A human guy in the United States of America, specifically California.

To where have I been?


I have, unfortunately, never been outside of the United States

  California   Oregon   Nevada   Washington   Alaska
Native Visited Once Visited Once Layover in Seattle, twice Visited Once

What languages can I speak?


I am, a native English speaker, and specifically native in American English (no surprise).

I have, in my life, have studied or am studying five languages: English, Russian, German, French, and Latin

English, I can speak rather well (I hope, it is my native tongue after all) Russian I did not get very far with and am not fluent. German I could get somewhat farther, but I am not fluent. I can read French somewhat proficiently and can speak it somewhat well, and I still study French. I have recently began to study Latin.

I have been able to read in my native tongue since I was four years of age. Despite being taught with American English spelling rules, I prefer British English spelling rules, however, I do not speak in the British English Dialect.

Interest in Cartography and Maps


From the age of five years I have had an interest in maps, I was gifted my first ever globe at this age. I, being five, did not know much about the world around me, for example when I first saw Antarctica on a globe, I thought that there were:

  • People living on the Continent
  • And that these said people walked around with Suction cups on their feet.

At the age of six, I drew a complete map of the United States, and I drew the map quite often, whenever I had the chance. When I entered second grade, I was able to draw the map of the United States so well that I scared my teacher.

I retained a hunger for knowledge about the world around me, and by the time I was in the sixth grade I began to have a growing interest for history, which I have even to this day.

Fish Keeping


In my life I have owned at least 13 Betta Splendens, 6 Neon Tetras, 5 Guppies, 11 Common goldfish, 12 Red Cherry Shrimp, 1 Plecostomus, and a number of snails.



I can play the piano, and I can also play the organ (but not very well). I managed to teach myself piano to an extant, with some formal education.

I have tried to pick up violin, and I know how to play, I'm not good however.

My favourite song to play on piano is probably O Sacred Head Now Wounded

Ləx Cπpæxцej Kæπîtoləx


The "Cπpæxцej Kæπîtoləx" was a Conlang that I created just, in reality, for fun. The Language is hyper-descriptive and I tried my best to remove Homonyms, and to the extent Synonyms. The Language had around 1000 words before I quit working on it, (around 100 of these were base pronouns).


Other Accomplishments


Here are some other accomplishments

  • I have assisted in teaching somebody English without knowing their native language
  • To be continued...



Here are a list of goals in my life