Ava–Hanthawaddy War (1408–1418)
Part of the Forty Years' War
DateMarch 1408 – late 1418
Result Hanthawaddy and coalition victory
Ava loses Arakan, which becomes a client state of Hanthawaddy


Hanthawaddy Pegu

China and its client states (1412–1415)

Commanders and leaders
Southern Theater[note 1]
    • 1408: 26,000 infantry; 2200 cavalry; 100 elephants
    • 1409–10: 14,000+; 1400; 100[c]
    • 1410: 15,000; 600; 40
    • 1412–13: 6000+; ?; ?
    • 1414–15: 22,000+; 600+; 80+
    • 1415: 5 regiments
    • 1416: 8000; 400; 30
    • 1417–18: 16,000; 700; 40

Arakan Theater
    • 1408: 300+; ?; ?[c]
    • 1411: 10,000+; 1000+; ~100
    • 1411–12: 8000+; 300+; 30+
    • 1416: 1 garrison

Northern Theater
    • 1412: 7000; 400; 20[c]
    • 1413–14: 8000; 400; 30
    • 1414–15: ?
Southern Theater[note 1]
    • 1408: 8000 infantry; 300 cavalry; 60 elephants
    • 1409–10: 8000+; 400+; 90+[c]
    • 1410: 3+ regiments; 2 flotillas
    • 1412–13: 12,000; 800; 30
    • 1414–15: 10,000+; ?; ?
    • 1415: ?
    • 1416: 7000; 500; 30+
    • 1417–18: ?

Arakan Theater
    • 1408: 4000+; ?; 20+[c]
    • 1411: 5000+; 200; 50
    • 1411–12: 5000+; 200; 50
    • 1416: ?

Northern Theater
    • 1412: 20,000+; 2000+; ?[c]
    • 1413–14: ?
    • 1414–15: ?
Casualties and losses
Total unknown Total unknown
See Orders of battle for the Ava–Hanthawaddy War (1408–1410), (1410–1412), (1412–1414), (1414–1415), and (1416–1418) for more information.

The Ava–Hanthawaddy War (1408–1418) (Burmese: အင်းဝ–ဟံသာဝတီ စစ် (၁၄၀၈–၁၄၁၈)) was a military conflict between Ava and Hanthawaddy Pegu that lasted from 1408 to 1418. It was the third of the decades-long wars between the two kingdoms, both located in present-day Myanmar.



This was the third war between the kingdoms of Ava and Hanthawaddy Pegu. In the first two wars, each kingdom had tried to take advantage of the other's succession crisis. King Swa Saw Ke of Ava started the first war in 1385 when he tried to replace the new king of Hanthawaddy, Razadarit, with his own nominee. Likewise, Razadarit started the second war in 1401 in an opportunistic attempt to topple Ava's new king Minkhaung I. In both cases, the upstart regimes not only survived the invasions but thrived afterwards.

In Minkhaung's case, he emerged stronger after the second war. Not only was able to negotiate a favorable peace treaty that obliged Pegu to supply 30 elephants and custom revenues of the port of Bassein (Pathein) but perhaps more importantly, he had finally gained the support of his vassals, many of whom had only offered virtually no support early in the war. Minkhaung decided to test his newfound power almost immediately. With the advice of Chief Minister Min Yaza, and by using diplomatic and military means, Minkhaung began acquiring the eastern Shan states of Onbaung (1404/05), Yatsauk and Nyaungshwe (1405/06),[1] and the northern Maw Shan states of Bhamo and Mohnyin in 1406.[2]

The acquisitions alarmed Ava's neighbors. After Ava's takeover of Bhamo and Mohnyin, the Chinese Ming court, which considered the Shan states its tributaries, dispatched an embassy to Ava in 1406, issuing a warning to Ava to end its "aggression".[2] Minkhaung refused to relinquish the territories but did not pursue further expansions near the Chinese border either. Instead, Minkhaung now turned his attention to Arakan on the western littoral. At Pegu, Ava's expansionist drives were closely monitored. According to the chronicle Razadarit Ayedawbon, the Pegu court had received intelligence that Ava was planning to invade Arakan, and that Pegu would be next.[3] Then in November 1406, Ava forces led by Minkhaung's son Minye Kyawswa captured Arakan.[4] This convinced Razadarit and his court that Pegu was indeed next.[3]



