
Pattern count: 358 — Error count: 0 — Threshold: 30 — Processing time: 0:49

Scoring notes

  • Russell E. Harrison Total score: 35
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1943/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1944/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1945/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /world\swar\sii/
  • Vittoria Nenni Total score: 58
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1940/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1942/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1943/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1945/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /benito\smussolini/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /french\sresistance/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /nazi\sgermany/
  • Kamyenyets Ghetto Total score: 58
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1939/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1941/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1942/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1944/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /holocaust/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /world\swar\sii/
  • Vowchyn Ghetto Total score: 75
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1939/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1941/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1942/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /holocaust/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /nazi\sgermany/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /world\swar\sii/
  • Vysokaye Ghetto Total score: 88
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1939/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1941/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1942/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1944/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /\Wred\sarmy/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /holocaust/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /nazi\sgermany/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /world\swar\sii/
  • 24th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment Total score: 59
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1939/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1940/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /\Wfall\srot\W/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /nazi\sgermany/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /panzer/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /vichy\sfrance/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /wehrmacht/
  • Bertie Hoare Total score: 44
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1939/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1941/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1942/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1943/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1944/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1945/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /category:(\w+\s){0,3}(second\sworld\swar|world\swar\sii|great\spatriotic\swar)/
  • Who Killed Hitler? Total score: 103
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1945/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /\Wallies\W/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /adolf\shitler/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /battle\sof\sberlin/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /joseph\sstalin/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /nazi\sgermany/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /robert\s(ritter\s)?von\sgreim/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /world\swar\sii/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /\Wschutzstaffel/
  • Concentration camp Total score: 43
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1945/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /\Wallies\W/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /holocaust/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /invasion\sof\spoland/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /nazi\sgermany/
  • The Case of the Abominable Snowman Total score: 32
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1940/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1941/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /second\sworld\swar/
  • Trunk carrier Total score: 44
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1939/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1940/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1941/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1942/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1943/
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1944/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /world\swar\sii/
  • Draft:Polish Socialists Total score: 47
    • Score: 3, pattern: /1939/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1941/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1942/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1943/
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1945/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /world\swar\sii/
  • Template:WWII Chinese ships Total score: 56
    • Score: 6, pattern: /1945/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /lend-lease/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /second\ssino-japanese\swar/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /category:(\w+\s){0,3}(second\sworld\swar|world\swar\sii|great\spatriotic\swar)/