Welcome to Isabelle Ayel's user page!

I'm using and editing wikipedia from 2004.

My first "edit" was in VOIP article to add Skype link...

In early 2005 I installed a family wiki website to save good memories from families and friends (genealogy, families' stories, pictures and documents as well as emails).

In 2005 I setup for one of my customer a social website about Anthropology: http://seminariodeantropologia.org
End of 2006 I had the opportunity to make a conference about the "wiki revolution" in Zaragoza Spain and I launched a wiki about Zaragoza :http://zaragoza.diwiki.org
In 2009 two more "local online newspapers" were setup > http://malaga.diwiki.org - http://paris.diwiki.org
Other Wikis I'm in charge of: http://viverosdecora.org - http://rafaeltorrescorrea.net - http://cmc.diwiki.org - http://wiki21.info
My company, ASPM GmbH, is tracking changes in management and enterprises in a wiki website: http://diwiki.com
ASPM offers to LINK ALL YOUR DATA on the fly in a personal, secure and dead-simple private "mediawiki".

I was also engaged in a financial mediawiki portal > http://www.wikinvest.com/user/Isayel

I run 2 blogs : http://isayel.net - http://poucecafe.wordpress.com (about French "conversation" for foreigners)

You are welcome to chat with me on Twitter > http://twitter.com/nanouk

See http://about.me/isayel for more info