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James Bond




Finally found a copy here in Calgary. It was in the 9-12 children's literature section (ugh) at Chapters (our equivalent of Barnes & Noble). Gah, what an awful cover. As a scan it was OK, but with all the sparklies on it, it's terrible. The only good thing was I saved $1 on the book because they had a children's literature special on today. How the mighty have fallen. I read the first few pages and I'm not very impressed, but most Bond books take a while to get going so I've learned not to judge a Bond book by its cover (literally in this case) or by its introduction. I won't be able to read it until I'm done Death is Forever by Gardner and "The Big Book of Amber" by Roger Zelazny, so it'll be a bit before I am able to give it a proper read. 23skidoo 00:14, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Hey, so my edition of SilverFin with the printing error is a collectable? Is it actually in demand as such? If so, I might go buy myself a few more copies! ;-) 23skidoo 19:26, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)



I deleted a comment in James Bond that Brosnan was still in the running. Turns out IMDb is actually reporting this, citing a report on DarkHorizons. I think it's hooey, myself. Do you think it's worth adding to the Casino Royale article? 23skidoo 14:31, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Followup. That's what I thought. It was probably a good call to revert the edit from the main article. My "B.S.-a-meter" has been going strong for awhile, ever since SKY TV announced that Tom Hanks was going to make a movie based upon the life of Bill Haley, which later turned out to be a false report. 23skidoo 17:34, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)

My hat's off


Man, if you had a dime for every time you've had to revert someone adding a false report re: the new Bond, you could probably buy a few half-decent chocolate bars by now. I wonder if the clue to at least reducing the number of edits by people who claim to have the "inside track" (Times of India? C'mon...) is to just out and post a requirement that unless such information is reported by CNN or the BBC, that it will be automatically reverted. I mean, we can't even rely on the major Bond fan sites -- according to one, Rory McCann was supposed to be the new Bond, remember? I don't know if it'll do any good, but putting a notice on the page might help stem the flow of unnecessary edits... perhaps making an "invisible note" only viewable when editing might be the way to go about it. Unless people just ignore it because the IMDb is always right ... thoughts? 23skidoo 03:44, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)

PS: What do you make of the "Bye Bye MGM" report on CNN? [1]. Should we change the distributor to just Sony? Sounds like C.R. won't carry the MGM banner at all based on this story. The story is kind of poor because it doesn't make clear if the name MGM will disappear completely or not. 23skidoo 04:01, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Spy Who Loved Me


I was the one who mentioned the steel-toothed villain from the novel. I believe it's Horror -- one of the two thugs -- who is described as having metal teeth. The Bond Files also points this out as the only similarity between film and book - I just doublechecked. I'll reword it so it's a bit more precise. 23skidoo 12:55, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Goldfinger pic


Yeah that one works better. Also, I'm pretty certain the photo of Connery in the previous edit was actually from Thunderball. I don't have my copy of Goldfinger handy to check, though. 23skidoo 23:15, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)

It should probably be deleted, but I think you have to put up a VfD request in order to do so. I'm not certain as I've never looked at what goes into the deletion of an image. 23skidoo 23:24, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)
I stand corrected. One Connery in a towel shot pretty much looks like the next to me! :) 23skidoo 00:25, 15 Apr 2005 (UTC)

007 in New York


Where did you find that previous publication/early title info? That was all news to me -- interesting stuff! 23skidoo 21:58, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I have a copy of Thrilling Cities so I never picked up the new edition (though one day I hope to get myself a full set of those beautiful reprint editions from the last couple years). With regards to the title, what I meant (but through edits it might have been scrambled) is that since at least sometime in the 1990s all paperback reprints of the collection have carried the title Octopussy and the Living Daylights, as opposed to the shorter Octopussy title used first with the Pan edition in 1967 and later reused throughout the 70s and again into the 80s as a tie-in to the 1983 movie. Actually I believe the full titled editions began to appear again around the time Living Daylights was released, for obvious reasons... 23skidoo 02:54, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)



