User:Manudouz/sandbox/Taxonomic anagrams

An animation illustrating the anagram between the Euphorbiaceae genus names Joannesia and Annesijoa
Illustration from Adam White's A Popular History of British Crustacea, 1857, showing the crustacean genera Conilera and Rocinela named by Leach using taxonomic anagrams

List of taxa named by anagrams.

In the biological nomenclature codes, an anagram can be used to name a new taxon. A taxonomic anagram is therefore a new taxon name constructed from rearranging the letters of an existing name.

Wordplays are one source of inspiration allowing organisms to receive scientific names.[1] In the binominal nomenclature, as scientists have latitude in naming genera and species, a taxon name can therefore be an anagram, provided it remains pronounceable.[2] For example, in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, a new generic name can be taken from the name of a person by using an anagram or abbreviation of it.[3]

William Elford Leach was among the first naturalists to use taxonomic anagrams, and, in 1818, he described several isopod genera that were each other's anagrams of 'Caroline' : Conilera, Lironeca, Nerocila, Olencira, and Rocinela.[1]

List in botany

Initial taxon name Initial authority Taxonomic anagram Anagram authority Etymology or namesake Reference
Agirta Baill. 1858 Tragia [a] L. 1753 Hieronymus Bock, named Tragus (1498 - 1554) [4]
Albidella Pichon 1946 Baldellia Parl. 1854 Bartolomeo Bartolini-Baldelli (1804 - 1868) [4]
Albizia Durazz. 1772 Balizia Barneby & J.W.Grimes 1996 Filippo degli Albizzi (1724 - 1789) [4]
Alciope DC. 1836 Capelio [a] B.Nord. 2002 Alciope, a nymph [4]
Algrizea Proença & NicLugh. 2006 Grazielia [b] R.M.King & H.Rob. 1972 Graziela Maciel Barroso (1912 - 2003) [4]
Alibertia A.Rich. ex DC. 1830 Ibetralia Bremek. 1934 Jean-Louis-Marc Alibert (1768 - 1837) [4]
Allium L. 1753 Muilla [c] S.Watson ex Benth. 1833 Latin word for garlic [5]
Alsomitra (Blume) M.Roem., 1846 Siolmatra Baill., 1885 [6]
Annesijoa Pax & K.Hoffm. 1919 Joannesia Vell. 1798 John VI of Portugal (1767 - 1826) [4]
Baldellia Parl. 1854 Albidella Pichon 1946 Bartolomeo Bartolini-Baldelli (1804 - 1868) [4]
Balizia Barneby & J.W.Grimes 1996 Albizia Durazz. 1772 Filippo degli Albizzi (1724 - 1789) [4]
Bartsia L. 1753 Starbia Thouars 1806 Johann Bartsch (1709 - 1738) [4]
Behuria Cham. 1834 Huberia DC. 1828 François Huber (1750 - 1831) [4]
Beilschmiedia Nees 1831 Bielschmeidia Pancher & Sebert 1874 Carl Traugott Beilschmied (1793 - 1848) [4]
Berardia Brongn. 1826 Diberara Baill. 1881 Jacques Étienne Bérard (1789 - 1869) [4]
Beriesa Steud. 1840 Siebera C.Presl 1828 Franz Wilhelm Sieber (1789 - 1844) [4]
Berteroa DC. 1821 Terobera Steud. 1855 Carlo Luigi Giuseppe Bertero (1789 - 1831) [4]
Bielschmeidia Pancher & Sebert 1874 Beilschmiedia Nees 1831 Carl Traugott Beilschmied (1793 - 1848) [4]
Bobea A.Rich. 1830 Obbea [a] Hook.f. 1870 Jean-Baptiste Bobe-Moreau (1761 - 1849) [4]
Bolelia Raf. 1832 Lobelia [a] L. 1753 Matthias de l'Obel (1538 - 1616) [4]
Bouchea Cham. 1832 Ubochea Baill. 1891 Peter Friedrich Bouché (1785 - 1856) [4]
Buckollia Venter & R.L.Verh. 1994 Bullockia (Bridson) Razafim., Lantz & B.Bremer 2009 Arthur Allman Bullock (1906 - 1980) [4]
Bullockia (Bridson) Razafim., Lantz & B.Bremer 2009 Buckollia Venter & R.L.Verh. 1994 Arthur Allman Bullock (1906 - 1980) [4]
Capelio B.Nord. 2002 Alciope [a] DC. 1836 Alciope, a nymph [4]
Danthonia DC. 1805 Thonandia H.P.Linder 1996 Étienne Danthoine (1739 - 1794) [4]
Dargeria Decne. 1844 Gerardia L. 1753 John Gerard (1545 - 1612) [4]
Dargeria Decne. 1844 Graderia Benth. 1846 John Gerard (1545 - 1612) [4]
Despeleza Nieuwl. 1914 Lespedeza [a] Michx. 1803 Vicente Manuel de Céspedes (1721 ? - 1794) [4]
Diberara Baill. 1881 Berardia Brongn. 1826 Jacques Étienne Bérard (1789 - 1869) [4]
Diflugossa Bremek. 1944 Goldfussia [a] Nees 1832 Georg August Goldfuss (1782 - 1848) [4]
Ekmania Gleason 1919 Manekia Trel. 1927 Erik Leonard Ekman (1883 - 1931) [4]
Eroeda Levyns 1948 Oedera [a] L. 1771 Georg Christian Oeder (1728 - 1791) [4]
