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Mark Starmer originally became known as the author of UK business bestseller 'Will the Real Leader Please stand Up?' (Oaktree Press, Dublin, 1998) but has recently developed notoriety as the author two further books on angels and 'New Age' matters ('Some Dogs Are Angels' - 2009, 'Tails and Tribulations' - 2011).

Between 1982 and 1996, Starmer pursued a successful career as a management development professional, eventually holding the position of Senior Management Development Manager for global banking and finance giant, HSBC.

At the beginning of 1997, Starmer left to form formed Proactive Consulting International Ltd, in order to specialize in the delivery of leadership development solutions. In 1998 Starmer formed Proactive Interactive Ltd, a software business that marketed 360 degree effectiveness profiling tools developed by Starmer. At the end of the year, his book 'Will the Real Leader Please Stand Up? was published.

The basic premise of the work was to assert that traditional understanding of leadership skill is flawed. This is because it takes its learning from managers from whom leadership is expected due to their positions. Starmer concluded that it is futile to ask incumbent leaders why they are effective and try to learn from their experiences, since these are largely situational. He maintained that those who are expected to follow should be asked what they require of a leader and that those named skills should be taught. The work then goes on to put forward a tiered pro-forma for leadership development and proffer practical guidance on how to achieve the skill set outlined. This is claimed to have been developed over 7 years and with reference to input from 37 nationals of countries.

The work attracted considerable attention and favorable critical reviews, including endorsement from industrialist Sir John Harvey Jones. It was marketed extensively in the US and Far East as well as in Europe. In 1999 it became the UK's number two business bestseller, only being outsold by Bill Gates’ 'Business at the Speed of Thought'. This was largely due to sales in the W H Smith bookstore chain, where the book sold particularly strongly in airport bookstands. It was cited by educational institutions, included as part of academic course reading curricula,and even listed as one of only 2 recommended leadership books on the UK's Ministry of Defense procurement site.

The book drew attention to the profiling tools marketed by Proactive Interactive Ltd and caused demand for Starmer's intervention as a consultant, development instructor, coach and conference presenter by numerous businesses globally. The rapid growth of his own business resulted in Starmer eventually working with the nationals of 55 different countries on 4 continents, but disallowed time for the development of Proactive Interactive Ltd, which was sold in late 1999 to Girovend plc as part of the fledgling B2B strategy being initiated by CEO, Paul McGrane (formally of Guinness plc).

Whilst the only standard element of Proactive Consulting’s product offerings was ‘The Leadership Masterclass Program’, (an experiential event created by Starmer to develop those skills discussed in the book) interest in Starmer’s ideas became more widespread. In a series of widely published articles, he set out his new criterion for understanding leadership and lambasted traditional approaches. As a direct result he was invited to advise the UK Government on a number of leadership projects including the National College for Leadership in Schools. Ironically, he was ultimately highly critical of their initiatives due to their reliance upon advice and input from businesses that pursued traditional approaches to the subject, including his own former employer, HSBC. In 2003, citing the draining demands upon his family and lifestyle made by the international nature of his work, Starmer withdrew from his leadership of Proactive Consulting and began to operate as an independent consultant. However, demand for his services continued to be global.

Without explanation at the time, in 2006 Starmer and his family emigrated to Canada, one of the few countries where his book had not been available, and for some years, continued to commute back to Europe for work.

At some point before this date, Starmer claims to have undergone an experience which may be observed to parallel that claimed by David Icke in the mid 1980’s, wherein he was contacted by beings from another dimension. Starmer asserted that they were angelic in their origins and in 2009 his book ‘Some Dogs Are Angels’ was released, chronicling events leading up to his departure from the UK but also revealing knowledge passed on from these beings. In particular, this is in reference to the nature of dogs. The book apparently proved to be a surprising local bestseller, despite having failed to attract a publisher and interest was expressed by media production companies (although a televised version of the story recounted has yet to emerge).

Starmer developed something of a following in the Calgary area of Alberta by delivering evenings of stage presented ‘channelling’ (the relaying of information from ‘the etheric’ whilst in a trace-like state) and running spiritual development workshops. At the same time, he continued to offer his services as a leadership development professional, although his book cites an instance where a client, fearing a conflict between his ability as a leadership developer and his private persona as a ‘New Age guru’, curtailed their business relationship.

Unlike the ridicule faced by David Icke, Starmer is reported to have avoided disapprobation by maintaining a level headed approach to his ‘gift’ and keeping his business and personal lives quite separate. His ability as a channel has been liked to Edgar Cayce. He is now the figurehead for an organisation named ‘Angels In Canada’ that offers ‘spiritual services’. He still appears to act as a development consultant, notably on behalf of the UK based HR firm, Darbyshire Consulting.

At the beginning of 2011 a much anticipated sequel to ‘Some Dogs Are Angels’, entitled ‘Tails and Tribulations’ is due for release.




Leadership New Age Channelling