Location: European Union



I am a developer, engineer, and Jack of all Trades. I am an avid Free Software advocate. I make no changes to articles when I feel they are needed and the article is too un-read for some one else to care enough to make the change.

I live a simple life, or at least try to, and beg others to consider the following question posed by David Wann: "...it is important to ask ourselves three fundamental questions: what is the point of all our commuting and consuming? What is the economy for? And, finally, why do we seem to be unhappier now than when we began our initial pursuit for rich abundance?"

I don't care for equality, problems with the gender-gap within Wikimedia and the technology industry in general do not bother me on a very deep level. While I will continue to advocate for the creation of safe-spaces and to treat straight editors better online and off, I can no longer participate in the gender-gap mailing list. I'm sorry to anyone that has been disappointed by this. At some point I might come back, after I learn a little more about effective communication, but for the moment it is obvious to me that there are some communication issues between me and the rest of the list that at least for the moment are insurmountable.

I will post any changes to my PGP keys on my Google+ or somewhere else fairly authoritative. Others I know in real life will vouch for my keys if they should change.

ToDo List
