

My name is Kendrick Wilson and I am 18 years old. I graduated from Greenbrier High School in 2010. I took my grades very seriously in high school, and it showed by me obtaining a 3.7 GPA on my final transcript. I played on the varsity football team since my freshman, and the varsity track team since my sophmore year. During my senior I was honored as the MVP for both the Track and Football Team. I also got the oppurtunity to be a preferred walk-on at Georgia Southern University. At Georgia Southern I plan to major in Mechanical Engineering, and transfer to Georgia Tech after my second year to finish up my studies.

What Are My Interests


In my spare time I enjoy playing football, basketball, videogames, watching TV, socializing, and reading books. Sports have always been a part of my life ever since I could pick up a ball. I got attached more to football then any other sport because I was just fast. At some points in my life I was claimed the fastest kid in my school, and numerous times I won the Most Athletic award. I never was good when it came to losing at sports. When I was younger I was a sore loser, but now that I am older I have learned to show good sportsmanship when I lose. My mom has always told me that knowledge is power, and the only way to really gain knowledge is by reading. Reading helps me gain a broader vocabulary, and it seriously gives me more confidents when people use big words in sentences and I still know what is being said.

Awards, Scholarships, Clubs


During my high school career I was involved in not only sports but clubs as well. Some of which were intended only for the "academic standouts." Since my freshman year I was a part of the Buddy Club. I love being around the mentally challenged kids, because they're just so funny. They always seem to do or say something that makes you smile regardless of the mood you're in. Since my sophmore year I was enrolled in the Beta Club and the National Society of High School Scholars. Since I went as far as Spanish 3 in high school I got accepted in the Spanish Honors Society. All of these clubs were fine but there was one club that I wanted to be a part of the most. That club was the National Honors Society. I got denied by the club my first time because I didn't have enough volunteer hours, but that didn't stop me. My junior year I tried it again and I was honored to find out that I was accepted into the club. I wasn't the president of the clubs or anything like that, but at least I was a part of them. Since I was enrolled in all these clubs I felt I should apply for the HOPE scholarship, a merit-based scholarship that pays for my tuition, books, and other sudent fees. I also applied for the Omega Psi Phi scholarship, which also required for a essay to be written. My application got in late and I thought all hope was lost for the scholarship, but the board in charge of the scholarship had a meeting. The fraternity was finished with giving out scholarship, but in the meeting they said my essay was so good that they would give me a $500 scholarship. Originally the scholarship was a $1000, but anything is better than nothing at all.

Wikipedia Philosophy


For as long as I can remember I have used wikipedia for answers. All that is really required is for you to sign up and make your own page. Once you sign up you can even fix mistakes that someone else made earlier in time. Wikipedia has been a huge help to a lot of research papers in the past. Since I have made my account I have made simple grammatical errors such as commas and sentence fragments. Some of my major error corrections such as finding citations can be located on the Creflo Dollar page. I still plan to help in anyway to make Wikipedia as accurate as possible. Currently I am composing an article on Gambling in Hong Kong, and should be finished with it shortly.



My first language is American English, but I took spanish up to level 3 in high school. I am not as good as I use to be but I can still hold a simple conversation with a spanish decendant.

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.

I believe that you should know..

 This user DOES NOT like Green Eggs and Ham.
  This user's favourite colour is blue.

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  This user prefers the Wii and the Xbox 360 over the PlayStation 3.