GRACE Research Zambia The GRACE Zambia Research on Mobile Cellular Phone Service Provision and the Advancement of Women in Zambia is a sub project of the overall Gender Research in Africa into ICT for Empowerment GRACE Project. The Zambia project explores the processes involved in the provision of Mobile cellular phone services, examines the roles of key players and explores the social, economic and cultural effects of the service on the country with a specific focus on the status of women.

The Project coordinator is Kiss Brian Abraham based in Lusaka.

Kiss Brian Abraham is a Zambian civil society social change activist. He is actively involved in the development of the Zambia Social Forum process (The goal of the forum is to create a space for meaningful debate and alternative thinking). He is a member of the Media Institute of Southern Africa and sits on the Africa Social Forum Council.

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The GRACE Zambia REsearch Project

for a Year until 2008, The GRACE Zambia Research Project probed the systems and institutions whose collective responsibility is the provision of the Mobile Cellular Phone Service. It also investigated the institutions that monitor Gender issues and the well being of women in relation to these ICTs. The Project took an appreciative inquiry approach on making life better through cell phones.

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