Razadarit removed the veneer of friendly relations. He readily gave shelter to the Arakanese prince Min Khayi (or King Min Saw Mon).[note 2] A few months later, in 1407, Razadarit took in Minkhaung's younger brother Prince Theiddat, who had defected after being passed over for crown prince, with great fanfare.[7][8][9] He also stopped sending the annual shipment of elephants and the annual customs revenues of the port of Bassein.[8][9] The 1403 treaty of Kawliya was now null and void. The Hanthawaddy command fully expected Ava to invade in the upcoming dry season, and prepared for war.[5]

But the anticipated invasion did not come. It turned out that Ava was busy suppressing a rebellion in Bhamo.[5] The Hanthawaddy command now deliberated their next steps while Ava had its hands full in the north. Over two months into the dry season, in January 1408, Razadarit finally decided in favor of taking the initiative.[10] The king did not make the decision lightly, as he would be starting a war against a more powerful kingdom. He is said to made a solemn vow at the main pagoda before issuing the order to attack.[10]

The target was Arakan, which the Hanthawaddy command believed would be an easier task. They believed the local populace would welcome their returning king, accompanied by Hanthawaddy troops.[10][11]

Phase 1 (1408–1410)


Hanthawaddy invasion of Arakan (1408)


The war began in March 1408. A Hanthawaddy expeditionary force invaded Arakan from the Irrawaddy delta. The force, consisted of two divisions (4000 or 5000 troops in total), led by Smin Paik-Nye and Smin Maw-Khwin, saw no resistance on their way to the Arakanese capital Launggyet. The Lauggyet garrison offered little resistance. The Ava-installed king Anawrahta, and his queen Saw Pyei Chantha, Minkhaung's daughter, as well as over 300 household guards, were taken prisoner.

First Ava invasion of Hanthawaddy (1408)


Second Ava invasion of Hanthawaddy (1409–1410)




Prelude to war


The main Burmese chronicles say that Minye Kyawswa conquered Arakan in 765 ME (1403/04)[12][13][14] but the Arakanese chronicle Rakhine Razawin Thit gives the exact date Monday, 5th waning of Nadaw 768 ME, which translates to Monday, 29 November 1406.[4] Thus 765 ME appears to be a copying error of 768 ME as the Burmese numeral 8 can be miscopied as 5 and vice versa.[note 3] The Razadarit Ayedawbon does not provide an explicit date for Ava's conquest of Arakan but its narrative suggests the conquest took place not long before Razadarit's decided to invade Arakan.[5]

Ava conquest of Arakan no explicit dates mentioned[note 4] 1403/04[note 5] 1403/04[note 6] 1403/04[note 7] 29 November 1406[note 8]
Theiddat's defection and
Lapse of the Treaty of Kawliya
c. mid 1407[note 9] c. mid 1407[note 10] no date mentioned [after 1406/07 implied][note 11] not mentioned

Phase 1 (1408–1410)

Hanthawaddy invasion of Arakan March 1408[note 12] by March 1408[note 13] March 1408[note 14] no date mentioned[note 15] late 1407 or early 1408[note 16]
1st Ava invasion of Hanthawaddy [1408 implied][note 17] April–August 1408[note 18] April–August 1408[note 19] April–August 1407 [sic][note 20] not mentioned
2nd Ava invasion of Hanthawaddy ~5 months in 1409–1410[note 21] by October 1409–March 1410[note 22] by October 1409–March 1410[note 23] by October 1409–March 1410[note 24]

Phase 2 (1410–1415)


All the main chronicles largely agree on the order of the events but with a few notable exceptions. First, the Razadarit Ayedawbon includes two invasions by Minye Kyawswa whereas the other three chronicles list three invasions by the crown prince. Secondly, the Razadarit places the 3rd Maw/Chinese invasion after Minye Kyawswa's final invasion while the main chronicles place the Chinese invasion during Minye Kyawswa's last invasion.

