The sections in the article are relevant to the article topic. The article provides an interpretation for what gender identity is. The article describes gender identity as "one's personal experience of one's own gender." The way people perceive themselves may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. It is surprising that factors such as "nature" and "nurture" may influence gender identity. Nature vs. nurture is a term used in sociology to refer to the part socialization takes in influencing our everyday opinions. Nature refers to beliefs one has and biological factors that affect our development. Nurture refers to our ability to learn based off our interaction with those around us. <ttps://>. The subjects they included gave examples of gender identity among men and women. They spoke of male and woman who were intersex, speaking of cultures and households and the beliefs they had about them.

Most of the links provided were relevant sources to the topic of gender identity although a few were outdated. These links mainly provide examples of personal experiences from those who have an experience with gender equality. For instance, a few speak of their decision to allow their kids to choose their own gender identity. Links included are posted as recently as 2016 but some links extend back to 2011. The writing on the article are mainly paraphrase, talking about the biological aspects of gender identity while the links include more in depth personal experiences.