Day Class


Yuki Cross

Voiced by: Yui Horie
Age: 16 Years
Blood Type: O
Yuki Cross (黒主優姫, Kurosu Yūki), a cheerful and carefree girl, is the adoptive daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, and is a member of the school's disciplinary committee, acting as a Guardian for Cross Academy.[1] She is actually the hidden daughter of the Kuran family, a family of pureblood-vampires. Ten years prior to the events of Vampire Knight, she and Kaname were raised as siblings by Yuki's parents, Juri and Haruka Kuran.[2] Though Yuki did have an older brother, Juri and Haruka's first child, it is unknown as to what happended to him except that he was "stolen" by Rido Kuran.[3] Yuki's existence was kept hidden from other vampires, as her parents didn't want her involved in the Vampire Council's matters.[4] She had always stayed in a room in the basement, and was never allowed into the outside world.[5] When the Kuran family was attacked by Rido Kuran, Yuki's mother Juri, wanting Yuki to live as a normal human, sealed Yuki's memories, powers, and pure vampire blood at the cost of her own life, and Headmaster Cross took her in.[6] With her parents and her real brother gone, she is the apparent heir of the Kuran vampire throne. She lost all memories of her life before the attack, but since Kaname rescued her when she was attacked by a vampire, she has been harboring deep feelings for him.[7] She has admired Kaname since she was little, and admits later on that she has fallen in love with him.[8]. Though they are siblings she and Kaname are engaged.[9] After being bitten by Kaname and being given his blood, her vampire side awakens, and she regains all of her memories and powers.[10] She still doesn't have complete control over her vampire powers, as she accidentally made cracks in the wall and window, when hearing of her parents sacrificing themselves to save her.[11] Kaname also plans to take Yuki and leave school, though she decides not to leave with Kaname.[12][13] Even though Yuuki does not go with Kaname, it is suspected that she plans on returning to him sometime in the future.
She has also let Zero Kiryu, a childhood friend, drink her blood, hoping to save him from insanity.[14] She cares deeply about Zero and it is not unlikely that she cares for him in a romantic sense. Yuki makes a pact with Zero in order for him not to run away, she promises that if he becomes a Level E vampire, she will kill him with a hunter's anti-vampire gun.[15] She also wears a bracelet given to her by Headmaster Cross, that immobilizes Zero once it comes in contact with the tattoo on his neck. [16] After awakening her vampire side, during a short talk with Zero, Yuki refers to herself as not being the same as before. Zero can sense that Yuki is a pureblood and aims "Bloody Rose" at her. Yuki claims that her vampire side "ate" her human one and the new Yuki is nothing like the one that Zero knows.[17] Although her declaration could have been because of the pain of having Zero pull out a gun on her, especially since immediately afterwards she is creeped out by Aido speaking to her respectfully, saying 'it's gross' and that she expected him to keep saying 'Yuki Cross' or 'hey you'.[18] She may have been simply referring to the changes in her life the situation will force on her.
In Chapter 39, Yuki's best friend, Yori, finds out about her vampire side, but still hugs her, calling her an idiot for distancing herself from her.
She is also sensitive to sunlight, as it was the first time she ever saw sunlight with her vampire eyes. Before her memory loss, her parents kept her confined in a well-furnished underground chamber, preventing other vampires from finding out about her. When she changed into a vampire, her hair grew longer, thus making her look like her mother, Juri.
In chapter 41, it is shown at first that the Artemis Rod (an anti-vampire weapon) is rejecting Yuki when she holds it, for she is not a human anymore, but a vampire. Later in this chapter, when Yuki is still holding the Artemis Rod (that still rejects her) it suddenly morphes into an impressive death-like scythe, which can be seen in some earlier illustrations by Matsuri Hino (such as the cover of Volume 2). Since then, it does not reject her anymore. However, it is still unknown why it morphed. It might be possible that the Artemis Rod is a possession of the Kuran family due to what Rido said in chapter 42 "I used that type of weapon to kill your father, Haruka".
In chapter 42, Yuuki finally meets her uncle Rido. At first Rido wanted to eat her to gain a new power, he calls her "The currently the youngest, most fresh and delicious morsel brimming with power on this world... the pure blood princess of the Kuran". But it seems like Yuuki reminds him of Juuri and would want to replace her with Yuuki. When they started fighting, Yuuki protected Zero with her sycthe and told him she'll be on his side even if they had become enemies.