Works for me. After awhile as more trivia gets added it's worthwhile seeing what can be added to the main article itself. Good idea. I agree the summaries need to be shortened in places - it's not a synopsis, and in my opinion both the book and film plot summaries shouldn't be much more than a paragraph in length (I still remember the Casino Royale essay). Ironically, check out the Battle Royale article where someone was saying the brief plot summary was not only too long, but a copyvio and full of spoilers, too! (Never mind the spoiler tag). Having been one of the writers of the summary I can assure you it wasn't copied from anywhere. 23skidoo 21:24, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Well, a long paragraph, anyway. ;-) I agree Goldeneye is about the longest I'd like to see a plot summary because too much longer and it becomes a book report. ;-) PS. Do you know if the YJB graphic novel is going to be an adaptation of SilverFin or an original story? By the looks of the official website and the image you uploaded it looks to me as if they're gearing up for another "James Bond Jr"-style animated series ... 23skidoo 03:59, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Followup. If YJB ends up being really popular, I could see IFP authorizing an animated series or even a live action series. It would be a natural fit and since the books are supposed to be going after the Harry Potter crowd, this would be an opportunity for EON to do the same. Maybe not for awhile - Casino Royale and choosing a new adult Bond is probably first priority -- but if SilverFin and the follow-ups are big sellers, you never know. We joke about James Bond Jr. but it probably made EON and IFP a fair amount of money. The graphic novel could be the first step. I haven't had a chance to read it yet -- I'm working on a 1000-page collection of Roger Zelazny's Amber novels right now -- but it's next in the queue. 23skidoo 04:26, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)
That's the first I've heard of a new post MWGG books series. I hope so. The YJB idea is cool and all, but really I'd like to see more adult Bonds. And keeping Bond in the 1960s should be very interesting (I happened to really like Colonel Sun). BTW Octopussy, etc. shouldn't take very long for you to read at all. I read the entire book in one sitting. 23skidoo 05:34, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Silly season


Yikes! What happened with all the wildcat rumors about Brosnan? And since when was a gossip column story about Judi Dench a confirmation? According to gossip, Tom Hanks was supposed to make a movie based upon Bill Haley, too. But that turned out to be BS. Even Commanderbond.net isn't reporting any of this. Unfortunately I'm going out of town for a few days so I won't be able to help keep a lid on things, but at least I helped you avoid the Three Revert Rule tonight... 23skidoo 01:27, 28 Apr 2005 (UTC)



I found YOLT to be a rather interesting book, personally, though it definitely wasn't the usual type of style one would expect from Fleming. The story behind it is he wrote it after having a heart attack and at a time when he felt mortality creeping up on him, hence all the death stuff. I personally think he went a bit overboard on the travelogue, myself. This was actually the very first Fleming Bond I ever attempted reading and I just couldn't get into it when I was a teenager. Reading it again a couple years ago I found it to be a better read, but not his best. The ending with the self-references was interesting but opened a whole kettle of fish (including the Pearson book concept). The comic strip adaptation took things one step further by actually showing an illustration the Pan editions of the actual books when the strip go to that point. I liked the comic strip a lot better because it didn't get bogged down in travelogue or Fleming's own preoccupation with death. As for Golden Gun ... I can't really say too much at this point without spoiling it. It's a fairly quick read at any rate and reminds me of a Danger Man episode. 23skidoo 02:56, 28 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Followup - Not counting Octopussy which wasn't something Fleming had anything to do with issuing, my vote for his weakest is the same as the party line: Man with the Golden Gun. After the rather dark YOLT I found it to be a bit of a letdown. Despite the denials it has the feel of a book written by committee. Colonel Sun is a bit more violent than Fleming's work, but Amis (to his credit) does not attempt to imitate Fleming's style. BTW before going the Ebay route, check your local bookstores, as Colonel Sun isn't particularly rare, although it hasn't been reissued to my knowledge since the early 1980s. In terms of Gardner's books, I've only got a few to go and Man from Barbarossa is by far the weakest, IMO. In terms of bests, my favorite Fleming is From Russia with Love, followed close behind by Live and Let Die. My favorite Gardner so far is Nobody Lives Forever. 23skidoo 03:35, 28 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Thunderball revisions


Done and done. Looks very good. I added a couple of bits to the plot summary (such as the health farm). One thing I removed is the reference to the Dionne Warwick song being in the closing credits. It's never been on any of the versions of Thunderball I've seen. I also sorted out the use of wikilinks, and italicized boat and book titles. I'll be offline the next 4 days as I'll be out of town, but hopefully these edits should do the trick from my end. 23skidoo 05:51, 29 Apr 2005 (UTC)

"Kara, we're in the middle of a Russian airbase in Afghanistan"


