
LA Cline Born in New York City, L.A. Cline started drawing as a child and was the first in her family to graduate college. During college, as income to supplement part-time jobs, she often created portraits and medical drawings for doctor's offices before graduating with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1975.

L.A. Cline has been creating drawings and pastel paintings ever since for the past 30 years. In addition to the many custom portraits, L.A. Cline has painted in her clients’ homes and offices, she also has created permanent corporate exhibitions, which include portraits within the Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center in Miami, Florida; Florida International University in North Miami, Florida; Florida's Third District Court of Appeal in Miami, Florida; the Sidney M. Aronovitz United States Courthouse in Key West, Florida; as well as the Fine Art Giclee reproductions of Memorial Paintings of Judge Thomas and Judge Aronovitz on display at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC's American Art and Portrait Gallery Library, the “Living Artists File." This file can be viewed by the public to learn about American Heroes and the Artists behind the their images. The “Living Artists File” serves as a recommendation for future art commissions. As well, the Sports Painting Collection by L.A. Cline has been featured on ABC's South Florida Channel 10, displayed at South Florida's Sun Life football stadium and at the BB&T Arena. Over the years, L.A. Cline has also been featured in numerous art showings and galleries. Cline is a member of the Pastel Society of America in New York City.

As a commissioned Master Pastel Artist rendering portraits, L.A. Cline creates, by hand, each original fine art pastel painting. Her method uses layer upon layer of pastel to develop a realistic quality in each of her legacy paintings. She builds 15 to 20 layers of pastel pigment to give depth and detail to each of her pastel artworks.[1][2]


  1. ^ "iReport CNN", September 17, 2013, "(", September 26, 2013
  2. ^ "PRWeb", April 10, 2012, "(", September 26, 2013