The most notable difference is the year in which Minye Kyawswa died. The Razadarit says Minye Kyawswa died in Tagu 775 ME (March 1414),[note 25] while the Maha Yazawin places the crown prince's death in Tagu 778 ME (March 1417),[note 26] which may a result of a copying error of 775 ME.[note 3] The Yazawin Thit changes the date to Tagu 776 ME (March 1415)[note 27] but the Hmannan Yazawin keeps Tagu 778 ME (March 1417).[note 28]

In general, many of the Maha Yazawin's dates are inconsistent with the chronicle's narrative.[note 30] The Yazawin Thit largely follows the Maha Yazawin's narrative but updates with internally consistent dates. Indeed, its date for the battle of Dala (Wednesday, 4th waxing of Tagu 776 ME) does fall on a Wednesday (13 March 1415).[note 27] The Hmannan Yazawin uses the Yazawin Thit's dates from 772 ME (1410/11) to 776 ME (1414/15) except at the end when it suddenly switches to Tagu 778 ME (March 1417) for the Battle of Dala and Minye Kyawswa's death.[note 28]

3rd Ava invasion of Hanthawaddy late 1410[34] [late 1410 implied][note 31] late 1410[note 32] late 1410[note 33] not mentioned
Battle of Arakan by early 1411–?[note 34] by early 1411–1410/11 [sic][note 29] by early 1411–c. April 1412[note 35] by early 1411–early 1412[note 36] 1411/12[note 37]
1st Maw/Chinese invasion of Ava
(Siege of Hsenwi)
6+ months in 1411/12[note 38] c. April 1411–October 1411[note 39] c. April 1412–?[note 40] c. April 1412–October 1412[note 41] not mentioned
1st Hanthawaddy invasion of Ava
(Siege of Prome)
  • 4+ months in 1411/12 (Siege of Prome)[note 42]
  • another 4 months in 1411/12 (Battle of Talezi)[note 43]
c. April 1411–c. August 1411[note 44] c. April 1412–August 1412[note 45] c. April 1412–August 1412[note 46]
Siamese incursion into Martaban Province 1411/12[note 47] c. May 1411[note 48] c. May 1412[note 49] c. May 1412[note 50]
4th Ava invasion of Hanthawaddy not mentioned late 1411–c. October 1412[note 51] late 1412–c. October 1413[note 52] late 1412–c. October 1413[note 53]
2nd Maw/Chinese invasion of Ava
(Battle of Myedu)
not mentioned 1412/13[note 54] late 1413[note 55] late 1413[note 56]
Ava garrison in Arakan not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1413/14[note 37]
5th Ava invasion of Hanthawaddy late 1413–after March 1414[note 57] by October 1415–May 1417[note 58] by October 1414–May 1415[note 59] by Octobr 1414–May 1417[note 60] not mentioned
 · Battle of Dala Saturday, 24 March 1414[note 25] Sunday, 21 March 1417[note 26] Wednesday, 13 March 1415[note 27] Sunday, 21 March 1417[note 28]
3rd Maw/Chinese invasion of Ava after March 1414[note 61] late 1415–January 1416[note 62] late 1414–January 1415[note 63] late 1414–January 1415[note 64]

Chinese Ming Shilu dates:

Phase 3 (1416–1418)


After having placed the Battle of Dala in 1417, the Hmannan Yazawin places the next campaign in 1416.[note 65]

2nd Hanthawaddy invasion of Ava
(Battle of Toungoo)
not mentioned late 1417[note 66] late 1416[note 67] late 1416[note 65] not mentioned
Ava driven out of Arakan
(Battle of Ngakhwethindaung)
not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1416/17[note 37]
6th Ava invasion of Hanthawaddy specific date not mentioned but after March 1414[note 68] late 1418–late 1419[note 69] late 1417–late 1418[note 70] late 1417–late 1418[note 71] not mentioned


