User:Lawismarkellot/sandbox/Lawis Mark Ellot

Tullykelter Castle Info under and Scottish, English architecture fortified house, first of Hamilton, Monea Scottish architecture castle. Land went to Somerville married to a Hamilton, a Daniel Elliott served as lessee served estate in a professional manner.

Clan Crozier talk page


SAVING INFORMATION ON ARTICLE CLAN CROZIER with the belief at some later date it my be of use to others; Some people look for correctness, and others say everything is wrong; witch on finds the correctness, and which one can correct the errors? Are the people which look for incorrectness error corrector of people of destrution?

Clan Crozier

Clan Crozier (crosier, croser, cros, etc.) is one of the border reiving clans of Scotland, along with the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.[1] An armigerous clan is a clan without a chief, and a sept is a clan which follows a chief. So an armigerous clan like Clan Armstrong, since it does not have a chief, does not have septs. Clan Crozier, not having a chief by the Lord Lyon King of Arms, is an armigerous clan allied with the far more populous Clan Armstrong.

1 Name evolution

Croyser, Croiser, Crosier, Crozier. Many of the earlier forms of the name were of Croyser or Crosier (of Cros), had a common English language switch of an “y” for an “i”. The name basically was Croyser then Croiser, which means cross; one who lives near or bears one.[2] Croyser or Crosier has Old French origins, of Ro- man Christianity the name Croyser, then Croiser has also Old Scottish influence evolved from the Old French of, Croice, Crois(e, n. Also: croyce, croys(e). [ME. croice, croyce, crois, croys, croyz (14–15th c.), OF. crois, croiz. Cf. Croce n.1] An earlier form of the word, which is croy for the Croyser name; Cro, Croy, n.1 Sc. and Ir. Gaelic cró fold, hut, Icel. kró sheepfold. Latinized as croa, croya (12th c.).[3] The meaning referring to hut, which developed the name Croyser is insignificant in most of England where the name is based on cross, but given the popularity of the name in Yorkshire (York Mayor John Croser 1447)[4] with variants in Sweden, it is felt by people of Scandi- navian origins migrating to what is now Scotland, likely applied the meaning of hut to Croyser that of hut builder. The Croziers came from Normandy in 1066 with William the Conqueror. Through the years, some moved north- ward to the southern areas of Scotland where they be- came established as a Border Clan. According to Scots Kith and Kin,[5] Clan Crozier was in Liddesdale in the 14th Century.[6] Example of Tyndale to Liddesdale-Treviotdale move- ment; Clemy and John Croser (Crosier-Crozier), English Tyndale Rebels resettled to Liddesdale-Teviotdale Scot- land with Clemy Croser, and Robyn (son of Rob of Red- heugh) Elwald, in 1540.[7] • William le Gros Earl of Yorkshire (Count of Au- male) died 1179 could easily be the influence of the Croyser of today’s border region being of York- shire. Name similarities exist between, Le Cros and Le Gros and today’s Crozier and Grozier sur- names. William le Gros, owned Scarborough Cas- tle. Borough means fort and is symbolized on the shield of Scarborough. Scarborough is of Anglo- Saxon origins, and people with the surname Scar- borough are known to be from Scarborough. The Y-DNA of the people named Scarborough was used to locate an entry point into the British Isles, of an Elfwald/Elwald.[8] Name version of Crozier with a G; Grosar, Grosars, Grossars (RB Armstrong), Gros, and Grozier, which OCR (optical character recognition), sometimes read the upper case C as a G, is questioned if the document is handwritten, that it may have been transcribed in the past with a C transcribed as a G. William le Gros, Count of Aumale, was a powerful Anglo-Norman baron and grand-nephew of William the Conqueror.

Le Cros flats (acres) part of Warden manor, about 6 km (4 mi) west of and within the region of Hexam (St An- drew) Priority, Northumberland.[9][10][11][12] In the Norman Barony surname naming procedures, the name is taken from locality, and today there is a Le Cros, France, which corresponds with surname density, loca- tion in Southern France, of Le Cros. Time of surname adoption, Le Cros (Le Gros) was likely change to Le Croyser in what is now England.

• William le Croyser 1264, recorded in Eynsham Cartulary, in the time of King Henry III,and was known The Frenchman, 1216 - 1272.[13]

• Henry Croiser (Croyser) 1266-1272 is detained in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland prison, in killing Agnes of Hertrepol, in self-defence.[14] This is close to today’s Scottish Borders, and likely where the name Croyser/Croiser, migrated into what be- came Scotland in ca. 1320.

