jrmswell (that's me):

All Round Biped (Species Still Pending)

Why are you on Wikipedia? edit

Good question, it was so I could get access to the mathematics tools. And that's it really

What do you do? edit

On the internet I run a few websites full of all the trash you could imagine about technology and gaming (as well as a website for my local Scouting district). I also run a YouTube channel which is currently about technology but I am planning to make it about other things at some point. Oh, and I'm an Electrical Engineering Student, but that's not really too interesting.

What's outside like? edit

Outside isn't too bad, I live in the Kent downs. A so-called area of natural beauty and I'd have to agree with it. From a certain point in my village you can see all the way around the coast of Kent, from Deal to Ramsgate and on a clear day, Herne Bay