  1. ^ from 1415
  2. ^ to 1414
  3. ^ a b c d e f [x] infantry; [y] cavalry; [z] elephants
  1. ^ a b Unless otherwise stated, the military mobilization figures in this article are reduced by an order of magnitude from those reported in the royal chronicles, per G.E. Harvey's analysis in his History of Burma (1925) in the section Numerical Note (pp. 333–335).
  2. ^ The chronicle Razadarit Ayedawbon says Razadarit took in Min Saw Mon[5] but the Arakanese Rakhine Razawin Thit chronicle says it was Khayi, the brother of Min Saw Mon, that fled to Hanthawaddy; Min Saw Mon fled to Bengal.[6]
  3. ^ a b The Burmese numerals ၅ (5) and ၈ (8) are quite similar when written in longhand, and can easily be miscopied.
  4. ^ Pan Hla's edition of the Razadarit does not provide any specific dates for the events. It covers Theiddat's defection[15] before Ava's conquest of Arakan.[5]
  5. ^ 765 ME (30 March 1403 – 28 March 1404)[12]
  6. ^ 765 ME (30 March 1403 – 28 March 1404)[13]
  7. ^ 765 ME (30 March 1403 – 28 March 1404)[14]
  8. ^ Monday, 5th waning of Nadaw 768 ME (Monday, 29 November 1406)[4]
  9. ^ early 769 ME[16]
  10. ^ early 769 ME[17]
  11. ^ Unlike other chronicles, the Hmannan does not explicitly state any dates of the events.[8] Its previous explicitly stated date right before this section was 768 ME (1406/07).[18]
  12. ^ Different versions of the Razadarit Ayedawbon provide different information:
    • An 18th century copy of the Razadarit, cited in the Yazawin Thit chronicle (1798), says Razadarit decided to attack Arakan in Tabodwe 769 ME (28 December 1407–25 January 1408), and sent in his invasion forces in [Late] Tagu 769 ME (25 February 1408–24 March 1408).[10]
    • Pan Hla's version of the Razadarit gives no dates or years for Hanthawaddy's first Arakan campaign.[19] However, Pan Hla notes a few pages later in a footnote that the chronicle gives 769 ME (1407/08) for Hanthawaddy's second Arakan campaign,[20] which according to other chronicles (including the Pak Lat)[20] took place in 772 ME (1410/11).
  13. ^ The Maha Yazawin only says Hanthawaddy forces invaded Arakan in 769 ME (30 March 1407–28 March 1408),[21] which provoked Minkhaung to launch an invasion in Kason 770 ME (29 March 1408–23 April 1408).[22]
  14. ^ Citing the Razadarit Ayedawbon, the Yazawin Thit says Razadarit decided to attack Arakan in Tabodwe 769 ME (28 December 1407–25 January 1408), and sent in his invasion forces in [Late] Tagu 769 ME (25 February 1408–24 March 1408).[10]
  15. ^ The Hmannan includes no explicit dates about the Arakan campaign itself,[23] except that Minkhaung invaded Hanthwaddy soon after in Kason 769 ME [sic] (6 April–5 May 1407).[24]
  16. ^ 769 ME (30 March 1407 – 28 March 1408), a year after Minye Kyawswa's conquest [in November 1406]. Ava retained a toehold in Arakan at the Ngakhwethindaung fort in 770 ME (1408/09).[25]
  17. ^ right after the Arakan campaign[19]
  18. ^ Invasion begins in Kason 770 ME (29 March 1408–23 April 1408).[22] Negotiations began about three months later but eventually broke down; Ava forces were driven back soon after.[26]
  19. ^ The Yazawin Thit largely follows the Maha Yazawin's narrative but does not explicitly state Kason 770 ME (29 March 1408–23 April 1408). Instead it says Minkhaung launched the invasion right after learning about the fall of Arakan.[27]
  20. ^ The Hmannan follows the Maha Yazawin's narrative but it gives 769 ME as the year (instead of 770 ME). This means the invasion began in Kason 769 ME (6 April 1407–5 May 1407),[24] the attempts to negotiate began about three months into the campaign (July/August 1408),[24] and Ava forces were driven back soon after.[28]