• Simon le Croyser April 1327, is recorded in Cal- endar of Close Rolls, Peterborough which is a larger community south of Crowland/Crowland Abbey as spelled Croyland.[15] • William Croyser of Bedfordshire and Buckingham County is listed in the Patent Rolls 1348-9.[16]


....the Elliots, called also Elwods, Elyards, and Elwalds, of the Alfords who came from near Croyland...[17] The Scot- tish name Croyser originated as a surname in the region of Bedford to Lincoln Counties, in reference to people which built huts.

There were also other forms of the name which became Crozier. Example: the name Crosar is quite common in Liddesdale and Treviotdale. Roughly; from Cros to Crosier with interchanging the “i” with the “s” the name Croiser, evolved to Crosier, then becoming Crozier, which means a Bishop’s crozier styled after the cane of a sheep herder tending the flock. Basically the name is of Old French likely the name of a region in southern France of Le Cros with a strong influence of the Norman forename William. Evolved from Cros to Croyser, from meaning cross, to cross/hut builder. Then Croyser to Croiser (cross bearer) to Crosier (bishop’s sheppard’s cane bearer; crozier) to Crozier meaning crozier. The name went to Liddesdale, Scot- land as Croyser, then after that the changes from Croyser to Crosar (becomes Crosier/Crozier) took place in high Liddedale.

2 Name distribution

For the name Crozier a form of Crosier, one finds in Y- DNA studies[18] Family Tree DNA; Crozier and in the family origins surname distribution maps that the name Crozier concentrates itself along the Scottish Border and Northern Ireland.[19] The counties in the British Isles which have the highest frequency of the name Crozier are Roxburghshire, which contains, Liddesdale, in Scotland, and Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland.[20] There is a smaller dis- tribution, in southern England, and this could represent what became Crozier coming from France. It should be noted, of 13 Crozier tested Y-DNA, 11 are M-269, there are two of the unique R-CTS11874 a William Crozier, of Northern, Ireland and a John Crosier of Boston. There were other listed in the Family Tree SNP [21] one of each Kennedy, Loy, and Beckel (Germany). In Public Pro- filer of World Names [22] Loy shows Germany-Yorkshire- Scotland-Northern Ireland, Kennedy shows Scotland and Northern Ireland, and Bickel shows Germany. With the locality of the Crozier, as being Border/Ulster Scots, this is indicative of Germanic-Danish Anglo migration. Though the name Crozier of Le Cros in southern France, and the name Eliot of Aliot in southern France, with William Le Gros (Gros like Cros mainly of S France[23]), and William de Aliot[24] linked to William the Con- queror, in close proximity, in Liddesdale and Fermanagh, it can be concluded that these families are of basically of similar origins. Though surname acquisition has a French Norman influence, their Scottish, Scandinavian origins is more like their shared ally the Armstrong. 2.1 Cros Cross

Surname by; World Family Public Profiler, shows the Sur- name Cros, is more concentrated around, Le Cros in southern France, but when an “s” is added to make Cross the name distribution is of England, not Scotland. Sim- ilar results are found with de Aliot, being of southern France, but when the “A” is changed to an “E” then the name becomes Eliot of England, but not of Scotland.[25] Cross DNA; Family Tree DNA, and World Family re- sults are showing a large proportion, but not being as large as for Crozier as being R1b-M269, Y-DNA.[26][27]

Shows R1b DNA distribution which R-M269 is a part of.

3 Historical distribution

It is found that the American family of Crozier descended from the Croyser Clan, found on the banks of the (upper) Liddel, in the Scottish borderlands[28] at Riccarton, and Hudshouse. In the sixteenth century the Crosars (Crozier) from up- per Liddesdale to Teviotdale, then onto Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland.

3.1 Riccarton

Locus Crozier; IDs valley of Liddesdale, by locus of Crozier.