Regarding Pulp and Tomorrow Never Lies (sic), I've cleared this up; the song was on the vinyl version of the album, which is fairly obscure, [2] and was also the first b-side of the album's first single, "Help the Aged". I have therefore put this in the article. I realise now, after writing those paragraphs, that I'm essentially duplicating information in the second table, but in prose form; but I think it's nicer to read that way. You probably have it alread, but Virgin Books' "The Bond Files" is excellent bedtime reading. I find it very hard, in my day-to-day life, to cover up my Bond obsession.-Ashley Pomeroy 19:47, 4 May 2005 (UTC)

Thunderball FA


How come the nomination failed so quickly? It was only put up a few days ago. One objection -- and you made all fixes requested -- shouldn't be enough to get the thing failed. I hope you protested. (Unfortunately the nomination coincided with my computer problems, so I couldn't help at the time). PS. If you want an example of how this bloody VX2/CWS adware is messing with my machine, when I posted this PM just now, the word "computer" had been highlighted as a wikilink but I DIDN'T DO IT. Most likely clicking it would have sent me to an ad, or worse yet, launched more adware. 23skidoo 22:29, 9 May 2005 (UTC)

Character pages


I haven't been spending as much time on Wikipedia as I usually do because of work, so I didn't really notice the proliferation - except that I did see a bunch of links when I did a quick edit of the James Bond girls list. I don't think they need their own articles -- a much better way to handle it IMO would be to create a character section for each film and spend a paragraph or two describing the characters, which in most cases is sufficient. Obviously ongoing characters like Moneypenny and Felix warrant their own pages, but I see no reason for Jinx to have a page, especially since her spinoff was cancelled. I don't know if VFD would necessarily occur for some of these stubs, though, since there is precedent in the Star Trek and Doctor Who sets of articles (especially Doctor Who) for even minor characters to get their own articles. 23skidoo 05:19, 21 May 2005 (UTC)

I think recurring characters should have their own pages, so Robbie Coltrane's character is fair game, IMO. So is Jaws and Sylvia Trench (though I don't know if an article exists for the latter). Much as it pains me, that also means Sheriff Pepper, too. 23skidoo 05:42, 21 May 2005 (UTC)

Bond candidate list


Good idea making the columns in Casino Royale. I think that it looks a lot better than just a long list of names. 23skidoo 05:42, 26 May 2005 (UTC)

GoldenEye (the game)


Sorry about that editing of the description for the Egyptian mission - I don't have the game with me at the moment and I haven't read the mission briefing for a looong time... Sorry about all that excessive linking too! :)

Also, good work expanding the storyline description, but do you think it's too detailed? Would it work better if it was like the "Chapters" section of the Half-Life 2 page, with the mission titles and then a brief description under each? Finally, in one of my edits I requested someone check exactly which mission is the first to take place after the end of the Cold War; as I don't have access to the game at the moment, could you do that? --Nick R 20:17, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)

The SilverFin high school boy, or, My Brain Hurts


My head hurts just trying to make sense of that last anon. edit to SilverFin. Do you have any idea what that was supposed to say? Looked like it was written by Babelfish. 23skidoo 20:56, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Bond allies edits


No worries. It was just an on-the-fly edit for my part, anyway. It just occurred to me the discussion about the secretaries didn't really fit in with Dr. No but I wasn't too sure where to put it. Tanner was just a spur-of-the-moment thing, too. 23skidoo 03:08, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)

SilverFin, Col. Sun, and Leiter


I vaguely recall something about Leiter providing the money for Bond, but I haven't read CR in about 5 years so I'd have to check it again. Haven't gotten around to reading SilverFin yet. It's on my to-read list but I have a few other books ahead of it though I wasn't too impressed with the first couple of pages intially. As far as Col. Sun goes ... well maybe you can try it again later. I found it a worthwhile read and it inspired me to start reading the other Bonds for what it's worth. I agree that the book was definitely a 1960s story and probably hasn't aged as well, but there are some elements such as the terrorists that are still fairly current.23skidoo 20:28, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)



Bond marries a second time in Scorpius (albeit under duress). There are also a couple of occasions in the Gardner books where he seriously considers popping the question, too. In terms of GoldenEye it's been a long time since I saw the film, but the reference occurs in a dialogue scene either with Xenia or Natalya. I'll have to watch the movie again to be more specific. 23skidoo 18:25, 9 Jun 2005 (UTC)

