User:Living143abn/sandbox/Blessing Winner Soul's

Blessing Winner Soul's Blessing Winner Soul’s is the Christian organization which helps the soul to win the blessings from the Almighty God during their life and for eternal. Every Christian knows the path of earning the Blessings from Our Lord the God but many people fail to win the blessings and they always blame that the path is real though so they fail it. So, Blessing Winner Soul’s was formed to helps the peoples win the blessings which God has promises for His Children.

About_ HISTORY_ History After accepting Christ Jesus as my savior and Lord on 25th October 2015, I(Livingstone Gangmei) was changed dramatically. All my aim and my hope for the world change starkly. I began to think for those people who that knowingly or unintentionally walk on the path of darkness which led them to the very painful moment like loneliness, caught in addiction, unable to fine the meaning or purpose of life and ultimately make their life miserable. So, I began to pray to the Lord for all my friends who still are walking on the dark path of the world intentionally or unknowingly. The Lord Christ Jesus spoke to me through the very verse of Mark chapter 16:15 “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” From that moment on, I have decided to share the Amazing Gospel to the world. Basically I started off with my friends. I got into discussion trying to prove to them that the Bible is the ultimate true words of God, and no one can be save without proclaiming that Jesus is the son of God and believing that God raise Jesus from the death _Roman 10:9. After all, an idea came to my mind of starting a ministry in order to helps the people to let them know about the Salvation, especially to the young generation because we know that young people are the one to lead , protect , share , and witness the love and salvation of Jesus Christ to the world in their coming generation. After praying to the God for the help for a long time, on 7th August 2016 by the Grace of God, we started a ministry under the name of “Blessing Winner Soul’s with certain aim and objectives.