In R. B. Armstrong’s History of Liddesdale, there is a record of a Locus Croyser, but the word locus means lo- cality, and is listed under Valleys of Liddesdale in 1376, 3.1 Riccarton 3

giving the location of a valley of Liddesdale being where the people referred to as Croyser lived. Today this valley is believed to be called Riccarton Burn. The spelling in William Croyser and Simon le Croyser near Croyland, and in “locus Croyser” is consistent in the fourteenth century, which strongly shows that the name which originates in the Valley (locus/locality of a val- ley in Liddesdale in 1376 by where the Croyser are liv- ing) of the Croyser, originated in the Croyland region. This valley now Riccarton Burn is where for Scottish- Irish Croyser (Crozier) surname adoption takes place. It is guarded by the tower of the Croziers, known as Riccar- ton Tower,[29][30] into Ellot, Elliot, and some cases Elliott. In the 14th century the name William (like William the Conqueror) Croyser, is found in Bedford, County, in an area not to far from Croyland. In the 13th Century the name Elwald (i.e. Elliot) is found in the region of Rye (Johannes (John) Elwold (Elwald) de (of) Rya (Rye). ca1230[31]), near where the Battle of Hastings took place, and the Kerr which came to the borderland are said to be from Normany. So it is felt a seed carrying the name Croyser, came to the Valley of the Croyser, now Ric- carton Burn, in Liddesdale. Riccarton/Riccarton Mill (Rickerton, forms of Richardtown) second home of the Redheugh Ellot (Elliot) is near Larriston/Over&Nether Laristown.[32][33]

Riccarton, mistakenly Rakestonleis, but is Caddroun Tower.

Riccarton Burn, the Valley of the Scottish Croziers.

Surname seeding is when a surname is brought into a region, and those without a surname adopt it. Among the Navajo Native Americans a missionary from the mid- west United States brought the Elliott name to the Navajo people. At the time of surname adoption a family of Navajos took on the surname Elliott. Now there is a line of Navajo Elliotts. Surnames, showing popularity in Yorkshire; Croyser and Elwald, though with many deviations which from these standard spellings (norm given the centuries), developed in today’s England near the beginning of the twelfth cen- tury, and were brought into the north, previous to the Declaration of Arbroath ca1320, where Croyser evolve into Croiser, Crosier, lastly Crozier, and Elwald evolved

Helcaldenburne is Caddroun Burn (Tower) where Rakestonleis is of William Crosier in 1590.

In the 1376 Rent Roll were Ricardtoun superior, and Ri- cardtoun inferior, and in 1541 rent rolls of Liddesdale were Ricardtoncleuch, Over (superior) Riccarton (higher in elevation), and Richardtoun, Nether (inferior) Riccar- ton (lower in elevation).

Ricardtoun/R. Cleuch Crosar and Elwald

In Nether Riccarton Liddesdale 1541 rent rolls, was ten- anted by Martin Crosar, Patrick Crosar, Rolland El- wald (i.e. Elliot), and William Elwald, and Over (up- 4 3 HISTORICAL DISTRIBUTION

per) Riccarton was held by two Crosar farms. In 1576 an Andrew “Dande” Crosar was from Ricardtouncleuch. In 1590 was a Will Croser of Ryckerton (also spelled Rickerton).[34][35][36][37]

Crozier and Ellot in Upper Liddesdale Blaeu 1654 map

At time Robert Elwald received land of 1484 a William Gladstanis, are listed with the landholders, and John and Quinton Crosar, are listed with the witnesses. It is felt that in The Death of Parcy Reed Synopsis; Parcy Reed arrests the reiving outlaw Whinton Crosier[38] , it is felt Whinton is not a Crosier name, but the name is Quinton.[39] Robert Elwald (i.e. Elliot) is receiving lands of Redhuegh, Over(superior higher in elevation) and Nether(inferior lower in elevation) on above map where both Larristons O&N, are near Riccarton O&N. the Crosar/Croyser (Crozier) and the Elwald (Ellot) were close. Thorsliehope was land of the Elwald like Gorren- berry (next to Braidley) previous to Robert Elwald receiv- ing lands of Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth and other. Jamie Telfer in The Fair Dodhead Telfer is sent to meet Martin Elliot, of Prickinhaugh, as shown on the Blaeu map as being near N&O Ricarrton, and N&O Laris- ton. The Pedigree According to the Genealogy of 1704- 7 (previous to Stobs Castle fire of 1712) ELLIOTS OF LARISTON ; Robert Elliot of Lariston, the 15th, had a feud with the Armstrongs. Married a daughter of Buc- cleuch. His next brother was Martin Elliot, of Prickin- haugh. The Crozier Hudshouse is in the vicinity of Slaughtree, home of a Margaret (Meg, Megg, Maggie) Kidd mis- tress to Redheugh (Robert 15) now of Larriston, which he builds a tower for her at Hartsgarth. Second son living in Larriston with his father Robert chief 15, is William then of Hartsgrath with his mother (rf sansine/deed). Next son Gilbert “Gib-bie of Golden Garters” is said to be born of a father of Larriston, and a mother of Buc- cluech (Kidd’s curse, Kidd’s wall). Though a Hob El- wode (i.e. Robert Elliott), lived and was taken in by his uncle Clemyt Crossier (i.e. Clement Crozier) of Sto- bbes (Stobs) became Clementis Hobs, Gavan Ellot was first Ellot owner of Stobs, second husband to Gilbert’s mother, purchases Stobs for his grandson (first son of Gilbert) William. Gilbert marrying Mary “Fendy” first cousin to Buccleuch gave William the blood of a Buc- cleuch. This William (has first son Sir Gilbert) changed his support to Buccleuch (King Charles II), then hung himself so the Cromwellian Parliamentarians, would not take his estate.[42] From this William, to indicate loy- alty to the Royalist, and to differentiate the name from the Parliamentarian, Sir John Elliot which died in the tower of London, the family of the Clan Elliot chief of Stobs/Redheugh spells their name Eliott.

