

Christopaganism is most often recognized as a blending of the traditions of Christianity and Neo-Paganism. It should be noted that the Christianity often blended with Neopaganism in this tradition is of a non-orthodox variety involving teaching from mystery traditions, Christian esotericism, and apocryhphal texts. Also, these blendings are often eclectic and highly individual in nature with many calling themselves Christo-pagans being solitary in nature though more and more opportunities exist for communities of Christopagans to interact. For instance, many Christopagans find the teachings of the Gnostics have more meaning for them than the orthodox Bible as accepted by most mainstream varieties of Christianity. Christopagans would also likely include Christian Wiccans and perhaps some Christian Witches though none of these categories are mutually inclusive or exclusive of the movement.



Likely the first topic that should be mentioned about Christopaganism is the controversy surrounding the movement and in particular the combination of ideas that many consider to be mutually exclusive. This is largely true for members both of the Neopagan community and more orthodox communities of Christianity who believe ideas from their traditions are dynamically opposed and cannot be blended.

The fact that Christopagans do indeed of course indicates that others consider the traditions more compatible than the traditionalists in these separate movements.



Some Common Beliefs (Though Not Necessarily Representative)


