Wiki Evaluation

The “Hollow State” Wikipedia page needs a few adjustments. Overall, there a capitalization errors, repeating statements, and not enough information. The article is broken up into seven sections: Introduction, History, Purpose, Original Intention, Infrastructure, and Outcomes. I feel as if the introduction is lacking valuable information. It just states the very basics and it does not give much detail. I also think that the introduction could be worded differently to help with a clearer idea of the topic. The introduction to the “History” section of the article only gives a very brief description of the topic. I think that it could have a few more details that would help the transition into the “Purpose” and “Original Intention” sections. The “Purpose” section has a good amount of information. The only problems with the section might be the wording and sentence structure. The “Original Intention” section could be longer and have more information. The article has a very brief description of what the original intention of what “hollow state” was. The “Infrastructure” section has a lot of good information. It describes what the purpose of a “hollow state” is. It also gives us plenty of details and examples of the subject. The “Outcomes” section is empty. That will be one of the sections that needs to be edited first. There are very few sources listed in the “references” section. I feel like there could be a few more sources used to help find more information on the “Hollow State”.