User:Mazandar/Ramin Golestanian

Research interests


Soft condensed matter

Casimir effect and dispersion forces

Elasticity of biopolymers

Polyelectrolytes Wetting

Molecular machines

Professional activities


Member, International Advisory Committee, IUPAP STATPHYS23, Italy (2007)

Guest Editor, IoP Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (Volume 17, Number 14, 13 April 2005)

Organiser, IUPAP STATPHYS22 satellite meeting, Statistical Physics of Complex Fluids, Iran (2004)

Organiser, International Summer School on Soft and Biological Matter, Iran (2004)

Elected member, Executive Committee of Condensed Matter Division, Physical Society of Iran (2001-05)

Recent key publications


J.R. Howse, R.A.L. Jones, A.J. Ryan, T. Gough, R. Vafabakhsh, and R. Golestanian, "Self-motile colloidal particles: from directed propulsion to random walk", Phys Rev Lett 99, 048102 (2007)

G.H. Lai, R. Coridan, O.V. Zribi, R. Golestanian, G.C.L. Wong, "Evolution of growth modes for polyelectrolyte bundles", Phys Rev Lett 98, 187802 (2007)

A. Ashourvan, M.F. Miri, and R. Golestanian, "Non-contact rack and pinion powered by the lateral Casimir force", Phys Rev Lett 98, 140801 (2007)

T.E. Angelini, R. Golestanian, R.H. Coridan, J.C. Butler, A. Beraud, M. Krisch, H. Sinn, K.S. Schweizer, and G.C.L. Wong, "Counterions between charged polymers exhibit liquid-like organization and dynamics", Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103, 7962 (2006)

P. Le Doussal, K.J. Wiese, E. Raphael, R. Golestanian, "Can non-linear elasticity explain contact-line roughness at depinning?", Phys Rev Lett 96, 015702 (2006)

R. Golestanian, "Lifshitz Interaction between Dielectric Bodies of Arbitrary Geometry", Phys Rev Lett 95, 230601 (2005) Refrence