Fuchsia Plum. ex L. Schufia Spach Leonhart Fuchs (1501–1566) [4]
Gerardia L. 1753 Dargeria Decne. 1844 John Gerard (1545 - 1612) [4]
Gerardia L. 1753 Graderia Benth. 1846 John Gerard (1545 - 1612) [4]
Goldfussia Nees 1832 Diflugossa [a] Bremek. 1944 Georg August Goldfuss (1782 - 1848) [4]
Graderia Benth. 1846 Dargeria Decne. 1844 John Gerard (1545 - 1612) [4]
Graderia Benth. 1846 Gerardia L. 1753 John Gerard (1545 - 1612) [4]
Grazielia R.M.King & H.Rob. 1972 Algrizea [b] Proença & NicLugh. 2006 Graziela Maciel Barroso (1912 - 2003) [4]
Gyminda Sarg. 1891 Myginda [a] Jacq. 1760 Franz von Mygind (1710 - 1789) [4]
Huberia DC. 1828 Behuria Cham. 1834 François Huber (1750 - 1831) [4]
Ibetralia Bremek. 1934 Alibertia A.Rich. ex DC. 1830 Jean-Louis-Marc Alibert (1768 - 1837) [4]
Joannesia Vell. 1798 Annesijoa Pax & K.Hoffm. 1919 John VI of Portugal (1767 - 1826) [4]
Lespedeza Michx. 1803 Despeleza [a] Nieuwl. 1914 Vicente Manuel de Céspedes (1721 ? - 1794) [4]
Letestua Lecomte 1920 Tulestea Aubrév. & Pellegr. 1961 Georges Le Testu (1877 - 1967) [4]
Lobelia L. 1753 Bolelia [a] Raf. 1832 Matthias de l'Obel (1538 - 1616) [4]
Manekia Trel. 1927 Ekmania Gleason 1919 Erik Leonard Ekman (1883 - 1931) [4]
Muilla S.Watson ex Benth. 1833 Allium [c] L. 1753 Latin word for garlic [5]
Myginda Jacq. 1760 Gyminda [a] Sarg. 1891 Franz von Mygind (1710 - 1789) [4]
Nestotus xxx Stenotus Nutt. 1840 xxx [7]
Obbea Hook.f. 1870 Bobea [a] A.Rich. 1830 Jean-Baptiste Bobe-Moreau (1761 - 1849) [4]
Oedera L. 1771 Eroeda [a] Levyns 1948 Georg Christian Oeder (1728 - 1791) [4]
Schufia Spach Fuchsia Plum. ex L. Leonhart Fuchs (1501–1566) [4]
Siebera C.Presl 1828 Beriesa Steud. 1840 Franz Wilhelm Sieber (1789 - 1844) [4]
Siolmatra Baill., 1885 Alsomitra (Blume) M.Roem., 1846 xxx [6]
Starbia Thouars 1806 Bartsia L. 1753 Johann Bartsch (1709 - 1738) [4]
Stenotus Nutt. 1840 Nestotus xxx xxx [7]
Stenotus Nutt. 1840 Tonestus A.Nelson 1904 xxx [8]
Terobera Steud. 1855 Berteroa DC. 1821 Carlo Luigi Giuseppe Bertero (1789 - 1831) [4]
Thonandia H.P.Linder 1996 Danthonia DC. 1805 Étienne Danthoine (1739 - 1794) [4]
Tonestus A.Nelson 1904 Stenotus Nutt. 1840 xxx [8]
Tragia L. 1753 Agirta [a] Baill. 1858 Hieronymus Bock, named Tragus (1498 - 1554) [4]
Trewia L. 1753 Wetria Baill. 1858 Trew, Christoph Jacob (1695 - 1769) [4]
Tulestea Aubrév. & Pellegr. 1961 Letestua Lecomte 1920 Georges Le Testu (1877 - 1967) [4]
Ubochea Baill. 1891 Bouchea Cham. 1832 Peter Friedrich Bouché (1785 - 1856) [4]
Hariota DC. 1834 Hatiora [a] Britton & Rose 1915 Thomas Harriot (ca. 1560 - 1621) [4]
Hatiora Britton & Rose 1915 Hariota [a] DC. 1834 Thomas Harriot (ca. 1560 - 1621) [4]
Hermannia L. 1753 Mahernia [a][b] L. 1767 Paul Hermann (1646 - 1695) [4]
Mahernia L. 1767 Hermannia [a][b] L. 1753 Paul Hermann (1646 - 1695) [4]
Honottia Rchb. 1828 Hottonia L. 1753 Pieter Hotton (1648 - 1709) [4]
Hottonia L. 1753 Honottia Rchb. 1828 Pieter Hotton (1648 - 1709) [4]
Kailarsenia Tirveng. 1983 Larsenaikia Tirveng. 1993 Kai Larsen (1926 - 2012) [4]
Larsenaikia Tirveng. 1993 Kailarsenia Tirveng. 1983 Kai Larsen (1926 - 2012) [4]
Kanimia Gardner 1847 Mikania [a] F.W.Schmidt 1795 Joseph Gottfried Mikan (1743 - 1814) [4]
Mikania F.W.Schmidt 1795 Kanimia [a] Gardner 1847 Joseph Gottfried Mikan (1743 - 1814) [4]
Lawrencia Hook. 1840 Wrenciala A.Gray 1854 Robert William Lawrence (1807 - 1833) [4]
Wrenciala A.Gray 1854 Lawrencia Hook. 1840 Robert William Lawrence (1807 - 1833) [4]
Lechlera Griseb. 1857 Relchela Steud. 1854 Willibald Lechler (1814 - 1856) [4]
Relchela Steud. 1854 Lechlera Griseb. 1857 Willibald Lechler (1814 - 1856) [4]
Burmannia L. 1753 Maburnia [a][b] Thouars 1806 Johannes Burman (1706 - 1779) [4]
Maburnia Thouars 1806 Burmannia [a][b] L. 1753 Johannes Burman (1706 - 1779) [4]
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx [4]
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See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x The two genus names are synonyms.
  2. ^ a b c d e f This anagram is imperfect.
  3. ^ a b It is also an ananym (reverse spelling).


