Article Evaluation: In the Amazon, a Catastrophic Gold Rush Looms

In the article in the Amazon, a Catastrophic Gold Rush Looms, the author mentions that the work that the environmental work that has been long achieved for indigenous people's in the amazon is being vanished because of a law passed that has abolished a national reserve. Which means that indigenous rights and the environment are in serious danger. Why does it matter? According to the article this matter because in the constitution the amazon is a natural wonder and now a patrimony of brazil. Not to mention the amazon is one of the world's biggest oxygen providers. As presented in the article we can see that indigenous rights are being violated and according to the same source the government is now facing charges of ethnocide. At the end of the article the author proposes a solution, which I found pretty interesting, in the following the author states "If Mr. Temer wants to stimulate economic development in the region, he should solicit foreign investors to repair and expand its public infrastructure so that the Amazon and its people can live up to their remarkable potential in fields like biotechnology, health care and sustainable fishing and agriculture" Will this solve the issue? I do not think it will solve the issue, but it is better, at least they are offering a solution to the disaster they created. How is this relevant to the class? In class we spoke about brazil and the importance of the country as they form part of the G20.