Laura Dahl (born 1976) is a Author, Singer (mezzo-soprano) and Artist. In 1994 won Trophy for Best Monologue, Mountlake Terrace High School. Recently she has been recognized for her powerful operatic vocal talents and has performed at the Edmonds ArtWalk in Edmond's, Washington and within Christian Churches in the North west. |}}Laura Dahl is an American Writer, Singer and Artist. A native of Seattle, WA. She attended Shoreline Community College in Seattle, WA, receiving her Associate in the Arts and Sciences and then attended Saint Martin's University in Lacey, WA, earning a Liberal Bachelor's in Arts degree, majoring in Theatre and minoring in Music.

Since 1994, Laura has donated countless art (including: Oil, Acrylic, pastel and charcoal) to non-profit organizations in the Pacific North West. Since 2001, She began her Greeting Card line called Dahlicious Designs.

In 2005 Dahl released her first record called Forget Me Not in which she sang classical, operatic and ballad songs. In 2007, she published her first book A Moth In The Darkness, a theatrical play that deals with spiritual warfare and the seduction of worldly pleasures. A 'Moth In the Darkness' is a valuable tool for victims of abuse as Laura prides herself as an Advocate for Victims of Abuse, through Spiritual Healing and Art Expression. A Moth In The Darkness is available bookstores in the North West and via her website [official website] Laura is currently working on a second book and it should be released by the end of 2009.

Category:1976 births Category:Living people Category:Author,singer,artist