About Me


There is much wrong in the world right now. What can we do about it? Well, I'm a man of action. The world is a complicated place, and we each have our part in it. I am not one to sit on my laurels and complain, but am one who makes rational choices about how we can move the situation from "what is" to "what ought to be".


About Life


I've been a fighter all my life, and have weathered much. I have seen many people come and go. Even a couple who have committed suicide. It is sad. But that's life for you. Life is life, and we must carry on to the end. It will take what it takes.

About the Future


I do wish we can live in a "live and let live" world. I do wish we could live in a world that respects the truth of things, and are willing to be rational about it. Alas, we do not live in a world of truth and rationality, but in a world driven by emotion, fear, and violence. It is my aim to help create a better world for us all. One step at a time. One thing at a time.

About You


Welcome friend. If you are a rational person, we can be the best of buddies. Maybe even have a beer occasionally. I like being in the company of highly intelligent people. Can we sit down at the table and have a conversation? Can we share ideas? Can we understand the present? Can we invent the future? Can we even save the world?

Shall we walk into the fire?


There is a firestorm brewing right before us. Do we run from it? Or do we take it head-on, as brave souls? We walk into the fire to weather the storm, to come out victorious, and to end the blaze. To bring about peace and quiet. amisdt the smoldering ashes.

Will you follow me into the fire?

Give me a lever and I can move the world!


Sometimes it take a little understanding and a lot of effort to move moutains. Or, you can use a lot of understand and just a little effort. It's all in where you place the fulcrum of understanding.

It sometimes require paitence. But if it is worth it, it is worth the wait. Move quitetly, do not call attention to yourself, until you are ready.

The fulcrum of understanding.