Week 14: Final Edits

Labelled ventral musculature of a pigeon wing
Labelled dorsal musculature of a pigeon wing

Most birds have approximately 175 different muscles, mainly controlling the wings, skin, and legs. Overall, the muscle mass of birds is concentrated ventrally. The largest muscles in the bird are the pectorals, or the pectoralis major, which control the wings and make up about 15–25% of a flighted bird's body weight.They provide the powerful wing stroke essential for flight. The muscle deep to (underneath) the pectorals is the supracoracoideus, or the pectoralis minor. It raises the wing between wingbeats. Both muscle groups attach to the keel of the sternum. This is remarkable, because other vertebrates have the muscles to raise the upper limbs generally attached to areas on the back of the spine. The supracoracoideus and the pectorals together make up about 25–40% of the bird's full body weight.[1] Caudal to the pectorals and supracoracoides are the internal and external obliques which compress the abdomen. Additionally, there are other abdominal muscles present that expand and contract the chest, and hold the ribcage. The muscles of the wing, as seen in the labelled images, function mainly in extending or flexing the elbow, moving the wing as a whole or in extending or flexing particular digits. These muscles work to adjust the wings for flight and all other actions.[1] Muscle composition does vary between species and even within families.[2]

Birds have unique necks which are elongated with complex musculature as it must allow for the head to perform functions other animals may utilize pectoral limbs for.[1]

The skin muscles help a bird in its flight by adjusting the feathers, which are attached to the skin muscle and help the bird in its flight maneuvers as well as aiding in mating rituals.

There are only a few muscles in the trunk and the tail, but they are very strong and are essential for the bird. These include the lateralis caudae and the levator caudae which control movement of the tail and the spreading of rectrices, giving the tail a larger surface area which helps keep the bird in the air as well as aiding in turning.[1]

Muscle composition and adaptation differ by theories of muscle adaptation in whether evolution of flight came from flapping or gliding first.[3]

Week 11: Illustrate an Article

Muscular anatomy of the pectoralis major and arm of the raven. The pectoralis major is the largest muscle in the bird and this and the arm are essential to flight.
Illustrated neck musculature of the raven.

Images added are on the right and are taken from The Myology of the Raven[4]

Week 10: Draft #2


Edited Muscular Section (On Bird Anatomy Page):


Most birds have approximately 175 different muscles, mainly controlling the wings, skin, and legs. Overall, the muscle mass of birds is concentrated ventrally. The largest muscles in the bird are the pectorals, or the pectoralis major, which control the wings and make up about 15–25% of a flighted bird's body weight. They provide the powerful wing stroke essential for flight. The muscle deep to (underneath) the pectorals is the supracoracoideus, or the pectoralis minor. It raises the wing between wingbeats. Both muscle groups attach to the keel of the sternum. This is remarkable, because other vertebrates have the muscles to raise the upper limbs generally attached to areas on the back of the spine. The supracoracoideus and the pectorals together make up about 25–35% of the bird's full body weight.[citation needed] Caudal to the pectorals and supracoracoides are the internal and external obliques which compress the abdomen. Additionally, there are other abdominal muscles present that expand and contract the chest, and hold the ribcage.

Birds have unique necks which are elongated with complex musculature as it must allow for the head to perform functions other animals may utilize pectoral limbs for.

The skin muscles help a bird in its flight by adjusting the feathers, which are attached to the skin muscle and help the bird in its flight maneuvers as well as aiding in mating rituals.

There are only a few muscles in the trunk and the tail, but they are very strong and are essential for the bird. These include the lateralis caudae and the levator caudae which control movement of the tail and the spreading of rectrices, giving the tail a larger surface area which helps keep the bird in the air as well as aiding in turning.

Muscle composition and adaptation differ by theories of muscle adaptation in whether evolution of flight came from flapping or gliding first.[3]



Edit current information to keep accurate (some already inserted)

Expand on avian neck musculature

Add wing image (taken during dissection or the Raven wing on Wikimedia CommonsAdd in citations, most underlined portions are from the Ornithology Textbook

Week 9: Responding to Peer Edits


Muscular Section Suggestions:


All peer edits that referenced my draft of the muscular system stated that it was more of an outline than a draft. This was true, and as we move forward with the next draft I will add more explicit information rather than just stating what sort of information I am planning on. Additionally, there was a suggestion to add pictures taken during dissection for the musculature section, which we plan on doing, as well as searching through more of the literature to see if any relevant images can be obtained this way.