  21. ^ Campaign lasted about five months during the dry season of 771 ME, and ended before the arrival of the rainy season.[29] Unlike the main chronicles, the Razadarit does not explicitly say that the campaign ended in 771 ME.
  22. ^ Campaign lasted about five months during the dry season of 771 ME, and ended in 771 ME.[30]
  23. ^ Campaign lasted about five months during the dry season of 771 ME, and ended in 771 ME.[31]
  24. ^ Campaign lasted about five months during the dry season of 771 ME, and ended in 771 ME.[32]
  25. ^ a b Inconsistent date: According to Pan Hla,
    • The Binnya Dala version of the Razadarit gives Wednesday, 4th waxing of [Late] Tagu 775 ME.[63] which translates to Saturday, 24 March 1414.
    • The Pak Lat gives "Sunday, 4th waxing of Tagu" without the year.[70] Pan Hla continues that because Pak Lat says Minye Kyawswa dies three years after his first campaign in 772 ME, the year of the death should be 775 ME.[63] Sunday, 4th waxing of [Late] Tagu 775 ME translates to Saturday, 24 March 1414.
  26. ^ a b Inconsistent date: Wednesday, 4th waxing of [Late] Tagu 778 ME (Sunday, 21 March 1417)[33]
  27. ^ a b c Consistent date: Wednesday, 4th waxing of [Late] Tagu 776 ME (Wednesday, 13 March 1415)[71]
  28. ^ a b c Inconsistent date: Wednesday, 4th waxing of [Late] Tagu 778 ME (Sunday, 21 March 1417)[72]
  29. ^ a b The Maha Yazawin is inconsistent:
    • In response to Ava's invasion of Arakan, Hanthawaddy sent reinforcements to Arakan in early 773 ME (c. April 1411). After over three months of fighting at Sandoway, Ava forces withdrew.[40]
    • Hanthawaddy forces then went on to retake Launggyet in 772 ME [sic] (1410/11).[41]
  30. ^ The Maha Yazawin's narrative has the following inconsistencies:
    • The Arakan campaign started in late 772 ME (early 1411), fought into early 773 ME (c. April 1412 onwards), and ended in 772 ME [sic] (1410/11).[note 29]
    • Its dates suggest a three-year lull in fighting between 774 ME and 777 ME even though its own narrative shows continuous fighting.
    • Its dates for the fifth invasion indicate two full dry season campaigns in 777 ME (1415–1416) and 778 ME (1416–1417) while its narrative covers a single dry season campaign.
    • It says the Battle of Dala took place on Wednesday, 4th waxing of Tagu 778 ME but the date actually translates to Sunday, 21 March 1417.[33]
  31. ^ The Maha Yazawin does not provide a specific date for this campaign. But the previous campaign took place in 771 ME[35] and the subsequent campaign in 773 ME.[36]
  32. ^ Dry season of 772 ME[37]
  33. ^ Dry season of 772 ME[38]
  34. ^ Began after Minye Kyawswa's withdrawal from the delta;[39] no specific end date given.
  35. ^ Ava forces invaded Arakan in late 772 ME (early 1411), and Hanthawaddy reinforcements came in 773 ME (c. April/May 1411).[37] Battle of Sandoway in 773 ME (mid 1411–late 1411); Battle of Launggyet in early 774 ME (c. April/May 1412).[42]
  36. ^ Ava forces conquered Launggyet and Sandoway in late 772 ME (early 1411) before Hanthawaddy reinforcements arrived in early 773 ME.[43] Battle of Sandoway in 773 ME (mid 1411–late 1411); Battle of Launggyet in late 773 ME (early 1412).[44]
  37. ^ a b c Ava established the Ngakhwethindaung fort in Arakan in 770 ME (1408/09). Three years later, [773 ME (1411/12)] Hanthawaddy forces drove out the Ava garrison. Ava reestablished the fort in 775 ME (1413/14). Arakanese forces drove out Ava forces for good in 778 ME (1416/17).[25]
  38. ^ 6+ months in 773 ME (30 March 1411–28 March 1412)[45]
  39. ^ Hsenwi forces invaded Ava in early 773 ME (c. April 1411).[41] Minye Kyawswa laid siege to Hsenwi for about five months before defeating Chinese relief forces.[46]