Zero Kiryu

Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano
Age: 17 Years
Blood Type: A
Zero Kiryu (錐生 零, Kiryū Zero) is Yuki's close friend and her partner as a Cross Academy Guardian on the disciplinary committee. Zero is descended from Vampire Hunters and was trained as a Vampire Hunter by Toga Yagari. Zero's anti-vampire weapon is the gun named "Bloody Rose," given to him by Kaien Cross. Four years prior to the beginning of the story, Zero was taken in by Kaien Cross as the sole survivor of a murderous attack on his family by the pureblood vampire Shizuka Hiou. It is revealed later that Zero was bitten during the attack and therefore has been slowly turning into a vampire. Zero was given a tattoo that using Vampire Hunter's magic to suppress the transformation.
Due to the attack, Zero now harbors a deep hatred and distrust of vampires. He held off on a complete transformation to vampire for four years a feat heavily contributed to his strong willpower. Zero kept his vampire secret even from Yuki until his vampire thirst overwhelmed him and he bit Yuki. Due to guilt and the fear of becoming a Level E vampire, Zero attempts to run away. He is stopped by Yuki, who pledges to kill Zero should it come to that. Following Zero's awakening as a vampire, the tattoo was used by Kaien Cross to allow Yuki to tame Zero. [19] Zero's body rejected the blood tablets used to sate a vampire's thirst, thus Yuki breaks taboo and convinces Zero to continue drinking her blood.
The story heavily implies that Zero harbors romantic feelings for Yuki. Due to Zero's hopeless position as a doomed vampire, he chooses instead to encourage Yuki's feelings for Kaname Kuran. Yuki however, makes a deal with Shizuka Hiou, whose blood will prevent Zero from becoming a Level E and pledges to sacrific herself and become a vampire. This deal is thwarted by Zero, who shoots his master when she tries to compel him and he saves Yuki. In turn, Zero is held back from sacrificing himself in order to kill Shizuka by Yuki. Zero swears he will never let Yuki become a vampire. Zero is also prevented from drinking Shizuka's blood, by his twin who also survived the attack. In order to gain control and delay the fall into madness becoming a level E vampire, Zero is convinced to drink the blood of the pureblood, Kaname Kuran. Following Zero's discovery that Yuki is actually a pureblood vampire, Zero severs his friendship with her and likewise Yuki tells him her vampire side "ate" her other side.
Though Zero gains sanity, the Hunters Association have him locked up anyway, arrested by Yagari. Kaname reveals that his purpose in strengthening Zero was in order for him to protect Yuki and defeat, Rido Kuran. Zero is shot by his twin brother and finally completes the Twin Hunter fragment after he is convinced to "eat" the dying Ichiru. With this act, along with being a twin vampire hunter of excellent lineage who has become a vampire, within Zero is the blood of three purebloods, Yuki, Kaname and by proxy Shizuka, making Zero one of the most, if not the most, powerful characters in the series and saving him from the chance of becoming a Level E. Also by having the power of three pure bloods (Yuki, Kaname, Shizuka), he has the power to kill the "king" of pure bloods, Rido Kuran. Something that Kaname can do but unable to, for Kuran Rido is his master who resurrected him.
Zero's new powers are shown to be manipulation of vines within his body and he has possibly also absorbed the Bloody Rose, as he produces it from within his body. Zero calls Yuuki his enemy, but the two guardians now confront Rido Kuran together.