Lariston tree of Redheugh, including Martin of Prickenhaugh, pre-Stobs fire.

1586 Martin Elliot’s (intern Ellot clan chief) son Simon had a lease of land from Earl of Bothwell (Liddesdale, Braidlie). 1591 a Crown charter of Phillop in Selker- shire and Braidlie (Teviotdale). Martin was called “of” Braidley, indication ownership of land of Braidley, but living on the Braidley Bothwell Liddesdale lease Martin supplied soldiers to the bordering Hermitage Castle. Si- mon and Martin of Redheugh, built a tower of Pricken- haugh in the region of Robert of Redheugh, now living in Lariston N&O, and the Riccarton N&O Crozier.[40] It should be noted that a John Elwald who witness the sasine (deed) of Robert Elwald of Redheugh, likely was John Elwald of Thorlieshill, near Hudhouse of the Crosar (Crozier), witness a Scott deed in 1488.[41] Other words

Redheugh Elwald sasine (deed); Crosars witnesses.[43]

In Ulster, Ireland the name Crozier (1659, Croser 1630) was introduced by settlers who arrived from England and Scotland, especially during the seventeenth century with strong associations with Counties Fermanagh and Armagh.[44] The Scottish, and other border people followed a sim- ilar path migration from The Liddel Water which is a 3.3 Treviotdale 5

Hudshouse is below foot of Helcaldenburne (Caddroun Burn), on Liddel (refer to; Blaeu map of 1654).[50] Rakestonleis is of Caddroun Burn Tower (Helcalden- burne 1590) of Martin Crozier.[51][52]

3.3 Treviotdale

The family becomes Treviodale Crosiers of Alderston- shields, with nearby Clement Crosier in Stobs[53] migrat- ing north Clement Crosier on Gledstanis estate land to Hummelknows just south of Hawick.[54]

The head of the Croziers was Clame (Clement) in Hum- milknowes (1569).[55]

Lower Liddesdale, not showing Croziers.

Scottish-English border except in the Debatable Lands and past Kirhopefoot, where Mangerton is. Migration followed up into Northern Liddesdale. In Scotland, the names Armstrong, Elwald (Ellot), and Nixon, may have had there Scottish birth in the Debatable lands; the Croyser it is felt took more of a direct route northward bypassing the Debatable Lands. Along with the Crosar/Crozier, listed as witnesses are Grame/Grahams, and Forstar/Foster/Forester. Though Elwald-Ellot (Elliot) of Redhuegh and Gorrenberry are listed, along with the son of Buccleuch, Cessford (Rox- burghe), and his brother, and other Kerr, a Wm Gledsta- nis, and a number of Elwald as witnesses. There are no Armstrongs, though Grahams, Foresters, and Armstrongs had towers along the Liddel. The Armstrong, and their allies, believe like indigenous

Crosyer, Crosier, Crosser of Agerstoneshields-Alderstonshields and Stobs.

