User:Leew97/sandbox/The Great Stamp War Of 1422

The Great Stamp War Of 1422 - An official historical event

In the year 1422 King Whatshisface visited the kingdom of King Himoverthere. Both avid stamp collectors [1], they compared collections and King Whatshisface was enraged to learn that his collection was far inferior to King Himoverthere's. King Himoverthere branded King Whatshisface 'a right proper NERD' and as a result, a war ensued. Some people died (details are vague, it was a long time ago..)

Commonly accepted as the first use of the word 'nerd' which was subsequently adopted into the English language. Fact.


  1. ^ scholars suggest stamps were actually first invented long after 1422, however they are wrong and I am right