User:MandaGre/Lily kempson

Lily Kempson'


Lily Kempson, married name McAlerney, (1897-1996) was born in Dublin. she grew up in the Dublin slums, and was a supporter of the free, united Ireland until her death in Seattle. Lily Kempson started workig at Jacob's biscuit factory in 1911, age 14, and was later imprisoned for two weeks for organising a strike at the factory in 1913. She was a part of the Irish Citizen's Army, and served as a courier during the Easter Rising in 1916. Following that, she emigrated to USA, where she married Matthew McAlerny (died 1981) in

The Lockout

In 1913 a third of Dublin’s population lived in slums. Poverty was maintained due to the lack of job opportunities for unskilled workers. The lockout began on the 26th of August. It started with tram workers deserting their vehicles in protest when they were forbidden by William Martin Murphy to be members of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. As a result of them striking they were fired from their jobs. On the 31st of August, which is now known as Bloody Sunday, there was a large crowd assembled. Larkin was arrested and a riot followed resulting in the death of James Nolan. This caused an uproar with the workers and hundreds attended his funeral. By October 20000 workers were involved in strikes and lockouts. All through November and up till mid December people had stopped working. In January, striking workers gradually began to return to work and the lockout ended by degrees. new article content ...

Easter Rising

In America

