Introduction edit

Hi hi, I am Rory and I work at National Museums Scotland.

My loves edit

I love:

  1. Museums
  2. History, specifically Greece and Achaemenid Persia
  3. I watch way too much TV
  4. Music
  5. Podcasts

My phone does not like this! edit

Doing this on a phone has not been as successful as I'd hoped.....

Podcasts edit

There are rarely more than a few hours at a time when I'm not listening to podcasts. It feels like it is a huge part of my life and, given the amount of time spent with them, I suppose it weirdly is. I regret nothing!

Persia edit

One of my greatest loves is Achaemenid Persia. I have a BA in Classical and Archaeological studies and two postgrad qualifications including Museology and an MA in Ancient History. The latter especially was devoted to the Achaemenid period.

Main themes of interest are gender and reception, more specifically, the representation of royal women in the Greek sources and how Persia has been represented in both the ancient and modern world, including the use of Achaemenid collections in Museums.

I originally came to Edinburgh to start a PhD on these subjects but have kept working instead - I will get back to it eventually though!

This is one of the glazed brick friezes from the Palace of Darius at Susa. I think it is beautiful.