I'm reading the Titan Books reprint of the Dr. No comic strip and the intro to the book contained a version of the 00 agents list we have in the Allies article. I added in the ones we didn't have (which includes agents referenced by Benson -- interestingly Gardner seems not to have added any to the canon -- as well the the comic strips). I also added an introduction that might duplicate comments from elsewhere but I thought it was good to put the list into context. 23skidoo 04:00, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)

All the Titan books have interesting articles on the novels and the comic strips, as well as a complete checklist of the comic strips (which was my source for the dates etc. for the adaptations). At the moment they've mostly been reprinting the Ian Fleming-based strips, but I hear an upcoming volume is going to include one of the post-Fleming strips and possibly Colonel Sun as well. I haven't heard of the book you mentioned by commanderbond.net mentioned something about a book on the Fleming Bonds coming out. I'm planning to start reading Never Send Flowers as soon as I get my current book finished. 23skidoo 06:13, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Comic strips


Excellent work starting the comic strips article. I added a couple small things but otherwise this is a very solid foundation. I can see this being expanded to include later comic books and graphic novels as well. 23skidoo 22:33, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)

I don't think the comic strips article is too complex that we can't add one more section for the comic books/graphic novels. There really aren't that many. BTW I plan to add the publishing information for the James Bond Fan Club reprint volumes (I believe there was two) but I need to track down the information again -- IIRC it came from bondian.com. 23skidoo 22:56, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)



I don't know, it just looked like you did a bit of overhauling on the main Bond article just now. ;-) 23skidoo 04:42, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Ah, so that's why the changes looked good! I hadn't been paying too much attention to the main article so I must have missed the bad edits. 23skidoo 05:10, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I went through the first few sections and made revisions that hopefully are the best of both worlds, plus I added a response to the fellow in the Talk page. 23skidoo 21:38, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Looks like he didn't take too kindly to having his stuff edited. Oh well. 23skidoo 22:06, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Hey Kevin,


I used to work at Spark, and they now have a long term deal with Atari, not Activision. Here's the press release.

Marshall Robin

Article about Xbox 360 viral marketing has proposed for deletion. See [3] Thanks. --Mateusc 01:56, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Enterprise revisions


I did a bit of an overhaul of the "Future" and "Cancellation" sections of the Star Trek: Enterprise article. I did some renaming, eliminated a bunch of unnecessary links (including as of 2005 which just redirects to 2005, incidentally -- I think I saw you add one of these to Casino Royale), and trimmed some of the fat. Maybe you can take a look when you have a moment. I'm sure Cburnett will be in there too since he's kinda the keeper of the article in that case (just as you're keeper of the Casino Royale article). The more I hear UPN bigwigs saying "the cancellation of ENT is for the best - we'll have a new Trek show in a few years" the more it gets maddening since I'm not interested in a "new" Trek show ... I just want the one I liked to be given more of a fair shake. Oh well ... when I got laid off my employers had the gall to tell me I should be happy for the company because it made them stronger. This is a family website so I won't repeat my response! ;-) But that sort of corporate thinking never makes sense to me. 23skidoo 04:33, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Connery photo


How was the Sean Connery photo from Goldfinger mislabled? Was it removed just because of your personal taste?

TV series infoboxes


I wonder if the infobox shouldn't be adjusted to say "Run time with commercials"? I can foresee that most of these boxes are going to have people giving this type of number (as was the case with Alias) rather than working out the pre-commercial running time which can be difficult to do. For example, I use the 60 minute runtime for UFO (TV series) for which I just added the infobox, and I can't actually find a site that gives a runtime without commercials (and I'm to lazy to dig out the DVDs to check manually). 23skidoo 04:30, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)



What is going on? It's like no one is collaborating on the F-Zero article for some reason. I'm not accusing you of anything, but it's just weird. Is it a bad topic or what? Thunderbrand 15:22, Apr 22, 2005 (UTC)

GCOTW help


Ehh...I'm having trouble fining how to change the banner-thing on the GCOTW page, where it says "The current GCOTW is F-Zero". Maybe you could help me out? Thunderbrand 15:22, Apr 25, 2005 (UTC)

XII merge issue


The article was listed on Wikipedia:Merge where someone less totalitarian has actually decided to discuss it. Its quite clear you (and other administrators) didn't even bother to check this page. Which is rather disappointing, I had been enjoying Wikipedia as a place where things got discused first to ensure mistakes were not being made. If you visit that page you will see my reasons for suggesting both articles be merged with the XIII page rather than one or the other.--ZayZayEM 01:17, 1 May 2005 (UTC)

Bond Crew


I deleted Michael G. Wilson from Octopussy because he was an executive producer, not a producer. I suspect this is also true for William Cartlidge on Spy and Moonraker. You can list exec producers if you really want, but they should be given their proper credit as executive producer, not Producer, as this is misleading. And if you're going to list one, you should list them all, this is after all an encyclopedia not a Michael G. Wilson fansite. e.g. Tom Pevsner was also executive producer on Octopussy.