Week 7: Peer Edits


Rabbit Edits:


Overall the Week 6 draft is well organized. I could not tell though if you plan to add other sections such as listed in Week 5 or wanted to focus more on just reproduction and respiration. Additionally it was unclear if everyone contributed to the reproduction section and then just one member to the respiratory section and how work was being split up so it was difficult to tell if work was being split up evenly. The sources for each section listed in Week 5 look good though more than one source per section would add strength and the color atlas of anatomy may be too recent to use images from unless they are in Wikimedia Commons. You may also want to edit the first sentence as Leydig cells were referred to twice and should instead state: The adult male reproductive system forms the same as most mammals with the seminiferous tubular compartment containing the Sertoli cells and an adluminal compartment that contains the Leydig cells[1]. Stealth should also be changed to sheath in the sentence below, but overall this sentence is essentially quoted from the source and should be rephrased: In an adult male rabbit, the sheath of the penis is cylinder-like and can be extruded as early as 2 months of age[2]. Overall the draft was good and the sections that were written about had a good amount of information and were easy to follow. Kurtames (talk) 17:06, 22 March 2019 (UTC)Kurtames

Rattlesnake Edits:


The draft looks really strong. All of the members of your group have multiple sources for their sections and all appear to be reliable. It seems like the work is split up well and it is good that you are going to create your own images if you cannot find the ones you are looking for without copyright issues. These seem like important sections to be added to the pages. Kurtames (talk) 01:12, 23 March 2019 (UTC)Kurtames

Week 6: Drafting


Current Muscular Section (On Bird Anatomy Page):


Most birds have approximately 175 different muscles, mainly controlling the wings, skin, and legs. The largest muscles in the bird are the pectorals, or the breast muscles, which control the wings and make up about 15–25% of a flighted bird's body weight. They provide the powerful wing stroke essential for flight. The muscle medial to (underneath) the pectorals is the supracoracoideus. It raises the wing between wingbeats. Both muscle groups attach to the keel of the sternum. This is remarkable, because other vertebrates have the muscles to raise the upper limbs generally attached to areas on the back of the spine. The supracoracoideus and the pectorals together make up about 25–35% of the bird's full body weight.[citation needed]

The skin muscles help a bird in its flight by adjusting the feathers, which are attached to the skin muscle and help the bird in its flight maneuvers.

There are only a few muscles in the trunk and the tail, but they are very strong and are essential for the bird. The pygostyle controls all the movement in the tail and controls the feathers in the tail. This gives the tail a larger surface area which helps keep the bird in the air.

Edits to the muscular system include:


Adding that most of the muscle mass on birds is concentrated on the ventral side, with dorsal muscles being significantly reduced as opposed to mammals. Discuss about the importance of the adaptation of a long flexible neck with complex musculature as it must allow for the head to perform functions other animals may utilize pectoral limbs for. Mention the variety of muscular composition between bird species such as the differing jaw musculature by diet or the differing leg musculature in flying or non-flying species. Add more to the description of particular muscles and what their functions are generally such as allowing for closing of the mouth, flexing of the elbow, etc. Add that skin muscles allowing for adjusting of feathers may also be significant to mating rituals. Keep the descriptions of pectoral muscles being the most important but try to confirm specifics about the portion of the body weight that they make up and how this differs between species, and find a citation for where it is listed as needed. May add about the theories of muscle adaptation in whether evolution of flight came from flapping or gliding first.[3]

I will also attempt to find a better image that shows more of the muscular anatomy of birds. As of now I have only found images on either a leg or a wing or images that are not old enough or on Wikimedia Commons.


Proctor, Noble S., Lynch, Patrick J. "The Musculature." Manual of Ornithology: Avian Structure and Function. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1993. 148-173.

Expanding on the description of muscles used for flight: http://www.senckenberg.de/files/content/forschung/publikationen/vertebratezoology/vz68-2/06_vertebrate_zoology_68_2_picasso-mosto_177-190.pdf


Razmadze, Daria; Panyutina, Aleksandra A; Zelenkov, Nikita V. "Anatomy of the forelimb musculature and ligaments of Psittacus erithacus (Aves: Psittaciformes)" Journal of Anatomy, vol 223, no. 4, Cot 2018, pp 496-530.

Week 4: Dissection Choices


My first choice for dissections is the pigeon as I find birds interesting as a group which is so closely related to reptiles while appearing so different and as a group in which most animals use flight. Pages that could be edited for this project include the general page on pigeons: Columbidae, or the page on the rock pigeon: Rock dove, neither of which appear to include a section on morphology.

My second choice is the rabbit because it would be a good example for studying the morphology of mammals. A good page to edit could include the basic rabbit page (Rabbit) which does have a morphology section but the overall page is rated as C-class and could use improvements.