Crosyer, Crosier, Crosser of Agerstoneshields- Alderstonshields and Stobs, on Gladstanis estate in [56] Americans, that land is of the common. Previous to the Redheugh sasine, the Armstrong Mangerton lands were re-granted by Arhibald “Bell the Cat” Douglas V Earl of Angus to Scot of Buccleuch. That is why the Armstrong are not on sasine.[45]

3.2 Hudshouse

Near burn of same name, tower remains verily exist, and a peel house at Hudshouse poscessed by this clan. Scotts of Buccleuch, Vol II page 174.[46] Hudhouse was a two story house [47] with dual doors, making it a strongly built huddle house. What one would call a “Hudshouse”. Hud- shouse had recent farming up to about 1890, but in ruins with slight remains of an ancient tower of the Croziers.[48] Philippo Crosar was recorded on the Rental Rolls of Lid- desdale, being a tenant at Hudshouse in 1541.[49] Treviotdale, 1544

Hummelknows, Crosar which are surities (in bond) by Clem Crosar Sureties/bonding of Crosars by Clement Crosar of Hammelknows;[57] Gladstanis land in Treviotdale of Hammelknows, Alder- stonshields and Stobs, which Crozier (Crosar) were ten- ants; 6 5 CROZIER COAT OF ARMS

in Cumberland than Scotland and the Crosars in Upper Liddesdale with their chief stronghold at Riccarton.[30] A CENTURY LATER IN ULSTER; Across the water to Ulster into the counties of Fermanagh which now borders Ireland, and Armagh. Given numbers for the Armstrong, Elliot (Ellot), Nixon, and Crozier (Crosar) of Fermanagh and Armagh,[62] shows these two counties were stepping stones, into the English Plantations and around the world.

4 The Plantations

4.1 Australia and New Zealand

(space for future information)

4.2 Canada and United States

Gledstanis land which Crosar are tenants.

3.4 Fermanagh

The relation between the Crosare (Crozier), Elwald (El- lot), Home (Hume), in the Minto (Wolflee/Wolfhopelee) regions is shown in a Declaration of Sasine to David of Home 1436, when a Johannis Elwald, and a Ja- cobi Crosare witness the deed of David Hume receiv- ing land from of Wolflee and Wolfhopelee from William Douglas.[58] John Croser sword only is listed in the ca1630 munster rolls of Tully Castle (1630 Tully, Monea, and Tullykelter Castles exist, but Castle Hume was built later[59]) the Barony de Magherboy, Fermanangh, Ulster. Croser, El- lot and Hume in this same region as found two centuries earlier, in southern Treviotdale with Sasine of David Hume.[60]

Maghereboy, Fermanagh, Ulster, Hume, Hamilton and Somerville lands of Tully, Monea, and Tullykelter Castle lands.

In 1659, Crozier were listed in the Census of Fer- managh/Armagh, Ulster.[61] 1528 IN DEBATABLE LANDS; Of the Armstrong, El- lot, Nixon and Crosar; the most numerous in 1528 are the Armstong then Elwands, Ellwoods, or Elliots who ex- tended into Teviotdale, Nixons which are more numerous Early Crosier into Boston, Massachusetts; CROSIER TIME LINE by Charles Crosier.[63] 1735 December 29 - An intent to marry is recorded in Kings Chapel for John Crosier and Martha Lindsey.

note; John Croser b. ca1714 Ireland?, father William Samuel Crossett and mother; Martha Hamilton, married; Martha Lindsay 1735 in Boston, Massachusetts.[64] 1735/36 January 13 - John Crosier marries Martha Lind- sey at Kings Chapel (Episcopalian). Were like many Crosier/Crozier of Ulster (Scot-Irish) would have been Episcopalian.[65] Traditionally the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Crozer (Crozier) family was founded by five brothers, Andrew, John, James, Robert and Samuel of Northern Ireland (Ul- ster), arrived in Philadelphia about 1723, unrecorded par- ents were likely with them.[66] Norwalk, Conneticutt, Richard Cozier (Crozier), wife Abigail Brown listed in deeds of 1709[67] deceased 1724.[68]

5 Crozier Coat of Arms

Traditional design features, are the fleur de lis of France used in England[69] and America (Crozier’s General Ar- mory:...... ed William Armstrong Crozier),[70] with French being the basis to the name Crozier. Azure or lapis blue being a tradition colour of the Crozier Clan arms. The cross is the Christian (St George’s Cross), colour scheme in that of the arms of the Armstrong and the Scottish flag. Though the white could be turn to gold if the Irish want their coat of arms different. The Irish of mainly Fermanagh/Armagh, have Liddesdale/Teviotdale Scottish origins. The stag head is found normally on 7

