Football like other games has been played in China over 2 500 years ago, and were also popular in the past in Ancient Greece and Rome. Throughout Europe and the Middle Ages, local customs-especially on Shrove Tuesday-often centered around violent football matches between rival villages. Clubs were set up/formed in the 1850s. Sheffield FC formed in 1885, is the oldest club still in existence.

From Football to Soccer
The word "soccer" came into existence in the year 1863. It was derived from the letters "s-o-c" in the word "association". At that time inter-team games were facilitated by the growth of the railway system while the work-free Saturday afternoons led to the formation of the Football League in the 1888-89 season.

The 1st World Cup
The first World Cup was launched in Uruguay in 1930. 13 teams took part and it was won by the hosting nation Uruguay when they beat their neighbourhood country Argentina 4-2 in Montevideo, infront of 93 000 fans.
/The Top 10 of Sport Page67-68, 2002 edition / by: Russell Ash & Ian Morrison
Iiduwa212105450 (talk) 14:06, 5 October 2012 (UTC)