Sayori Wakaba

Voiced by: Kana Ueda
Sayori Wakaba (若葉沙頼, Wakaba Sayori) is Yuki's dorm-mate and best friend since junior high; Yuki often refers to her as Yori-chan. Yori is portayed as a very perceptive girl and find the aura of the vampires to be scary. Yori is one of the few girls who is not interested in the Night Class, she also is not intimidated by Zero and joins Yuki in teasing him. Yori discovered that Yuki is a vampire during the attack on the school. Yori still accepts Yuki and appeared to be more worried over that fact that she would lose her best friend.
Currently has been taken to a safe place by Aidou, following her reluctance to leave Yuki's side.

Ichiru Kiryu

Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano
Ichiru Kiryu (錐生壱縷, Kiryū Ichiru) is Zero's younger twin brother. When they were younger, they were both taught by Toga Yagari to become vampire hunters. Ichiru, however did not seem to share Zero's natural ability and was often ill. Zero and Ichiru were very close as children, although later Ichiru claims to have hated Zero after overhearing that his parents preferred Zero over himself.
Shizuka let Ichiru drink her blood to strengthen him and cure his chronic ill health, although she did not turn him into a vampire and he remains a human. He now attends Cross Academy as a Day Class student by the orders of Shiki's father, Rido Kuran (and by Zero's permission). It appears Rido has promised Ichiru that he will kill those who killed Shizuka Hiou, which is probably the main reason why Ichiru is working for Rido Kuran.
When Zero was locked up by the Vampire Hunters Association, Ichiru visits him and appears to have shot him due to hatred. However, it is revealed that Ichiru was terribly wounded because he tried to kill Rido, the person he was truly after because of his role in Shizuka's death. After he shoots his brother, he convinces Zero to drink his blood so they could finally become one as they were originally supposed to be. Ichiru stated that he was happy that he was not dead in Zero's heart and when they hug, he says that he feels comfortable to be in his arms, recalling a time when the brother's slept in the same bed often and were loved equally by their mother.

Night Class


Kaname Kuran

Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio
Kaname Kuran (玖蘭枢, Kuran Kaname) is a pureblood vampire who saved Yuki from an attack by another vampire when she was five years old. Kaname is the class president of the Night Class, both feared and respected by the other Night Class students.
While he is cold and authoritative towards his contemporaries in the Night Class, he is always kind and sweet to Yuki. He has shown that he cares for Yuki in a romantic sense ever since he saved her. He is also Yuki's fianceé and "so called" brother. Apparently, he allows Zero to live because he knows his death would sadden Yuki and because when he cannot protect Yuki, he knows that Zero will be there. However, he has another reason for keeping Zero. Kaname also asked Yuki to become a vampire and live with him for all eternity by his side, but manages to stop himself from biting her. He is both jealous and angry with Zero for biting Yuki and endangering her life. Later on, he bit Yuki in order to awaken her as a vampire and fed her his blood in order to revive her memories as a Kuran.
He also knows the pureblood who bit Zero, Shizuka Hiou, and later kills her before drinking her blood to gain power in order to protect Yuki, in spite of being a terrible taboo. It has been revealed in Chapter 38 that Haruka and Juri Kuran had a son, but his soul was killed by Rido Kuran and Kaname's soul was put into his body. Kaname was the ancestor of the Kuran Family thus resurrected by Rido from the grave, who became his 'master' making him unable to kill Rido. (Compare to the relationship between Shizuka Hiou and Zero). Juri and Haruka, Yuki's parents, raised Kaname as Yuki's brother, although Kaname never fully became 'their son'. Yuki and Kaname planned to marry as children, following the example of Juri and Haruka who were also brother and sister and married. At one point, Kaname allowed Zero to drink his blood to stave off insanity, preventing Zero from turning into a Level E for the time being, he does this for Yuki's sake and because Zero may be the only one able to kill Rido.
In Chapter 41, Kaname fears for Yuki's life when she refuses to leave the Academy for safety. Following Yuki's kiss, he doesn't give much of a reaction until she refers to him as "Onii-sama" as she used to call him 10 years ago. He then parts with Yuki to fulfill his own task. It is possible that this task is to kill the "monsters from the council".