Coat of Arms for armigerous Clan Crozier to share.

top in the caboose is on the white cross, and is a sym- bol used by the King/St Elwald (Ælfwald I of Northum- bria), and the Cumbria Ellwood,[71][72] along with the Horsliehill[73][74] (William) Ellot. Stag head is in the cen- tre, which makes the arms unique and compacts the de- sign to a shield. For artistry the stag head is not symmetric, and is verti- cally compact to fit on the vertical member of the cross. Stag looks towards the left, for people of a society which reads from left to right, the stag seems to as being ad- dressed from the left looking at the reader. Two colour scheme of white (gold maybe substituted) and blue is uti- lized, in svg (scalable vector graphics). Public domain to be shared by Clan Crozier. Clan Crozier an armigerous clan, does not have an arms registered by Lord Lyon the heraldic authority for Scotland. The given are an ex- ample based on Crozier traditional arms, which can be shared by all Crozier, Crosier, Grozier, Gros, Crosser, Cross, Cros, Crozat, Crozet and other variant names. Surnames (Family Tree DNA Crozier site) Crazier, Crizer, Crosair, Crosare, Croser, Crosier, Crosir, Crosnier, Crossar, Crosser, Croysar, Croyser, Crozer, Crozier[75] I have not seen the arms-of Croser; but they and the Nixons were small broken clans, dependent on the Elliots of Lar- iston, also broken clan and followers of Buccleugh, it is probable they would carry similar arms. Notes and Queries; Oxford University Press, August Coat of Arms for armigerous Clan Crozier to share; yellow op- tion.

W.E.; (most likely William Elliot)

1876 page 173[76] note; Clan Armstrong does not have a chief, but Clan El- liot does. 8 9 FERMANAGH/ARMAGH

6 Crozier Tartan

The Scottish Register of Tartans for “Crozier/Crosser” 01/01/1983 National Records of Scotland, H.M. General Register House, Scottish Tartans Authority STA ref:1779

Clan Crozier, Scottish Registered Tartan.

7 Crozier Motto

Crux coelorum, crux mihi clavis erit. Translation; 1.(Cross of heaven, for me; the keys of heaven.) 2.(Heavens above, the cross will be the key for me.)

1.(Cross of heaven, for me; the keys of heaven.) 2.(Heavens above, the cross will be the key for me.)

Crozier’s General Armory: A Registry of American Families Entitled to Coat Armor William Armstrong Crozier Genealogical association, 1904 page 45.[77] Bulletin d'archéologie et de statistique de la Drôme, Vol- umes 23-24 1889 - Dauphiné (France) Dictionnaire Des Devises Dauphiné page 505 122.--Crux coelorum, crux mihi clavis erit (Croix des cieux, pour moi clefs du ciel) De Crozat.[78] Anthony du Crozat (Crosset), a French Huguenot is a refugee to Ireland 1591.[79] Crozat Arms of France with cross.

8 Visiting Newcastleton-Copshaw Holm

David (Crozier) on a visit to Liddesdale, Newcastle- ton noted on a sign in the domain of the public [80] read;".....the famous families of Elliot, Armstrong, Nixon and Crozier.....Welcome to Copshaw Holm.” Another sign of the region reads. “Nixons, and Crosiers rode with Elliots and the Armstrongs. ..nicknames like..Nebless Clem.” The Steel Bonnets; Book by George MacDonald Fraser, Nebles Clem is a Crosar, and one would find when the name Clem is used during this era it is almost always a Crosier/Crozier. Also G. Fraser, is another individ- ual which establishes Riccarton, as the place for the Crozier.[81]

9 Fermanagh/Armagh

From one border to another; Fermangh/Armagh are bor- der counties of Ulster. Maps are of 1583 and 1613.