  40. ^ Unlike other chronicles, the Yazawin Thit does not say how long the Hsenwi campaign lasted; it only says the campaign took place in 774 ME (29 March 1412–29 March 1413)[47]
  41. ^ Hsenwi campaign began in early 774 ME (c. April 1411), laid siege to Hsenwi for about five months before defeating Chinese relief forces.[48]
  42. ^ 4+ months in 773 ME (30 March 1411–28 March 1412)[45]
  43. ^ According to the Razadarit Ayedawbon the Ava counterattack was limited to Talezi for four months, not into Hanthawaddy territory.[49]
  44. ^ The Maha Yazawin does not provide a specific date for the campaign except that Razadarit invaded when he heard Minye Kyawswa had left for Hsenwi.[46]
  45. ^ Siege of Prome began in 774 ME and lasted about 4 months.[50]
  46. ^ Siege of Prome began in 774 ME and lasted about 4 months.[51]
  47. ^ About one and a half months into the Prome campaign, Razadarit went to Martaban to defend Martaban in 773 ME (30 March 1411–28 March 1412)[52]
  48. ^ Siamese forces attacked Ye, one month into the Prome campaign.[53]
  49. ^ Siamese forces attacked Moulmein and Martaban, one month into the Prome campaign.[47]
  50. ^ Siamese forces attacked Ye, one month into the Prome campaign.[54]
  51. ^ The campaign began after the siege of Prome was lifted, and ended after the next rainy season [774 ME (c. Oct 1412)].[55]
  52. ^ The campaign began after Minye Kyawswa had returned from Hsenwi[56] and lasted into Nayon [775 ME] (30 April 1413–28 May 1413)[57] before withdrawing after the rainy season of 775 ME.[58]
  53. ^ The campaign began after Minye Kyawswa had returned from Hsenwi[59] and lasted into Nayon [775 ME] (30 April 1413–28 May 1413)[60] before withdrawing after the rainy season.[61]
  54. ^ 774 ME (29 March 1412–29 March 1413)[53]
  55. ^ after rainy season of 775 ME (c. November 1413)[62]
  56. ^ after rainy season of 775 ME (c. November 1413)[61]
  57. ^ The campaign was fought in 775 ME (1413/14), and ended soon after Minye Kyawswa's death in March 1414.[63]
  58. ^ The Maha Yazawin says the campaign had begun by Tazaungmon 777 ME (2–31 October 1415),[64] and ended after Minye Kyawswa's death on 4th waxing of Late Tagu 778 ME (1417).[65]
  59. ^ The invasion had begun by Tazaungmon 776 ME (13 October 1413–11 November 1413),[66] and ended after Minkhaung withdrew in early 777 ME (April/May 1415).[67]
  60. ^ The invasion had begun by Tazaungmon 776 ME (13 October 1413–11 November 1413),[68] and ended after Minkhaung withdrew in early 779 ME (April/May 1417).[69]
  61. ^ The Razadarit Ayedawbon places the Chinese invasion of Ava after Minye Kyawswa's death.[73]
  62. ^ The Chinese laid siege to Ava between Tazaungmon 777 ME (2 October 1415–31 October 1415) and Tabodwe 776 ME (30 December 1415–27 January 1416) for a month.[74]
  63. ^ The Chinese invasion took place between Tazaungmon 776 ME (13 October 1414–11 November 1414) and Tabodwe 776 ME (10 January 1415–7 February 1415).[75]
  64. ^ The Chinese invasion took place between Tazaungmon 776 ME (13 October 1414–11 November 1414) and Tabodwe 777 ME (10 January 1415–7 February 1415).[76]
  65. ^ a b Hanthawaddy forces attacked Toungoo in 778 ME (1416/17).[79]
  66. ^ Hanthawaddy forces attacked Toungoo in 779 ME (1417/18).[77]
  67. ^ Hanthawaddy forces attacked Toungoo in 778 ME (1416/17).[78]
  68. ^ The Razadarit Ayedawbon places the invasion in which Binnya Set of Dagon was captured, right after Minye Kyawswa's death in 1414.[80]
  69. ^ Invasion began in 780 ME (1418/19), and ended sometime after the next rainy season.[81]
  70. ^ Invasion began in 779 ME (1417/18), and ended after the next rainy season.[82]
  71. ^ Invasion began in 779 ME (1417/18), and ended after the next rainy season.[83]


