User:Hungrydog55/sandbox/military/russianfront/1942-08 AxisatStalingrad oob

Map of the Stalingrad pocket, following Operation Uranus, showing all Axis divisions and major Soviet field armies

The Axis order of battle at Stalingrad is a list of the significant land units that fought in the Battle of Stalingrad on the side of the Axis Powers between September 1942 and February 1943.

Apart from the twenty divisions of the German Wehrmacht, eighteen Romanian divisions took part in the battle on the Axis side as well.



  Sixth Army[1]
Generaloberst Friedrich Paulus[2]
Chief of Staff: Generalmajor Arthur Schmidt[3]

  IV Army Corps
General der Pioniere Erwin Jaenecke
from 17 January General der Artillerie Max Pfeffer
  29th Motorized Infantry DivisionGeneralmajor Hans-Georg Leyser
  297th Infantry DivisionGeneral der Artillerie Max Pfeffer, from 16 January Generalmajor Moritz von Drebber
  371st Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Richard Stempel
  VIII Army Corps
General der Artillerie Walter Heitz (promoted January 1943 to Generaloberst)
  76th Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Carl Rodenburg
  113th Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Hans-Heinrich Sixt von Armin
  XI Army Corps
General der Infanterie Karl Strecker
  44th Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Heinrich-Anton Deboi
  376th Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Alexander Edler von Daniels
  384th Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Eccard Freiherr von Gablenz, from 16 January Generalmajor Hans Dörr
XIV Panzer Corps
General der Panzertruppe Hans-Valentin Hube
, from 17 January Generalleutnant Helmuth Schlömer
  3rd Motorized Infantry DivisionGeneralmajor Helmuth Schlömer, from 18 January Oberst Jobst Freiherr von Hanstein
  60th Motorized Infantry DivisionGeneralmajor Hans-Adolf von Arenstorff
  16th Panzer DivisionGeneralleutnant Günther Angern
LI Army Corps
General der Artillerie Walther von Seydlitz-Kurzbach
  71st Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Alexander von Hartmann, from 25 January Generalmajor Fritz Roske
  79th Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Richard Graf von Schwerin
  94th Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Georg Pfeiffer
  100th Jäger DivisionGeneralleutnant Werner Sanne
  295th Infantry DivisionGeneralmajor Otto Korfes
  305th Infantry DivisionGeneralleutnant Bernhard Steinmetz
  389th Infantry DivisionGeneralmajor Erich Magnus, from 19 January Generalmajor Martin Lattmann
  14th Panzer DivisionGeneralmajor Martin Lattmann
  24th Panzer DivisionGeneralleutnant Arno von Lenski
9th Flak DivisionGeneralmajor Wolfgang Pickert
  Jagdgeschwader 3Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke

4th Panzer Army

XXXXVIII Panzer CorpsGeneral der Panzertruppe Rudolf Veiel until November 1942, followed by many other commanders
  14th Panzer Division, transferred to the 6th Army
  29th Motorized Infantry Division, transferred to the 6th Army
  24th Panzer Division, transferred to the 6th Army
  IV Army Corps - General der Infanterie Viktor von Schwedler
  94th Infantry Division, transferred to the 6th Army
  371st Infantry Division, transferred to the 6th Army
  297th Infantry Division, transferred to the 6th Army
Romanian 6th Corps - Lieutenant General Corneliu Dragalina, transferred to the Romanian 4th Army



Army Group Antonescu

Third Army – General Petre Dumitrescu
1st Corps – Lieutenant General Teodor Ionescu [ro]
7th Infantry Division – Brigadier General Constantin Trestioreanu [ro]
11th Infantry Division – Brigadier General Savu Nedelea [ro] (POW)
2nd Corps – Lieutenant General Nicolae Dăscălescu
9th Infantry Division – Major General Constantin Panaitiu [ro]
14th Infantry Division – Major General Gheorghe Stavrescu [ro]
7th Cavalry Division – Colonel Gheorghe Munteanu
4th Corps – Lieutenant General Constantin Sănătescu
1st Cavalry Division – Colonel Constantin Brătescu[4]
13th Infantry Division – Major General Gheorghe Ionescu
15th Infantry Division – Brigadier General Ioan Sion (KIA)
5th Corps – Lieutenant General Aurelian Son [ro]
5th Infantry Division – Major General Nicolae Mazarini [ro] (POW)
6th Infantry Division – Major General Mihail Lascăr (POW)
In reserve
1st Armoured Division – Major General Gheorghe Radu
Various artillery regiments
Fourth Army – Lieutenant General Constantin Constantinescu-Claps
6th Corps – Lieutenant General Corneliu Dragalina
1st Infantry Division – Brigadier General Ioan Mihăescu [ro]
2nd Infantry Division – Brigadier General Dumitru Tudose
18th Infantry Division – Brigadier General Radu Băldescu
20th Infantry Division – Major General Nicolae Tătăranu until 19 January 1943, then Brigadier General Romulus Dimitriu [ro] (POW)
7th Corps – Lieutenant General Florea Mitrănescu [ro; de]
4th Infantry Division – Brigadier General Barbu Alinescu
5th Cavalry Division – Colonel Dumitru Popescu
8th Cavalry Division – Colonel Radu Korne[4]

See also

Romanian armies in the Battle of Stalingrad


  1. ^ Haupt, Werner (1998). Army Group South: The Wehrmacht in Russia 1941-1945. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing. pp. 211–212. ISBN 0-7643-0385-6.
  2. ^ promoted to Generalfeldmarschall in January 1943
  3. ^ promoted to Generalleutnant in January 1943
  4. ^ a b promoted to Brigadier general in January 1943