• Ulster 1583 • Ulster 1613

Counties of Fermangh and Armagh shown to stay the same during the early part of the Ulster Plantation. Lon- donderry an “English” County of the newly developed Ul- ster Plantation was made from Coleraine and the north- east tip of Tyrone. As the Armstrong; may Clan Crozier now, go UNVANQUISHED. 9



[1] Great Britain III Acts of the Parliament of Scotland pp.466-7 (1587) [2] Middle English Dictionary, Vol 1&2 by Hans Kurath. [3] Dictionary of the Scots Language Dictionar o the Scots Leid

[4] Piety, Fraternity, and Power: Religious Gilds in Late Me- dieval Yorkshire, 1389-1547 David J. F. Crouch Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2000 page 274

[5] Scots Kith & Kin: A Comprehensive A-Z Guide to the Sur- names of Scotland, the Clans and Their Tartans Collins Celtic, Collins Celtic Staff, Collins UK Collins, 1989

[6] Clans/Crozier.html

[7] Letters and Papers: Foreign and Domestic. Calendar of Henry VIII. Great Britain. Public Record Office, Henry VIII (King of England) Longman, 1896 [8] geographic-surname-dna-correlation/ [9] The Priory of Hexham, Volume 2 James Raine Society, 1865 pg 26

[10] Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archæological Society, Volume 4 Bishopsgate Institute, 1922 - London pg 269 [11] Publications of the Surtees Society, Volume 48 By Surtees Society pg 26

[12] A History of Northumberland, Volume 3, Part 1 By Northumberland County History Committee, Edward Bateson, John Crawford Hodgson, Allen Banks Hinds, Herbert Henry Edmund Craster pg151 [13] ixzz3kHkgQRW0 [14] 1266-1272 Great Britain. Public Record Office Kraus Reprint, 1971

[15] Calendar of the Close Rolls ...: Preserved in the Public Record Office, Volume 24 Great Britain. Public Record Office H. M. Stationery Office, 1896 - Great Britain pg 63-64

[16] Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office By Great Britain. Public Record Officalen- dar of Close Rolls, Public Record Office.Edward III, AD 1333-1337. Index; [17] The Chronicles of the Armstrong, James L. Armstrong 1903,ed page 31 [18] Family Tree DNA Crozier [19] region=!WORLD-EUROPE [20] Crozier, British Isles [21] default.aspx?section=ysnp [22] [23] region=!WORLD-EUROPE

[24] Genealogy of the Eliot family By William Smith Porter page 2 [25] | Cros to Cross, Aliot to Eliot

[26] aspx?section=ycolorized | Cross; Family Tree DNA results. [27] raw=1 | Cross; World Family results. [28] Colonial Families of Philadelphia, By John W. Jordan. [29] Canmore Riccarton Tower Site [30] Family Records By Ashworth Peter Burke pg 195 Crozier

[31] Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1225-1232 By Great Britain Public Record Office, H.C. Maxwell Lyte (Sir.) [32] History of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club, Instituted ..., Volume 12 By Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club (Scot- land).

[33] | Ric- carton Tower

[34] The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland: 1537-1542 By Scot- land. Court of Exchequer, George Powell McNeill

[35] Rotuli scaccarii regum scotorum: The Exchequer rolls of Scotland, Volume 17 By Scotland. Court of Exchequer, George Burnett [36] The Scotts of Buccleuch, Fraser, William, Sir, 1816- 1898. cn, Publisher:Edinburgh : s.n. page 174

[37] A Break With The Past, Changed days on two Border sheep farms (Langburnshiels and Riccarton) by Michael J.H. Robson, Ovenshank Newcastleton 1991 pages 41-49 [38] [39] crosier.htm [40] Scottish arms a collection of armorial bearings,A.D. 1370-1678 by R.R. Stodart Published 1881 by W. Pater- son in Edinburgh. [41] The Scotts of Buccleuch (1878) pg 92, by Sir William Fraser

[42] The Border Elliots and the Family of Minto By George Francis Scott Elliot; Kidd, Margaret, or Meg, 248. ' Kidd’s curse,' 249 n. ' Kidd’s walls,'

[43] The Annals of a Border Club (the Jedforest): And Bio- graphical Notices of the Families Connected Therewith George Tancred T. S. Smail, 1899 - History of Scotland 10 10 REFERENCES

[44] Irish surnames; Crozier

[45] download/14397/20215/ Top historian of Scottish history. Nicked by Redheugh, and Gorrenberry is bleeding. [46] The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Wauchopedale and ..Vol1, By Robert Bruce Armstrong. [47] [48] History of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club, Volume 12 Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club 1890

[49] A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott DRAFT-vers 2, Aug 2015

