User:Luther Jones/Socks

A dirty sock is a sock that has been soiled by one or more elements. Although there are a variety of ways to make a sock dirty, the most common way is to wear it on the foot. There are a variety of ways to soil a sock, therefore rendering it dirty: -Getting dirt (actual ground soil) on the sock -Collecting dust from the inside ground -The insoles of the shoe rub off on the sock -Sweat and dead skin cells soil the sock by virtue of everyday wear

Furthermore, sometimes clean socks fall behind the dryer and become dirty socks after being exposed to the dust and uncleanliness behind the dryer (or in some cases washer)

The most common way to rectify the situation of a dirty sock is to wash it. The process of washing a sock usually occurs in the washing machine, although it is also possible to handwash a sock, provided one has hands. White socks are best washed in bleach, which will keep them at their whitest. Colored socks should be washed in color-safe detergents, in order to preserve the vividness.

The dirty sock is often found in the midst of other dirty articles of clothing, such as dirty pants, shirts, and undergarments. It is common to see dirty socks in laundry bins, under beds, and other areas of the floor.

The sociological effects of the dirty sock vary greatly. The individual that is inclined to be tidy is not bothered by the prospect of dirty socks, whereas the more unorganized members of a population often tend to swim in piles of dirty socks around the home as they fail to do regular laundry. Furthermore, dirty socks have been known to cause problems in marriages and domestic partnerships. This can occur when there are differing organizational/domestic maintenance styles involved in the partnership. Although the dirty sock plays an integral role in this conflict, the sock itself is not thought to be the actual source of animocity.

The persona of the dirty sock is changing in the 21st Century. Studies are currently being done in hopes of determining the feasibility of disposable socks, in order to reduce household tensions and save on water usage per load of laundry.

The dirty sock has also played an important role in popular culture: [1] NYPD BLUE "Dirty Socks" 1995