Takuma Ichijo

Voiced by: Susumu Chiba
Takuma Ichijo (一条拓麻, Ichijō Takuma) is the vice-president of the Night Class, and a noble-class vampire nearly as powerful as Kaname, whom he is close to and respects. He is kind and lacks the dark atmosphere that surrounds most vampires, making him appear more like a human. His favorite reading material is manga; in one chapter, it seems he forced Aido into reading a vampire manga series.
Takuma appears to be aware of Kaname and Yuki's relationship, and has asked Yuki why her current relationship with Kaname no longer is the same as the one they had when she was a child. Takuma's grandfather, who is a member of the Senior Council of Vampires and is very powerful, educated him and has high expectations of him. The reason Takuma's grandfather allowed him to come to Cross Academy was to spy on Kaname. However, Takuma does not want to hurt Kaname because they are good friends.
Takuma is ordered to bring Senri Shiki (possessed by Rido Kuran) back to the academy where Rido will look for 'that child' (referring to Yuki). Though Takuma does not want to hurt Kaname by bringing Rido to the academy, he cannot refuse because he has been commanded by his grandfather to do so. He saves Rima Toya from being killed by Rido when she confronts him in order to try to free Shiki and stops the fight between Rido and Kaname so that Shiki, whose body was being used by Rido, would not be hurt.
Following Shiki's freedom from Rido's possession, Takuma has rejoined Kaname's side and appears to have gone to confront his grandfather.

Hanabusa Aido

Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama
Hanabusa Aido (藍堂英, Aidō Hanabusa), nicknamed "Idol" by the Day Class girls, is known among the Night Class as "Kaname-sama's right hand" along with his cousin Akatsuki Kain, and has a fierce admiration for Kaname. Aido is a noble-class vampire and possesses the ability to control ice. Though he appears cheerful and friendly one moment, he can quickly become vindictive and cruel the next. Though loyal to Kaname, he has a tendency to overstep his boundaries, which results in Kaname punishing him if discovered. He has also been aware that Zero is a vampire, though he did not reveal it to anyone else because he felt it would not benefit himself in anyway and because he takes no pleasure in revealing secrets.
At one point, while Yuki dealt with two day class girls who violated the nighttime curfew, he and Kain suddenly appear and Yuki becomes alert. Yuki was afraid of what they might do to those girls but Aido tells her that they came especially to see Yuki. Yuki had swung down from a tree and scraped her hands, and the scent of her blood attracted them. Aido licks the blood off her hand, and then draws his fangs and bites Yuki's hand. Then when he tries to drink from her neck Kaname appears. Luckily, the two girls fainted and were taken to the chairman to have their memories modified.
Aido is not overtly fond of Yuki and dislikes the attention that Kaname gives her, but tolerates her presence because Kaname loves her. He has difficulty showing her respect, often calling her "Yuki Cross" or just "Hey, you", but becomes willing to protect her for Kaname's sake when Kaname announces that she is to be his lover. Aido eventually develops an understanding for Yuki when she claims that she will remain loyal to Kaname, regardless of what he says or does. When Yuki is revealed to be a pureblood vampire of the Kuran line, Aido has difficulty adjusting himself to referring to her in a formal manner and frequently corrects himself.
While Aido is the only one to witness Kaname killing Shizuka Hiou, he remains loyal to Kaname and willing to lend Kaname his power in order to help find the killers of Kaname's parents. Though Kaname declines Aido's help in order to prevent Aido from putting himself in danger, Aido continues to investigate behind Kaname's back in order to discover possible enemies of the Kuran family and secrets that Kaname has hidden.
In chapter 42, he not also fought with the servants of Rido but also he encountered him and nearly eaten by him. It was thanks to Yuuki that he was saved.

