Johannes Winkler (* 1984 in Achern, Blackforest) is a German composer for contemporary music, media artist, concept developer and influencer. He lives and works in Essen. Since 2017 he has been (re-)composing his work in slide compositions and lecture performances - as a transmedial total artwork using moving images, contemporary music, text, software and experience.

Johannes Winkler (2018)



Winkler studied composition at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen with a focus on algorithmic composition with Dirk Reith and Thomas Neuhaus. He is winner of the international sound art prize Marx.Music[1] (Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, UK), the ZKM (Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe) Supercollider Code Marathon[2]and is initiator of the Southindian-German Network Konnakol Germany[3]. With hundreds of slide compositions on social media, he influences his future works[4]. Winkler lives as a freelance composer and artist in Essen, Germany.



Winkler composes instrumental music, live electronics, tape music and implements them in transmedial forms. For this he creates additional video works, elaborate animations and local situations: Since 2017 he has been re-composing his oeuvre on social media as slide compositions. There they are distributed over several Instagram accounts and develop an autocatalytic momentum of their own - the medium is repeatedly left in leaps and bounds in order to be able to have a retrospective effect from 'outside'. The reciprocal influences of this continuously built social media total artwork are regularly updated in the Score of Influence[5], an interactive three-dimensional digital sculpture. In presence events and lecture performances[6], Winkler arranges offline versions of his carousel posts into new interactive narrative forms using his slide performance software Maxgram.

Winkler's work can be assigned to contemporary music, conceptual- and internetart, performance art - and media art in general.

Oeuvre (excerpts)


slide compositions

  • #199 - 'Antenne II' piano-cycles for Social Media (2023)
  • #198 - 'Antenne I' piano-cycle for Social Media (2023) and Juan Carlos Maskerados
  • #193 - 'finite counting scams' - for polytemporal metronoms, pencil drawing, artificial intelligence and healing process
  • #188 - 'Goldei Variationen' - lecture performance anticipation: Folkwang University of the Arts, Ex-Machina
  • #176 - 'Virtual Anushaant' - transmedial installation for augmented reality, mridangam, tape and Social Media, Neue Musik Zentrale Essen
  • #149 - 'Quantisiertes Blau' - for transmedial oscillator, sea and Social Media - Lecture Performance, Dreifaltigkeitskirche Borbeck, Ya Festival
  • #139 - 'White Noise Stigmata' - body imprint - for white noise, sleep and wind
  • #127 - 'counting with the best: tuplet, pulse and rest' - carnatic-rhythm masterclass with B.C. Manjunath - Kunsthaus Essen
  • #118 - 'counting time-bits of Stravinsky' - for carnatic neo-counter (Anushaant), bitcrusher and Social Media
  • #115 - 'swiping quantized waves' - for AI-Colorizer, southindian rhythmtheory and Social Media
  • #95 - 'overlapping recursive cycles' - for piano, visual-tala metronome, Social Media - polyrhythmic playing-technique
  • #94 - 'swiping recursive cycles' - for Tetraeder, feedback-oscillator and Social Media
  • #88 - 'No.88 = No.78 x No.83' - for ensemble, animation and Social Media (dead conductors iteration 3)
  • #83 - 'counting ways of interaction' - for ensemble, animation, aikido-experiences and Social Media
  • #82 - 're-counting the US election' - for southindian rhythm counting-syllables, 3D animation and Social Media
  • #78 - 'machine learning' - for motorcycle shop and Supercollider soundsynthesis
  • #73 - 'trusting eleven crows' - for Supercollider code, animation, crows and Social Media
  • #67 - 'conceptual atonal carnatic music' - situation for white noise, southindian meal, Konnakol and Social Media - Tamil Culture Fine Arts Academy Germany
  • #59 - 'pleasure of preasure' / randomgraph - for 2x soprano, countertenor, alto, liveelektronik and video - mit Elisabeth A. M. Kaiser (docu)
  • #51 - 'a semi-fictional composer story' - for violine, toy-piano, cymbals and Social Media
  • #49 - 'voice sessions' - for taperecorder, children singing and Social Media
  • #40 - 'sky stairway - paradox mantras' - electroacoustic music, image and Social Media
  • #18 - 'oracle music study' - biocybernetic art for anga-player and Social Media

Awards, Performances



  • 2018 - international Composition prize 'Marx.Music - Wilde Lieder' | Soundart | Birmingham Contemporarymusic Group | Trier. London. Birmingham[1]
  • 2013 - Community prize 'Supercollider-Code Marathon' | ZKM (Center for Art an Media) Karlsruhe[2]



u.a.: Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier; Central Conservatory of Music Peking; ZKM Karlsruhe; Fournos Center Athen; Tamil Culture Fine Arts Academy Germany; Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen; Pact Zollverein Essen; Dreifaltigkeitskirche Borbeck; Folkwang Udk Essen; C.A.R. - Contemporary Art Ruhr; Atelierfrankfurt; Landesmusikakademie NRW

Intercultural engagement


Inspired by Rafael Reina's dissertation on the application of Southindian rhythm (counting) techniques to the internalization of complex rhythms in western contemporary music, in 2018, Winkler initiated the Network Konnakol Germany[7] with Anushaant Nayinai Wijayan from Tamil Culture Fine Arts Academy Germany, Essen. In order to balance challenges regarding cultural appropriation (aesthetically and socially-practically), the network reflects on a tetralemmatic basic attitude. Encounters with Karaikudi Mani, among others, as well as joint [8] events with B.C. Manjunath.



  1. ^ a b "Marx.Music - International Composition Prize". Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  2. ^ a b "SC-Code Marathon 2013". Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  3. ^ "". Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  4. ^ "WDR3 Studio Neue Musik - J. Winkler: 'Slide Compositions' für Instagram". Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  5. ^ "Score of Influence". Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  6. ^ "". Retrieved 2023-07-31.
  7. ^ "Network". Retrieved 2023-07-31.
  8. ^ "Masterclass 2023 - Kunsthaus Essen |". Retrieved 2023-07-31.