This sandbox is on abortion and what the three views of it are.

There are three different views on abortion. There is the pro-life group, the pro-choice group, and the group that views abortion as situational (exceptions). The pro-life group believes that abortion is morally wrong, and feel that it should never be done. In the views of the pro-life group, having an abortion is like killing another human being. As soon as there is conception, it is considered a baby and should therefore be given its right to live. This is the view of the Roman Catholic Church and by many Protestent Christians. The only time that they may consider abortion is when the life of the mother is at stake.

The second group is pro-choice. With this view, it is said that the mother is in control of her own body and that the decision is hers and only hers. They argue that a fetus is not considered a human until they are completely able to physically live outside of the womb. This is believed to be around the weeks of 24-28. The mother should have the decision weather to abort the baby or not prior to this time. Once week 24 occurs, they are no longer able to abort the baby and must carry it until birth.

The third group is the exception group. Abortion is viewed and acceptable in certain situations. Abortion is accepted when it is in benefit of the mother's physical and mental health. It is also accepted in cases of rape and incest. It is viewed that if a mother is raped and becomes pregnant from the incident, then they should not have to be forced into carrying the baby until birth, for reasons of mental health and financial situations, physical health, and etc. Abortion is accepted also in the situations where the parents know that their baby is projected to have mental or physical handicaps.