Akatsuki Kain

Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe
Akatsuki Kain (架院暁, Kain Akatsuki)is Aido's cousin and another one of "Kaname-sama's right hand". His carefree attitude gets both him and Aido in trouble at times. His nickname is "Wild", despite the fact he is actually mellower than Aido. He tends to get blamed for the actions of other vampires, especially Aido, despite not being involved and ends up getting punished as a result. In a bonus story at the end of Volume 2 ("I Must've Been Born Under the "Victim of Circumstances" Star...") he also refers to Kaname as their "gang leader". He is incredibly perceptive and is frequently sensitive to others' feelings, most particularly with Aido and Ruka's. He first suspected Zero of killing Shizuka, but almost instantly realized that was not what had happened. Kain seems to have feelings for Ruka. Kain's ability is the opposite of Aido's which is the power over fire, he is seen killing off the Level E vampires that are attacking the Day Class students.
Ruka Souen (早園瑠佳, Sōuen Ruka) Voiced by: Junko Minagawa
A female vampire popular with the Day Class students and one of those who are the most faithful and protective of Kaname. She seems to dislike Yuki because Kaname loves her. It was expressed in a flashback that even before she met Kaname, she had always had feelings for him to the extent of wanting to give him her blood. Although Ruka has strong feelings for Kaname, he does not reciprocate them. He only drank her blood one time to protect Yuki from his urge to bite her, and has since politely refused to drink it. She becomes upset with the fact that Kaname chose Yuki to be his lover, but finally accepts Yuki when she discovers Yuki is Kaname's pureblood sister. She even gives Aido shoes to give to Yuki to wear. In Chapter 39, along with Kain and other members of the Night Class, she is seen defending the Day Class students from Level E vampires. She seems much more mature and level-headed now, recognizing the foolishness of her obsessive feelings for Kaname, though she still shows just as much dedication to him as before but with a new calmness.
Senri Shiki (支葵千里, Shiki Senri) Voiced by: Soichiro Hoshi
One of the youngest Night Class members. He works as a model with Rima Touya. When the Night Class is given orders to hunt down a level E vampire, Shiki is usually the one we see out hunting the level E vampires. He has a whip-like weapon which develops from his blood. His father is Rido Kuran (Kaname's uncle), thus making him, Kaname and Yuki's cousin, and his mother's uncle is part of the council. His mother was also a former actress, making the Shiki family well known. Shiki's body is currently being possessed by his father's soul, who is supposed to be dead. Though possessed by Rido, Rido claims that having Shiki regain conscious is easier than he had let on. During his fight with Rima, who tries to convince Shiki to fight against Rido and to "Love himself more", Shiki is seen trying to regain control, while Rido is telling him otherwise.
In Chapter 41, he regained consciousness and after recalling the events that had taken place, apologizes to an unconscious Rima for letting Rido use his body and embraces her. He then protects Rima from a vampire, of whom is a servant of Rido. Shiki is referred to be Rido's puppet.
Rima Touya (遠矢莉磨, Tōuya Rima) Voiced by: Eri Kitamura
One of the youngest Night Class students. She works as a model alongside Senri Shiki. Her exact relationship with Shiki is unknown, though they are almost always seen together, signifying a very close relationship,maybe even romantic. She also cares deeply for Shiki and possesses a personality almost similar to his.
After suspecting Shiki has changed upon his return to school, she confronts Rido (who is in Shiki's body) and tells him to leave Shiki's body since she can tell that he is not Shiki. During her fight with Rido, it is revealed that she has a special ability to do with something that looks like electricity, or lightning.[20] She is wounded by Rido, but is saved by Ichijo, who steps in to save her. She tries to convince Shiki to snap out of his state and calls him an idiot for letting Rido control him. Badly wounded, she is sent back to the Moon Dormitory by Ichijo.
Seiren (星煉, Seiren) Voiced by: Risa Mizuno
A student of the Night Class, she is Kaname's unofficial bodyguard. She is usually the first to defend Kaname from anyone she regards as a threat. For example, she barely refrains from killing Zero when he points a gun at Kaname for comparing Zero to a level-E. It seems she also acts as a shadow, because wherever Kaname is, she can appear beside him instantly.


