Hi, Megawatterson (or HyperHobbes) here. Why not have a look at this page?

Some info about me


This is my article. I chose this username Megawatterson because I like Calvin and Hobbes, written by Bill Watterson. Anyway, here is some useless info about me:

(Real)Name: Chris Casbon
Age: 9 going on 10
Lives: England
Hobbies: computer games, writing, and drawing.

That's it. I will DEFINITELY add more when I think of something.

My interests


As you may have noticed in the first section, I enjoy writing stories (The Asbestos Room and Lost!) and drawing comics (The Adventures of Super Dog and M,N, and Diablo). I also enjoy computer games.

Story Plots {{Spoiler}} JOKING!

The Asbestos Room: Two teenage boys find themselves in a house haunted by two friendly ghosts, cursed until they discover the terrifying secret of their deaths-the Asbestos Room... Production halted due to late finish.

Lost!: A hungry, neglected dog escapes his home and is almost killed by an evil, animal-hating neighbour, but someone saves him. Slight Gore. Completed.

Epic Comics The Adventures of Super Dog: Henry Wignot Lodge PART 1: A mysterious murder in the woods leads Dog and Cat to a mysterious lodge, where they find a secret lab, home to something terrible, some writing about an ancient gem with legendary powers and they also find a diary with a long sum inside the front cover, belonging to the victim, Samantha Endrew.

PART 2: The Temporary Catch 22 They solve the sum and the answer is 106. On page 106, Dog and Cat find a phone number, and a piece of writing so mysterious this story might have to be continued. They dial the number and it turns out to be the number of Stephen H. Wignot III. Stephen, thinking it is Samantha, arranges to meet them in the park. It is then that Cat reveals to Stephen that Samantha is actually dead. Stephen instantly revelates his own story to our heroes--Stephen had found a pool of green eggs. He picked them up and kept them, but only two survived. He named them 'Glopo' and 'Glopi'. Glopo played an awful prank on Glopi, and Stephen picked up some of the mess and put it in a cloning machine. It emerged as a horrible monster. Stephen fled in terror and vowed to destroy the monster, so he built a de-molecularizer ray. Stephen found the monster at a weird house, carrying something that looked like a dead body...At this point, Stephen realises that the body was actually Samantha and stops telling his story. Then, Stephen has an idea of where a clue might be and takes our heroes back to the lodge. Dog and Cat immediately get trapped in a cage and are brought to Glopi, who finds Stephen and, for a moment, it seems that Stephen has been killed. Cat starts blubbering, but then, Stephen appears and frees our heroes. He reveals that he has killed Glopi. He tells Dog to pick up a piece of paper lying in the cell. It says:


which turns out to be code for TIPGIT. What this is has yet to be learned. Then Dog tells Stephen that they still have to kill Glopo. Stephen then reveals that the lodge is built on ancient cursed land. But before they can escape, the lights turn off and Dog is captured! Cat knows that Dog must be at the park, because this is where they first saw Glopo. A crazy scene ensues in which Glopo is killed. At home, Stephen tells them what the Puzzle Pieces are, and that the Gem (see part 1) is one of them. It originally belonged to Samantha but was stolen by Glopi when he murdered her. Dog thinks they are cool. At that moment, a parcel comes through the letterbox...

PART 3: The Truth of Time Dog accident5ally breaks the Dypsom Gem and the race to find puzzle piece 3 is on! Meanwhile, clues start appearing and an evil genius's plot is about to unfold...

PART 4: The Magic Bandstand