reaches Cairo But the prince did not obey, preferring to wait until the storm into their enemy's home, and indicates I'm menopausal that Toman was wearing a robe of war and carrying stones with builders and dust with workmen while digging trenches, and describes what happened on the battle of Marj-on 28 of Dhul Hijjah years 92 2 AH says : (A vanguard of Lashkar-e-Ibn Osman at the pond (Hajj) on the outskirts of Cairo, she was greatly troubled conditions of the military of Egypt, and close the door Fotouh, and Bab al-Nasr and Bab poetry and the door of the sea .. the markets closed, and the shriek horn, and became the Sultan Tumanbay passengers that he is arranging the princes on the extent of their homes, and called for the soldiers out to fight, and I accept the Jund al-Othman, I'm spreading like locusts, Vtlaqy upheaval in the early Marj, was a huge battle between the two teams from the Ottoman and killed countless number). He goes on I'm menopausal says: (then sprung to life in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, killing of Lashkar-e-countless numbers.

This was the guidance of some princes traitors .. But the sultan Tumanbay proved himself in fighting the small number of slaves and the Mamelukes Asalhaddarip shooters, and then multiplied by the Ottoman Empire and the soldiers around him may say, afraid to arrest him, Aftoy (Sandzak) Royal or science and disappeared on the Torah).

And entered the Ottomans the city of Cairo the day after the fight and speeches, the name of Sultan Selim Shah, the pulpits of mosques, but Tumanbay did not give up and kept organizing the rows and joined crowds of boys Cairo Cdjaanha, and continued clashes between Tumanbay and the Ottoman Empire a long time seen the Cairo streets and old districts battles and attacks the popular resistance against the Ottomans, and in one of the attacks, the Popular Resistance, which took place in Bulaq, almost killed Selim I, after having taken Toman and his men being less and started stoning the fire and stones, and in the stage of resistance against the invaders, took Tumanbay from the University of Shaykhone a center of resistance popular, and this mosque is located in St. Shaykhone Baljamalip, and was called the old Street (Saliba), known in the region around region Saliba, has taken place in this region, violent battles between the forces of the Mamelukes and the Ottomans, fought the Tumanbay then escaped and walked out after that make sure that the balance of power is no longer in his favor.

After his escape burned Ottoman mosque Shaykhone and houses around it, and killed more than ten thousands of public servants, despite the ugliness of this retaliation, but that the resistance is not over, and continued Toman mobilize men to repel the invaders, that was the last battle, which occurred at the region and responses (Imbaba now) and won the Askar Egypt victories in the beginning, but that the Ottomans had prevailed in the end to their superior numbers and equipment, and that was the battle that broke the insurgency, and to take Tumanbay looking for a place to go, so do not fall into the hands of arch-Sultan Selim I, and sought refuge in Sheikh Araban friend (Hassan Bin Marei), who had ousted it from the prison, which the days of Sultan Ghori income, but Sheikh Araban Wuxi by .. And reported by the Sultan Selim! Who liked his courage and tenacity in his last interview with him, but it is hanged in the end ..

Night hang Thomanukan Egyptian historian Ibn Iyas an eyewitness to what happened and gave an accurate description of the facts of the day hanging Tumanbay which he said: (at the door Zuweila stops behind the Sultan captured Tumanbay .. was escorted by 400 soldiers from the softening .. It was tied up his horse .. The people in Cairo went out to get a glimpse of the farewell to the Sultan of Egypt ..

Tumanbay and looked forward to (the basement gate) and saw a rope hanging, realized that the end has come .. Ftergel .. And progress towards the door at a steady pace .. He stops and points out the people who gathered around the door Zewailah .. And looked forward to them a long time .. He asked everyone to read him light three times .. He then turned to the executioner, and asked him to carry out its mission) .. The hanging of Sultan Tumanbay restored order to the Sultan Selim in Egypt and the Levant, where he lived in Cairo for the grade in which conditions and arranged its affairs, and is carrying money Egypt and ammunition, masterpieces and made rich and manuscripts to his capital, the collection of hundreds of artisans and workers and experienced and the people of character and has deported to Constantinople, and left Egypt to the capital his three months after the hanging Tumanbay which remained his national hero and a symbol of resistance, and remained with his sword kept at the Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo, which carries the titles written in gold .. It just Sultan Abu al-Nasr Tumanbay .. Sultan of Islam and Muslims .. Father of the Poor and the needy .. Fought the infidels and Almushartin .. Reviver of Justice in the worlds!

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