Headmaster Kaien Cross (黒主理事長, Kurosu Kaien Rijichō) Voiced by: Hozumi Goda
Yuki's adoptive father, who also took Zero into his home for several years. Headmaster Cross dreams of peace between humans and vampires, and established the Night Class to promote understanding between the two races. Cross is shown to have a habit of provoking Zero and is eccentric in some ways, but he has a serious side as well. It is revealed in Chapter 27 that he is a former vampire hunter. He also seems to be close to Kaname, and knows Kaname's parents (both of whom are dead and founded the Cross Academy peace treaty), since he is indebted to them. He has always known that Yuki was a pureblood vampire, but chose not to reveal it.
In Chapter 39, it is revealed that his vampire hunter weapon appears to be some sort of a sword.
In Chapter 41, he refuses to kill any vampires and only intends to protect the Night Class who are protecting the day class. He also has no intention of letting the hunters have Yuki.
Toga Yagari (夜刈十牙, Yagari Tōga)Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto
The current top ranked vampire hunter, Toga Yagari, formerly trained Zero to be a vampire hunter. He lost his right eye trying to save Zero long ago. He showed up once at Cross Academy serving for a short while as a Day Class substitute teacher, also teaching Ethics to the Night Class, and to decide whether Zero is considered dangerous or not. He appears briefly in volume five, when he appears shocked about the Council of Ancient's decision to punish Zero. He also appears in the near end of chapter 36, giving the Bloody Rose to Zero. He joins Chairman Cross's side in protecting the Academy.
Shizuka Hiou (緋桜閑, Hiō Shizuka) Voiced by: Fumiko Orikasa
The pureblood vampire who bit Zero; even her fellow vampires are uneasy around her. She is called "Madly Blooming Princess" by her fellow vampires. A manservant whom she loved (a former human vampire, falsely classified by the Hunter's Association as Level E) was assigned to be killed by a Kiryu vampire hunter. Enraged and vengeful, she attacked the Kiryu family, killed Zero and Ichiru's parents, turned Zero into a vampire, and took Zero's twin, Ichiru, in as a devoted servant. Shizuka's blood can prevent Zero from falling to Level E, and thus Yuki risked her life for Zero to be able to drink Shizuka's blood. However, to protect Yuki, Kaname kills Shizuka and drinks her blood, leaving only a small amount for Zero to drink. Unfortunately the blood was drunk by Ichiru who arrived at the scene first. Before dying, Shizuka warns Kaname that he will live in darkness and has summoned a sinister future for himself. She was Rido Kuran's fiancée, but they never got married due to his previous disappearance and her death.
Maria Kurenai (紅まり亜, Kurenai Maria) Voiced by: Mai Nakahara
A very distant relative of Shizuka Hiou. She allowed Shizuka to possess her in exchange for being allowed to drink Shizuka's blood, which would strengthen her sickly body. Due to Shizuka's untimely death, this promise was never fulfilled. Maria has returned to her family after the Shizuka incident, but has asked Yuki to tell Zero that if he sees Ichiru, to tell him Maria wants to see him again.
Asato Ichijo (一条麻遠, Ichijō Asatō)
Asato is Takuma's grandfather and a member of the Vampire Council. He wanted to become Kaname's guardian after the death of Kaname's parents, but Kaname did not accept. He has allowed Takuma to attend Cross Academy for the purpose of spying on Kaname. His age and demeanor brings fear to many vampires, though Aido and Ruka openly confront him when Asato implies his desire to drink Kaname's blood. Many people call him Ichiō-sama (First Elder).
Sara Shirabuki (白蕗 更, Shirabuki Sara)
A beautiful pureblood vampire of the Shirabuki family. She appears at a party held by the Aido family stating that "We purebloods have to stick together" to Kaname.