  1. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 224–225
  2. ^ a b Fernquest Autumn 2006
  3. ^ a b Pan Hla 2005: 238-239
  4. ^ a b c Sandamala Linkara Vol. 2 1999: 9
  5. ^ a b c d e Pan Hla 2005: 239
  6. ^ Sandamala Linkara 1997–1999, Vol. 2, p. 9.
  7. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 227
  8. ^ a b c Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 473–474
  9. ^ a b Aung-Thwin 2017: 75
  10. ^ a b c d e Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 228
  11. ^ Harvey 1925: 91
  12. ^ a b Maha Yazawin Vol. 1 2006: 309
  13. ^ a b Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 224
  14. ^ a b Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 443
  15. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 236–237
  16. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 1 2006: 332
  17. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 227–228
  18. ^ Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 471
  19. ^ a b Pan Hla 2005: 240–241
  20. ^ a b Pan Hla 2005: 276, footnote 1
  21. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 1 2006: 330, 332
  22. ^ a b Maha Yazawin Vol. 1 2006: 334
  23. ^ Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 474
  24. ^ a b c Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 477
  25. ^ a b Sandamala Linkara Vol. 2 1999: 10
  26. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 1 2006: 339–340
  27. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 229, 230, 233
  28. ^ Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 484
  29. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 268, 271
  30. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 26–27
  31. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 235–236
  32. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 2–3
  33. ^ a b Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 49
  34. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 271
  35. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 27
  36. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 29
  37. ^ a b Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 237
  38. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 4
  39. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 276
  40. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 29–30
  41. ^ a b Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 31
  42. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 238
  43. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 6
  44. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 6–8
  45. ^ a b Pan Hla 2005: 276–278
  46. ^ a b Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 32
  47. ^ a b Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 239
  48. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 8–9
  49. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 278–281
  50. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 241
  51. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 8–12
  52. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 277
  53. ^ a b Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 32–33
  54. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 9
  55. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 33
  56. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 240
  57. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 245
  58. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 246
  59. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 10
  60. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 16
  61. ^ a b Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 20
  62. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 246–247
  63. ^ a b c Pan Hla 2005: 317 footnote 1
  64. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 34, 39
  65. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 52
  66. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 247, 253
  67. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 262–263
  68. ^ Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 21, 31
  69. ^ Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 48–50
  70. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 307
  71. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 260
  72. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 48
  73. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 330, footnotes 1 and 2
  74. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 34–36, 38–39
  75. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 252–253
  76. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 30–31
  77. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 54
  78. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 263
  79. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 50
  80. ^ Pan Hla 2005: 323 footnote 1, 324 footnote 2
  81. ^ Maha Yazawin Vol. 2 2006: 54–55
  82. ^ Yazawin Thit Vol. 1 2012: 264
  83. ^ Hmannan Vol. 2 2003: 51


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Category:Wars involving Myanmar Category:1400s conflicts Category:1410s conflicts Category:1400s in Asia Category:1410s in Asia