Kill This City is a Dance/Club/Electro-Pop band consisting of vocalist, Matt Moore, and producer John Rossello. They formed in as a side project from their previous pop-rock band, Halliday, in May 2012. Vocalist Matt Moore became serious about singing in his freshman year of high school after joining his first band, Civilian. Matt left Civilian in 2011 to join Halliday where he met their bass player, John. John has been involved with music since 2002, and formed Kill This City when he asked Matt to be apart of his solo music. Matt and John wrote their first song, 'Let Me See You Dance' for fun, with no idea how serious they were about to become towards a genre they never had explored. Weekly they got together for hours at a time, writing and recording ideas that came natural to the band. John would write ideas off of his MIDI controller, capturing various elements of dance music, while Matt worked on catchy-hooks and memorable melodies. After 'Let Me See You Dance' was complete, Matt and John threw around ideas for potential new songs, keeping three of them in the end for their first demo in hopes of reaching out to record labels. Each song provided different dance elements from the others, leaving the band in a genre of their own. As the four songs came to a finish, confidence and certainty grew regarding the fate of their music. Matt and John explored the business aspect of the industry, as they worked on putting together a live performance for shows in major cities outside of their own. The band sent dozens of press kits to potential record labels, while handing out promo flyers to the public in hopes of networking and exposure. During this time of promotion, Kill This City continued to write, with a goal of finishing up their first album in early August, 2012.