The people who had a problem with Beyonce’s black pride at the Super Bowl would be flattened by Kendrick Lamar’s performance last night (I say would because Beyonce haters don’t watch the Grammys). The king of the night melded hip-hop, soul and avant-garde jazz, rapping “The Blacker the Berry” and “Alright” against a set that moved from a prison to a tribal bonfire. Up for an astounding 11 awards, Kendrick Lamar ruled with trophies for Best Rap Song, Performance, Album, Rap/Sung Collaboration and more.[1]

It took me 18 years to embrace my deep brown complexion, to wear my natural kinky hair with pride and to lay on the beach in California and absorb the sun fearlessly. So no, I am not #TeamLightSkinned, I never will be. I don’t have a lovely caramel undertone to my skin, though I never really liked the idea of being referred to in reference to food.[2]


The Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA is a U.S. Government organization that was created to collect intelligence vital to keeping the United States national security intact. The CIA is known for operating outside of America's borders with the use of human intelligence and covert military operations. The U.S. Government has sent employees of the CIA to virtually every continent in the world to collect information dealing with national security. Included in these continents is Africa. It is in the interest of national security, that any group or government that has the means to harm the U.S., be monitored to ensure the safety of the people and the U.S. as a whole.

  1. ^ "Shibboleth Authentication Request". Retrieved 2016-02-17.
  2. ^ "Shibboleth Authentication Request". Retrieved 2016-02-22.