My third choice is the freshwater drum as fish are a good example of the greatest diversity of vertebrates and I am interested in studying fish. A good page to edit could the

Freshwater drum page as it lacks a morphology section.

Week 3: Portion of Cyclostomata Article Editing (the underlined sections are parts of sentences I rephrased)


Original sentences:


In hagfishes the left gonad degenerates during their ontogeny and only the right gonad develops, while it is achieved through fusion of both the left and right gonads in lampreys

A thymus and spleen is absent in both hagfishes and lampreys.[5] Myelin and sympathetic chain ganglia is also absent.

Eyes don't have internal muscles, and in hagfishes no external muscles either.

Added the "The"



Both hagfishes and lampreys have just one gonad, but for different reasons. In hagfishes the left gonad degenerates during their ontogeny and only the right gonad develops, while in lampreys the left and right gonads fuse into one. There are no gonoducts present in either species.

Hagfishes have direct development, but lampreys goes through a larval stage followed by metamorphosis into a juvenile form (or adult form in the non-parasitic species). Lamprey larvae live in freshwater and are called ammocoetes, and are the only vertebrates with an endostyle, an organ used for filter feeding and is otherwise found only in tunicates and lancelets. During metamorphosis the lamprey endostyle develops into the thyroid gland.

The cyclostomata evolved oxygen transport hemoglobins independently from the jawed vertebrates.

Hagfishes and lampreys lack a thymus, spleen, myelin and sympathetic chain ganglia. Neither species has internal eye muscles and hagfishes also lack extrenal eye muscles. Both groups have only a single olfactory organ with a single nostril. The nasal duct ends blindly in a pouch in lampreys but opens into the pharynx in hagfishes. The branchial basket (reduced in hagfishes) is attached to the cranium.

Copied from Cyclostomata

Week 2: Article Evaluation


Overall, the Wikipedia page "Sharks" appears to be well organized and composed of relevant material. It has been categorized as a Natural Science Good Article, but has not been reassessed since 2009. It is a page specified as important for biology, is listed as a level four vital article, and is under constant editing and contributions by Wikipedia editors. The page contains 167 references which come from news articles, books, scientific papers and more and the links that I followed all led to pages that did in fact contain the information they claimed and support the page. Surprisingly this page contains only two sources for further reading which could be an area of improvement. The page is supported by many links to other Wikipedia pages through key words. Many of these links are repeated each time the word is repeated, but not all are. This could be edited to aid consistency and make it more convenient to access related pages by linking the word each time it occurs, or the page could be edited to avoid excessive links by only linking Wikipedia pages the first time each key word is written. Additionally, there are several words, such as monophyly which could benefit from a link and definition in the article. Another specific issue is that there is a link to the nonexistent Wikipedia page "Kamaku" in the section on sharks in Hawaiian culture. The phrasing throughout the page appears neutral and based primarily off of scientific facts. It discusses the endangerment of sharks and the conservation movements that have been passed without clearly supporting a political view. Phrasing is overall proficient but could be improved in several instances. I personally would rephrase a sentence in the section on smell as it does not specify what sharks are also attracted to while they are more attracted to chemicals and previous sentences do not place it into better context. Another concern is whether the page should be using the phrase great white shark, great white or white shark to discuss this particular species. The Wikipedia page specifically discussing the species is entitled Great White Shark which would support using this term particularly as it is the common name, however as we had discussed in class some argue that they should be referred to as white sharks instead. The article contains information on both the biology and cultural perceptions of sharks, though it focuses mostly on the biology. All sections within the page appear relevant and while some to contain more information than others, overall the page appears effective. More could be added in certain areas such as the section on the lateral line which contains only three short sentences, but adding more information may make an already somewhat long Wikipedia page too long for the general summary that it is.

  1. ^ a b c d Proctor, Noble S., Lynch, Patrick J. (1993). Manual of Ornithology. Yale University: New Haven and London. pp. 149–170. ISBN 0-300-07619-3.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ Picasso, Mariana B. J., Mosto, María C. "Wing myology of Caracaras (Aves, Falconiformes): muscular features associated with flight behavior". Vertebrate Zoology. vol. 68, no. 2, 15 August 2018, 177–190.
  3. ^ a b c Tobalske Bret W. (2016-09-26). "Evolution of avian flight: muscles and constraints on performance". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 371 (1704): 20150383. doi:10.1098/rstb.2015.0383. PMC 4992707. PMID 27528773.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: PMC format (link)
  4. ^ Shufeldt, Robert W. (1890). The myology of the raven (Corvus corax sinuatus.) A guide to the study of the muscular system in birds. By R. W. Shufeldt. London,: Macmillan and co.,.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  5. ^ Lamprey immunity is far from primitive | PNAS