Kevin Zen Recording Artist

Musician, writer, photographer and video producer. Born 1957 Otley, Leeds, UK. Vocals,Guitar,Bass,Keyboards and Synths. Self penned tracks: Homeless Heart, Red Clouds, Crystal Harness, Secret garden, Space is Alive, Ethical Male, Vampire's Moon, Cult Sucker, Wreck Age, Cyber Psychosis, What the? Vampire Boogie, Nothing Matters, Rock and Roll on death, Heart is a rose, Click Fake, Theatre of war,

In the 1980's spent 5 years in an esoteric meditation group. Vegetarian, celibate and straight edged. - the inspiration for Space is Alive. The cult was dissolved in 1986 by the Adepts.

Working as a self employed project design contractor on diverse contracts from 1988 onwards Moved to Liverpool in 2016, becoming an occasional supporting actor on film and TV. Gandalf and a barge man on the Fox Film "Tolkien"

TV appearances in Curfew, Bulletproof, Cold Feet, Scarborough, Brassic.

Appeared in the stage play A Sacred Thing which opened in Liverpool, then went on tour to Dublin and London.

Performed regularly at Liverpool the Cavern Pub Monday club.