User:LinkBot/suggestions/Albert Speer

An automated Wikipedia link suggester has suggested 12 possible wiki links and 2 possible backlinks for the Albert_Speer article:

The article text has not been changed in any way; Some of these suggestions may be wrong, some may be right; Any edits to this page will be lost when LinkBot is next run.
I like it, I hate it, Please don't link toLinkBot 10:40, 17 Dec 2004 (UTC)

  • Can link Institute of Technology: ...ure instead. He studied under [[Heinrich Tessenow]] at the Institute of Technology in [[Berlin]], eventually becoming Tessenow's assistant. A... (link to section)
  • Can link four hundred:; for example, the German Stadium would have held another four hundred thousand spectators as the site of the [[Aryan Games]], a p... (link to section)
  • Can link seven hundred: ...lding would have been impractically large; it would be over seven hundred feet high and eight hundred feet in diameter, sixteen times... (link to section)
  • Can link eight hundred: ...tically large; it would be over seven hundred feet high and eight hundred feet in diameter, sixteen times larger than the dome of St.... (link to section)
  • Can link German economy: ... was facing imminent defeat. He tried unsuccessfully to put German economy on war footing, but party politics and the inner circle of ... (link to section)
  • Can link on war: ...inent defeat. He tried unsuccessfully to put German economy on war footing, but party politics and the inner circle of influen... (link to section)
  • Can link inner circle: ...t German economy on war footing, but party politics and the inner circle of influence around Hitler prevented him, directly influenc... (link to section)
  • Can link occupied territories: ... Hitler's [[scorched earth]] policy on both German soil and occupied territories, and in association with general [[Gotthard Heinrici]], ord... (link to section)
  • Can link plead guilty: ...r Speer was one of the few officials to express remorse and plead guilty; he was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment in [[Spandau Pr... (link to section)
  • Can link in the year 2000: ...]] (the [[world exposition]] that took place in [[Hanover]] in the year 2000), design of the [[Shanghai]] International Automobile City ... (link to section)
  • Can link left-wing: ...mpic complex. His daughter [[Hilde Schramm]] became a noted left-wing parliamentarian.... (link to section)
  • Can link Joachim Fest: ...e Third Reich]] by himself *''Speer: The Final Verdict'' by Joachim Fest... (link to section)


Additionally, there are some other articles which may be able to linked to this one (also known as "backlinks"):

  • In Junkers Ju 390, can backlink Albert Speer: ...hoslovakia. Following the war, Hitler's armaments minister Albert Speer also recounted to author James P O'Donnell that a Ju-390 ai...
  • In Strategic Bombing During World War II, can backlink Albert Speer: ... Allied Bombing offensive with severely handicapping them. Albert Speer, Hitler's minister of production, repeatedly said (both dur...