And if Eps should be included because they are also producers then what about line producers and associate producers? By that logic you'd need to list all of those too.

I think it's also debatable about listing art directors. It's really enough to have the production designer. There were also other art directors on Live and Let Die as well as Peter Lamont. Once you start getting into listing them all the credits are going to get bloated, this isn't IMDb. Especially as editors should also really be on there. Wouldn't it be better if credits were limited to writer, director, producer (not executive producer!), cinematographer, composer, production designer and editor? Jeff Watts 20:05, 4 May 2005 (UTC)

OK, you have a point I suppose. But I don't think it's helpful to accuse people of vandalism for removing information that's inaccurate. And I didn't accuse you of building a fansite - this was a joke.

I can understand getting upset if I'd deleted a synopsis, but minor credit corrections aren't really worth getting excited over. I already explained why I didn't change it to executive producer, because to be fair you would have to include them all.

I think it's more important that the credits are correct than that they name-check the regular Bond crew - Michael G. Wilson's films as executive producer can always be listed on his own page. But I don't really want to get into an argument over it. If you feel so strongly that they should be representative rather than accurate then by all means leave them in. Jeff Watts 21:17, 4 May 2005 (UTC)

You seem to have a problem with people editing your contributions. If that's the case you are using the wrong website. I was right to delete Wilson, and I would be right to delete him and William Cartlidge from the earlier films. In crediting Wilson as "producer" you are submitting information you know to be incorrect. IMDb and other sites do not list them as producer, they give the correct credits. You may not understand the difference between a producer and an executive producer, but other people do. They are different jobs, that is why they have different titles. You wouldn't list an assistant director as the director and say "well, they're all directors". I don't think EPs should be listed, but that's just my opinion. If you must list them, then please credit them correctly. Jeff Watts 20:46, 5 May 2005 (UTC)

Featured Article


Thank you Kevin for fixing it for me. Tony the Marine

My online status


Just thought I'd let you know that I'm going to online a little less often for the next little while. I picked up a very nasty piece of Adware-cum-virus called VX2 that destroyed my Norton Antivirus and has caused havoc with my ability to access websites including Wikipedia. I'm hoping to get things sorted out, but with my present workload I may have to live with this for another week or so until I have time to wipe my hard drive and start over (seems to be the only way to get rid of the damn thing). So pardon in advance for any delays in responding to PMs as I'm gonna have to scale back my "addiction" for now. Cheers! 23skidoo 03:30, 9 May 2005 (UTC)

Oh yeah, I've tried all the major programs. Apparently this is one of those malwares that behave more like a virus - it gets deleted but it saves multiple copies of itself. I've currently got a thread going at http://forums.spywareinfo.com under my 23skidoo nick and one of their online techs has given me a 3-page long step-by-step guide for removing this which involves going into my registry and a bunch of stuff. I do plan to dump I.E. at first opportunity and will probably go to Firefox or Mozilla. Question: can I transfer my bookmarks to these browsers? I do have a large number of frequently used websites and I hope I don't have to reenter all the bookmarks with a new browser. 23skidoo 04:25, 10 May 2005 (UTC)

...has been moved back. Andre (talk) 18:08, May 10, 2005 (UTC)

Caught me in an edit conflict!


Funny - we were reverting the Pierce Brosnan vandalism at the same time. The vandal has also contributed a nonsense article (which he was trying to link there), you may want to vote for it at Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/Gary Strain. -- BD2412 thimk 20:58, 2005 May 10 (UTC)

star trek


hello kevin my name is Kane and Just to state fact I was not trying to do anything offensive only trying to correct somthing I found offensive to me as a fan of star trek

the phrase "it is for geeks" does not sit well with me! I'm sure anyone who is a fan of anything be it James bond or cabbage patch kids would feel the same! User:

Star Fox talk page


I have a question that I put on the Talk:Star Fox series page and no one has replied since (although it has been up for only a day, I like to get timely responses!). Anyway, I would like your input. Thanks! Thunderbrand 16:17, May 12, 2005 (UTC)

Re: Images


Sorry, just now I understanded that's possible to replace a photo with same name, being unecessary descart old images when it replaced. I will not anymore descart images. Thanks for advising. --Mateusc 14:44, 14 May 2005 (UTC)

Since you seem to be the the 007 expert around here, I want to let you know that an anonymous user started the Sylvia Trench article. I cleaned it up a bit, but feel free to edit or merge it somewhere else. Thanks 10qwerty 19:14, 15 May 2005 (UTC)

Byte size?


