
Stargate Command Farming Tutorial


The purpose of this wiki is to explain to new members how to utilize the extensive farm system within the Stargate Command Alliance. We also have some tips should you wish to create your own farms. This wiki was created by pipes with help from J.Oneil, Gladiator, Unstoppable, Hambone, Emoto, and Apotropaic. If you are going to use the farms in our alliance, please read this first. We put a lot of work in to these farms so please utilize them properly.

How to Harvest From a Farm

NUMBER 1 RULE: Do not attack a farm without permission from the owner. This rule cannot be broken. You will be removed from the alliance very quickly if this happens.

If you need resources for upgrades, to start, send a message to an individual or the alliance chat stating that you are in need of resources. If there are farms available, someone will then reply to you that they have a farm available. After you make the request it may take a few minutes for someone to clear out the farm. This can take 5-10 minutes so be patient. Once a farm is ready, you will be sent the coordinates as well as how much resources you can take from it. DO NOT EXCEED this number.

Once you have been sent the coordinates, you are ready to attack the farm. Perform a regular attack, not a rally. When attacking you want to set your fleet to bring back the most possible resources. The farm will be empty so you don't need to send powerful troops. Send all the front line troops you have, they carry the most. Shredders preferably. If you have enough front line troops to fill your fleet, great. If your fleet is not full, fill with second line next. Only use rear troops to finish filling your fleet, they carry the smallest load. Make sure you send a full fleet, or you will not bring back the maximum amount of resources. DO NOT send titans or zombie troops. They do not carry resources and thus are of no use. It would be a waste of vitality to use the titans to attack. You will probably need to attack multiple times to get all the resources. Attack as many times as needed.

After you receive coordinates for the farm you have 2 hours to perform your attacks. After that 2 hours is up, you must stop unless you speak to the owner again. We are actively recruiting troops from these farms so if you wait too long there will be troops in the base again.

While you are attacking try to be available in the Alliance chat, we may need to send you messages during the attacks.

Creating Your Own Farm

To make your own farm, you will need either another phone, or an emulator on a computer. Create a new account and move your city to Nation #641. Apply to join our farm Alliance (SG1)Stargate Command Outpost. When building your city, you want to focus exclusively on resource gathering. Do not spend resources upgrading any war components unless needed to keep upgrading your city. You will want to recruit only level 1&2 troops. Focus on Infantry, and Shredders. Shredders are especially useful for farming. Focus on your garage and upgrading your fleet size and speed. Unlock additional fleets as quickly as possible. Do everything you can to keep your troops out of the city and in the mines. Don't neglect your officers. Keep the best officers in place for resource gathering and resource output. Focus on Blue officers, it takes too long to get purple officers in a farm account.