[50] Atlas_of_Scotland_1654_-_LIDALIA_-_Liddesdale. jpg | Blaeu 1654-Hudshouse foot of Helcaldenburne [51] | Caddroun Burn Tower [52] Colonial Families of Philadelphia, Volume 2 By John Woolf Jordan pg1387. [53] The Hamilton Papers: A.D 1543-1590, By Great Britain. General Register Office (Scotland). [54] 1569-1578 By Scotland Privy Council [55] History of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club, Volume 13 By Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club Report of Meetings for 1890. By Dr J. Hardy. 63 [56] The Hamilton Papers: A.D. 1543-1590 General Register House, 1892 - Great Britain [57] The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, Volume 1,Scotland. Privy Council, John Hill Burton, David Mas- son, Peter Hume Brown, Henry Paton, Robert Kerr Han- nay, H.M. General Register House, 1877 - Archives

[58] Report on the Manuscripts of Colonel David Milne Home of Wedderburn Castle, Issue 2 Great Britain. Royal Com- mission on Historical Manuscripts H. M. Stationery Of- fice, 1902 - Home family

[59] A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland John Burke, Sir Bernard Burke J. R. Smith, 1844 page 608

[60] The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects by Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 Published 1919 [61] Special Report On: Ireland, the 1659 Census, edited by Irish Genealogical Foundation, M. Laughlin [62] The book of Ulster Surnames, Robert Bell, 1988

[63] timeline.htm | CROSIER TIME LINE by Charles Crosier [64] The Crosiers of Halifax, Vermont: Some Descendants of John Croser C. 1714 - C. 1755 Iris Wilcox Baird, 1996 - 322 page [65] early-modern-history-1500-1700/ sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-rob /| who wrote The book of Ulster Surnames, Robert Bell, 1988 [66] Colonial Families of Philadelphia, Volume 2 By John Woolf Jordan [67] Book B, pg. 66, Norwalk Deeds, Nov. 18, 1709. [68] Norwalk,Conneticutt Wills; Mch. 4, 1728/9, page 214. [69] The British herald, or Cabinet of armorial bearings of the nobility & gentry of Great Britain & Ireland, Volume 1 Thomas Robson (engraver.) 1830 - Great Britain

[70] Crozier’s General Armory: A Registry of American Fam- ilies Entitled to Coat Armor edited by William Armstrong Crozier [71] Bolton’s American Armory By Jina Bolton, Charles Knowles Bolton

[72] Encyclopædia of Heraldry, Or General Armory of Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland: Comprising a Registry of All Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time, Including the Late Grants by the College of Arms John Burke, Sir John Bernard Burke H. G. Bohn, 1844

[73] The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wau- chopedale and the Debatable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1Robert Bruce Armstrong D. Dou- glas, 1883 page 178 [74] The Border Elliots and the Family of Minto By George Francis Scott Elliot page 252 [75]

[76] dfzfAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA174&dq=%22ELLIOTS+ OF+LARISTON%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved= 0CDQQ6AEwBGoVChMIy8fLy7P8yAIVFNhjCh0dhgBE# v=onepage&q=croser&f=false [77] [78] crNIAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA505&lpg=PA505& dq=%22Crux+coelorum,+crux+mihi+clavis+ erit%22&source=bl&ots=Il72b1Gp-I&sig= r5kf1agsD-UhojBLelXn4dnUbfg&hl=en&sa=X&ved= 0CC0Q6AEwBGoVChMIjOujtKiLyQIVSFOICh1OWwgE# v=onepage&q=%22Crux%20coelorum%2C%20crux% 20mihi%20clavis%20erit%22&f=false

[79] Anthony du Crozat (Crosset), a French Huguenot is a refugee to Ireland 1591 | The Crossett Name

[80] Kelly’s Journey: July 2015 uk [81] The Steel Bonnets; Book by George MacDonald Fraser, 11

11 External links Clan Arm- strong Trust • early-modern-history-1500-1700/ sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ / ‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell 12 12 TEXT AND IMAGE SOURCES, CONTRIBUTORS, AND LICENSES

12 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

12.1 Text

• Clan Crozier Source: Contributors: Bearcat, Blainster, Rich Farmbrough, RJFJR, Bgwhite, SmackBot, Dl2000, Iridescent, Magioladitis, CommonsDelinker, M-le-mot-dit, WOSlinker, Arjayay, Yobot, LilHelpa, Brianann MacAmhlaidh, Kcrozier204, Vanished 1850, BG19bot, DoctorKubla, Eurodyne, Godsy, Lucas559, Clockchime, Lawismarkellot and Anonymous: 14
