User:Jane023/Top painting countries

This is an overview of the top countries (by number of paintings > 100) of the sum of all paintings. Also have a look at the Countries overview.

This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

image country count
United Kingdom 204951
United States of America 133501
Kingdom of the Netherlands 86742
Germany 53521
France 47792
People's Republic of China 46802
Slovakia 23913
Sweden 19922
Australia 19223
Spain 17481
Belgium 17436
Estonia 16998
Poland 16773
Germany 15211
India 12748
Finland 11761
Russia 11339
Austria 10413
Canada 9413
Kingdom of Denmark 8784
Armenia 7703
Norway 7487
Hungary 7345
Italy 6784
New Zealand 5694
German Reich 4737
Brazil 4338
Czech Republic 3099
Republic of Ireland 2868
Nazi Germany 2603
Switzerland 2373
United Kingdom 2265
Israel 2094
Portugal 2057
Japan 1856
Argentina 1319
Taiwan 826
Jersey 585
Isle of Man 582
Kosovo 522
United Kingdom 428
Mexico 419
Ukraine 403
German Empire
German Confederation
North German Confederation
Russian Empire 336
German Reich 306
Greece 265
Romania 228
Slovenia 210
Liechtenstein 181
Iran 165
Belarus 161
Vatican City 160
Chile 144
Lebanon 124
Cuba 108
End of auto-generated list.