I was wondering where the info. for the byte size for the GCOTW is from, cause I didn't fill it out in the history section yet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Gaming_Collaboration_of_the_week/History Thunderbrand 02:08, May 17, 2005 (UTC)

I deleted Nintendo Revolution and moved GC2 over it. I think it should be back to normal now. --Tony Sidaway|Talk 18:30, 17 May 2005 (UTC)

my "vandalism"


Hello, KIBond007. I believe that we have a misunderstanding. You believe that I have vandalised the article, Xbox 360. I said I was fixing some syntax, and that is what I really was doing. Somebody tried to write a caption, so I made the images thumbnails so it could be seen. Thank you for your time. Oklonia 01:54, 19 May 2005 (UTC)

We editors get no respect


According to the folks at an Enya discussion group I'm an idiot for posting information about her next album that, despite being mentioned widely throughout the net, hasn't been confirmed. Even though I noted it was just a rumor, these guys decided to resort to name calling. The sad part is, following my malware experience the other week, I have set my browser in such a way that I can't even sign up for the discussion board in question to defend myself. Oh well ... I guess the job of a Wikipedia editor is a thankless one. You should hear what some people call us IMDb editors! 23skidoo 23:30, 24 May 2005 (UTC)

Yeah, it's just annoying, that's all. The irony of it is that that very message board was where the information came from in the first place! Short memories... (and for my part the information I posted was clearly stated as being rumored and unconfirmed. If someone is going to make a statement of fact (i.e. Joe Blow has been chosen to be the new Bond) there must be attribution. No argument there. 23skidoo 15:53, 25 May 2005 (UTC)



Wow, This is really nice. Do you mind if i copy it? I have been meaning to do something in my discussion/profile section for a while but never got round to it. Do you mind if i copy yours and customise it :) (I know I could just do it but its nice to ask)

-- 18:40, 25 May 2005 (UTC)

Login in first :) K1Bond007 18:43, May 25, 2005 (UTC)
Yeah that would be an idea --Junglist 19:16, 25 May 2005 (UTC)

Template:Infobox CVG


I apologize for the hassle with the infoboxes, and the work I created for you having to revert them all (I would have done it myself had I returned sooner). It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I do see now that the plan was flawed because the arcade lines would be much less likely to be filled than the other optional lines. I'll try not to be so bold next time. --Poiuyt Man talk 17:32, 28 May 2005 (UTC)

Thanks for the help on University of California, Los Angeles. However you may want to stop reverting as this isn't really simple vandalism and you may fall foul of the WP:3RR. Evil MonkeyHello 07:21, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)

No problem. Don't worry about reverting it, as once it is mentioned on the Wikipedia IRC it tends to get some more attention. Evil MonkeyHello 07:24, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)



Thank you for your comments at the Half-Life 2 talk page. I appreciate it very much and I will see what I can do. Thunderbrand 15:51, Jun 4, 2005 (UTC)

SF planets


Yeah, I totally agree with you. Merging them all into one article will make it easier to keep track of them all. Also, I noticed that someone created a Lylat system page almost a month ago. The person didn't put any categories in it so I never knew about its existence. Seeing how most of the info there is redundant, should it be merged as well into a List of Star Fox planets article? Thunderbrand 19:55, Jun 7, 2005 (UTC)

I think #3 sounds the best. Although most of the planets are in the Lylat system, Cerinia is the oddball. Could have the article mention that "The Lylat system is the name of the solar system blah blah" and make the rest of the page look like the List of Star Wars planets. Thunderbrand 20:11, Jun 7, 2005 (UTC)

In case you're not still following this thread


I'm a little late to the party. Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Computer_and_video_games#Era_Standardization_-_Take_2

Vote for deletion alert


I see from the page history for Cut Ending to Knights of the Old Republic II that you once edited it. I thought you would like to know that there is a VfD on that page now at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Votes_for_deletion/Cut_Ending_to_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II. Please stop in there and comment on this vote! --maru 15:53, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)