  1. ^ a b Jozwiak, Piotr; Rewicz, Tomasz; Pabis, Krzysztof (2015-07-16). "Taxonomic etymology – in search of inspiration". ZooKeys. 513: 143–160. doi:10.3897/zookeys.513.9873. ISSN 1313-2970. PMC 4524282. PMID 26257573.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: PMC format (link) CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  2. ^ Mortenson, Philip B. (2004). This is not a weasel: a close look at nature's most confusing terms. John Wiley & Sons. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-471-27396-7.
  3. ^ McNeill, J., ed. (2012). International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code), Adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011 (electronic ed.). Bratislava: International Association for Plant Taxonomy. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |displayeditors= ignored (|display-editors= suggested) (help)
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci Burkhardt, Lotte (2018-06-06). Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen - Erweiterte Edition. Index of Eponymic Plant Names - Extended Edition. Index de Noms éponymiques des Plantes - Édition augmentée (in German). Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin. doi:10.3372/epolist2018. ISBN 978-3-946292-26-5.
  5. ^ a b Hyam, R.; Pankhurst, R.J. (1995). Plants and their names : a concise dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-866189-4.
  6. ^ a b Robinson, George L.; Wunderlin, Richard P. (2005). "Revision of Siolmatra (Cucurbitaceae: Zanonieae)". SIDA, Contributions to Botany. 21 (4): 1961–1969. ISSN 0036-1488.
  7. ^ a b Roberts, Roland P.; Urbatsch, Lowell E.; Neubig, Kurt M. (2005). "Nestotus and Toiyabea, two new genera of Asteraceae: Astereae from the Western United States and Canada". SIDA, Contributions to Botany. 21 (3): 1647–1655. ISSN 0036-1488.
  8. ^ a b Nelson, Aven. 1904. Botanical Gazette 37(4): 262 in English
  9. ^ Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature — Wordplay: Anagrams