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<a href="/">FindArticles</a> > <a href="/p/articles/mi_m1189">Saturday Evening Post</a> > <a href="/p/articles/mi_m1189/is_n3_v268">May-June, 1996</a> > <a href="/p/articles/mi_m1189/is_n3_v268/ai_18221757">Article</a> > Print friendly

Letting Michael be Michael … a 12-year-old with 4 Guinness records - gifted child Michael Kevin Kearney - includes related information on scholarship presentation

Tom Tozer

"Your child will be developmentally slow," doctors told Cassidy Kearney when she was...

(snipped... continued at [1] ... or [2] ... see also [3])

...The Kearneys call Michael a prodigy, rather than a genius. A genius, they say, is an individual who creates a whole new area of human endeavor or knowledge - Einstein, for example. A prodigy is a child who performs in an adult field at an adult level.

"Since Michael has not yet contributed anything to the sum of human knowledge," Kevin says, "he's not a genius."

Contemplating Michael's potential on one level, yet not grasping it at all, leaves one wondering just when and how his genius might manifest itself and affect all of humankind.

COPYRIGHT 1996 Saturday Evening Post Society
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group