Rido Kuran (玖蘭李土, Kuran Ridō)

A pureblood vampire, Senri Shiki's father, Haruka Kuran's elder brother, and Yuki's uncle. He is supposed to be dead and his true body appears that way. However, he is still able to transfer his soul to other bodies and take control. His eyes are two different colors (crimson and blue), and when his soul is transferred to a different body, that body has eyes of two different colors. Rido's soul was in control of his son's body but later he recovers his real body.
According to Asato Ichijo, he is the true head of the Kuran family. He secretly revived and regained power aided by the Ancient Vampire Council and the Hunters' Association. Ten years ago, he was nearly killed by Kaname when Rido attempted to take Yuki's blood for unclear reasons related to his full restoration. However, Kaname couldn't strike the final blow (reason below). Rido is also aware that his fiancée, Shizuka Hiou, was killed by Kaname.
Rido is the one who revived Kaname, who is the Original Vampire. That is also why Kaname cannot kill him.
In the recent chapters 38 and 39, Kaname gives the Kuran blood to Rido in order to restore Rido to his original body.
In chapter 40, it is revealed that Rido is the one who changed the list. The list of Level E vampires to be liquidated by the Hunter's Association. It is because of him that the name of the manservant (who had never fallen to Level E) whom Shizuka loved was voted onto the list. Unfortunately, the Kiryu's got the servant who became a target.
In chapter 42, he finally meets Yuuki. At first Rido wanted to eat her to gain a new power, he refers to her as "The currently the youngest, most fresh and delicious morsel brimming with power on this world... the pure blood princess of the Kuran". But since Yuki reminds him of Juri he seems to have left the idea of eating her and instead becoming his lover as a replacement of Juri. It was revealed that he had loved Juri before.

Juri Kuran (玖蘭 樹里, Kuran Juri)

Yuki's mother and a pureblood vampire who resembles an older version of Yuki. Juri was the wife and sister of Haruka Kuran. Ten years ago when Rido Kuran (her oldest sibling) appeared, she erased five years of Yuki's memories because she wanted her to live a normal human life at the cost of her own life. Headmaster Kaien Cross stated that he is in debt to her. Her last wish was for Kaname to look after Yuki. It is also revealed that she is the sister of Haruka Kuran and that it is not uncommon for pureblood vampires to marry their siblings.

Haruka Kuran (玖蘭 悠, Kuran Haruka)

Yuki's father and a pureblood vampire. Haruka was killed by his older brother, Rido Kuran, in his attempt to stop Rido from killing Yuki ten years ago. He revealed that the Vampire Council is trying to use pure blooded vampires status and the powerful blood to serve itself. He is the brother and husband of Juri Kuran. Before his death, he hugged Kaname and said that as a loving father, he did not want his child to enter the fight. It was stated that Haruka had been alive for nearly 3000 years and has known Juri for almost as long.


  1. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 1, page 19.
  2. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 35, pages 25-27.
  3. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 38, page 10.
  4. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 35, page 30.
  5. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 35, page 27.
  6. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 35, pages 32-38.
  7. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 1, pages 6-7, 26.
  8. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 36, page 25.
  9. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 36, page 26.
  10. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 35, pages 9-21.
  11. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 36, page 23.
  12. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 39, pages 25.
  13. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 41, page 16.
  14. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 8, pages 29-30.
  15. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 4, page 30.
  16. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 5, pages 6-9.
  17. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 37, pages 9-12
  18. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 37, page 14.
  19. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 5.
  20. ^ Vampire Knight manga; chapter 36, page 31.