User:Jrs76/Charles R. Hobbs

Charles R. Hobbs is an author, businessman, and Mormon Church leader. His most prominent book was published in 1987 called Time Power: The Revolutionary Time Management System That Can Change Your Professional and Personal Life. The Time Power book was based on the author's two-day management seminar. The book contains an integrated and tested time management program that teaches readers how to identify and realize both business and personal goals.[1]

Charles R. Hobbs was born in Logan, Utah, to Milo Purnel and Bertha Monson Skidmore Hobbs. He is married Nola Davis and they are the parents of three children. Charles received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Brigham Young University, and his doctorate from Columbia University.[2]

Hobbs served a mission for the LDS Church as a young man in Holland from 1950-52. In 1994, at the age of 63, Charles was called to serve as the president of the Australia Melbourne Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [2]

Hobbs other books include:

  • Teaching With New Techniques, published by Deseret Book Company in 1964.[3]
  • The Power of Teaching with New Techniques, published by the author in 1972.[3]
  • The Healing Power of Forgiving, published by Sounds of Zion in 2009.[3]

