User:MCheney/Pierre Louis Duchartre

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In a copy of NOTICE BIOGRAPHIQUE sur PIERRE DUCHARTRE'Italic text' which I purchased from the Institut de France Academie des Sciences'Italic text archives, I received an 18 page biography of Pierre Duchartre, all written in French. I then realized that this was for Pierre Etienne Simon Duchartre, a renowned botanist, who was born in 1811 and died in 1894, and not Pierre Louis Duchartre who appears to have been born in 1894 and was writing in the 1920's. I own a limited edition of one of his books, also in French, that I purchased and have partially translated mainly for the illustrations. He is best know for writing La Commedie Italienne (The Italian Comedy), which is an illustrated history of the beginnings, growth and influence of the commedia dell’ arte, which describes improvisations, staging, marks, scenarios, acting troupes, and origins. He is mentioned in Wikipedia at ; ; ; ; and and for this reason, I believe he deserves a Wiki entry of his own, but have found little about him. I believe that Pierre Etienne Simon Duchartre could easily have been his grandfather of whom he was the namesake, partly because of the botanist connection.
