User:MWinter4/Maxwell-Cremona correspondence

The Maxwell-Cremona correspondence is a result in the intersection of graph theory, rigidity theory and polytope theory. It establishes a one-to-one correspondence between the equilibrium stresses, reciprocal diagrams and polyhedral liftings of a planar straight-line drawing of a 3-connected graph. Its most important consequence is that the planar drawing has a non-zero stress if and only if it has a non-trivial polyhedral lifting.

Relevant terminology


Let   be a 3-connected planar graph. A planar straight-line drawing of   is a map   that to each vertex   assigns a point   in the plane, so that no two edges, drawn as straight lines between these points, intersect anywhere but their ends. The drawing divides the plane into polygonal regions. By   we denote the set of these regions, or faces, of the drawing.

Equilibrium stresses


A stress for the drawing assigns to each edge   a real number  . The stress is said to be an equilibrium stress if

  for all vertices  .

This has the following physical interpretation: each edge   is considered as a spring with (potentially zero or negative) spring constant   and equilibrium length zero. By Hook's law the spring pulls on its ends with force  . In an equilibrium stress these forces cancel at each vertex.

Reciprocal diagrams


The dual graph   has as vertex set   the regions of the drawing, two of which are adjacent if they bound a common edge. Each edge   is incident to exactly two regions in the drawing, say  , and hence corresponds to an edge  , and vice versa.

A straight-line drawing   of   is called a reciprocal drawing or reciprocal diagram to   if corresponding edges   and   are drawn as lines that are perpendicular to each other. Formally,


Polyhedral liftings


A lifting of   is a map   that to each vertex   assigns a height  . This yields a lifted drawing   in 3-dimensional Euclidean space with  .

The lifting is a polyhedral lifting if the vertices that bound a common region in the darwing   are lifted to lie on a common plane in  .

Formal statement


Let   be a planar straight-line drawing of a 3-connected planar graph  . Let   be the set of regions in the drawing. Then there exists a one-to-one correspondences between the equilibrium stresses, reciprocal diagrams and polyhedral liftings of  .

In particular, the following are equivalent:

  •   has a non-zero equilibrium stress  .
  •   has a non-trivial reciprocal diagram  .
  •   has a non-trivial polyhedral lifting  .

The sign of the stress at an interior edge   determines whether the lifiting will be convex or concave at this edge: the stress at   is positive/zero/negative if and only if the corresponding lifiting is convex/flat/concave at  . In particular, there exists a convex lifiting if and only if there exists a stress that is positive at all interior edges.

One-to-one correspondence


Let   be a planar straight-line drawing of  . Let   be an edge and   be the corresponding dual edge, appropriately oriented. It is a key ingredient to this proof that there is a way to choose globally compatible orientations of   and  .

We will use the following notation:

  •   is the reciprocal diagram.
  •   is the stress.
  •   is a lifting function, which to each vertex assignes a hight.

From a stress to a reciprocal diagram


Edges of the reciprocal diagram   are perpendicular to edges in  . This is expressed by the following equation, in which   is the 90°-rotation matrix:


That this equation can be solved for   follows from the definition of the stress and the choice of a compatible orientation.

From a reciprocal diagram to a stress


From a polyhedral lifting to a reciprocal diagram


Let   be the gradient of the face  .

From a reciprocal diagram to a polyhedral lifting




Relations and Applications


Tutte embeddings and Steinitz's theorem


Given any 3-connected planar graph   and a non-separating induced cycle   in  , the Tutte embedding yields a planar drawing of this graph in which   is the outer face and where there exists a stress that is in equilibrium on every inner vertex. If the outer face is a triangle, then this stress can be extended to all edges.

This fact can be used to prove Steinitz's theorem if   conatins a triangle. If it does not contain a triangle, then it contains a vertex of degree three, and one can instead construct a Tutte embedding of the dual graph. Lifting this embedding yields a realization of the dual polytope.

Weighted Delaunay triangulations





Toroidal liftings


Self-intersecting surfaces


Higher dimensions


