Jensen's formula in complex analysis relates the behaviour of an analytic function on a circle with the moduli of the zeros inside the circle, and is important in the study of entire functions.

The statement of Jensen's formula is

If is an analytic function in a region which contains the closed disk D in the complex plane, if are the zeros of in the interior of D repeated according to multiplicity, and if , then

This formula establishes a connection between the moduli of the zeros of the function f inside the disk and the values of on the circle , and can be seen as a generalisation of the mean value property of harmonic functions. Jensen's formula in turn may be generalised to give the Poisson-Jensen formula, which gives a similar result for functions which are merely meromorphic in a region containing the disk.


  • L. V. Ahlfors (1979). Complex Analysis. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-070-00657-1.

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