John More is currently one of two associate Campus Ministers at Catholic Campus Ministry at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. He graduated from the University of Virginia with a B.A. in Religious Studies in 2003. He is happily married, loves a good game of ping-pong, thoroughly enjoys the game of soccer and enjoys spending time with students and helping them grow closer to Jesus Christ. He is also involved with Youth Apostles, a religious organization that is dedicated to bringing Christ to the youth.

He has lead many trips to the Dominican Republic[1] at Mason with the CCM community. He speaks spanish fluently, and loves ministering to the people in the D.R.. Once a year he heads an Alternative Spring Break trip with students from CCM.

Thanks to More's time, commitment, and countless hours of work the Catholic community at Mason has grown exponentially[2]. The community was even recognized by Pope Benedict XVI recently.[3]

